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Hey guys I said Alia is good.. I didn't say she was good..Alia knows Dhruv eight years back..They tortured her..may be there is any reason.. I said there is past.. I said they know eight years back..still they did this with them..may be Alia deserves that..

And guys tell me..

Will you eat if your father brings you a cake..

You will take his property no one else..

You will be educated by his money only na..

Then if he earn that money by ruining others then why don't we deserve a little torcher..

Guys there is a reason why he married Alia..why he torchered her..why Alia kept quite..

There is a reason behind their this behavior towards Alia and nandu..

Yeah nandu didn't deserve that but Alia definitely deserves that torcher..

If anyone didn't deserve that torcher is only Nandu..guys let me tell you..what fab5 faced is something that no one deserves..

And guys love is very pure for me.. Love is forgiving for me.. Love is trusting for me.. Love is accepting the person the way he is..if you want nandu to hurt manik..if you want manik to get punished toh please stop reading this story because in this story manik and fab4 already faced soo much so I want to make them happy now..



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