I thought this would be two chapters, but Tyrone wasn't about to let me. Here we go. These, unlike the other two chapters, are in no particular order. They were added to the folder late.
Another Drawquest special! At least we know that Santa exists.
My motto, right there. Hand drawn by yours truly.
This was another thing I made with Spirodoodle. Turns out they actually updated it recently and it runs again. I don't have the space for it though.
My inner monologue in on picture. All day, everyday. Daily Monster is an app where you get ink blots and you can build monsters out of them with a pen, parts, and speech bubbles. It's fun.
Haha, I'm An Idiot.
Humor[OLD AS HECKIE] Where I post dumb thoughts, ideas, and revelations. Also good for some life updates. Why am I doing this? One may never know.