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Sitting in my Pape's new Porsche I just stared straight ahead not saying anything. He attempted to speak to me a few times but I just brushed it off. London rattled off about Italy and how I would enjoy it there, but the same rules applied and the family would make sure I abided by them.

"Sounds like I'm leaving one hell to visit another" I mumbled.

Pape looked at me stunned at my newly found attitude. "What is wrong with you Mirimosa?

"Is it not obvious. I'm eighteen and you treat me like a child. I'm not allowed to do anything. I have no life, no nothing. About the only thing you allow me to do without asking is take a piss".

"Miri language please. You know the dangers out there being who you are. I'm simply protecting you".

"Sorry Pape but your protection feels more like suffocation".

"If this attitude keeps up I can arrange that as well Miri"

"Just get me to the airport".

London finally pulled up at the airport and grabbed her bags. "You do know that regardless of what you think I love you and I'm doing this for your own good".

Ignoring him, Miri just walked along. As London was checking her bags in, Miri looked around and saw her chance. Staring at her Pape' s back while he was busy with her bags, she slowly backed away then turned and went into a frantic run. Dodgeing people and luggage carts she made her way out the door into the busy streets.

Drivers laid down on their horns as she skirted between cars causing a small fender bender. Breathless she mumbled sorry to the driver and continued to run.

London finished checking her bags in and turned around to find her gone. Scanning the area he saw no signs of Miri. Fear over rode his anger. What if she was snatched? Running out looking everywhere he grabbed his phone calling his men.

"Yes boss" Conner answered.

"Miri's missing".

"Come again". Conner said with worry. They had raised their children together so Miri and Demarco was like his own and London felt the same way about Cole.

"Tap into the airports security camera and see what you pick up. Also send some men in pronto. I want feet within fifty miles of this place searching".

"On it boss".

Miri was a good distance from the airport when she stopped and made a phone call.

Cole was watching this chic he had recently met strip out of her panties and fall to her knees in front of him. Just as she went for his belt his phone hummed. "Fuck"he thought as he saw miri's number on the screen. Moving from the girl he said "hold that thought, I've got to take this call".


"Cole" Miri said crying.

Hearing the desperation in her voice he immediately asked "what's wrong?"

"Cole I'm scared".

"Miri what is it?"

"I need you Cole".

Hearing Miri say that made his heart constrict. "Where are you and what's going on?"

"I ran from Pape at the airport. I'm not sure where I am".

"Jesus Miri. Why did you run from him?".

"I can't be sent to Italy Cole. I wasn't thinking and-and I just did it".

"Okay Miri I'm tracking your phone right now to get your location. Hang tight baby, I'm on the way".

Within seconds I had Miri' s exact location. "Okay I gotcha".

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now