Change Of Plans

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Don't scream, don't allow him the pleasure of knowing he can cause you pain and make you cry. Just block the pain from the belt out, block the pain his kicks is causing your ribs. Finish cooking the bastard's meal and escape to your room.

Demarco called me but I was to upset and hurting to talk. I made the conversation short but I could hear the concern in his voice. Passing out from exhaustion I forgot to lock my room door. "Please, no, get off me" Owen was licking my neck leaving his foul slobber behind as he groped my breasts against my attempts to break free.

He's to strong for me. He's trying to work my pants off. No this can't be happening. Somebody help please.


That noise again. What was that noise? Blood everywhere. Owen's limp body on me dead. Then I see Demarco holding a gun. What's he saying. Focus Sam and hear him. He set's beside me stroking my hair and I can hear him. "Cupcake  it's okay now. No one will ever harm you again"

My stepdad barged in yelling and Demarco takes off after him.


Another loud noise. That must be my stepdads death. Demarco comes back and cradles me. I hear him again. "Cupcake I have issues to take care of. I'm going to put you in the closet for a bit but I'll come back for you. Your safe now".

I awake covered in sweat gasping for air. It's true. Everything Demarco said was true. He saved me. What have I done? I recently stabbed him with a fork and tried to escape but he was to quick. Demarco grabbed me by my waist and slung me on the bed. Anger was visible on his face as he yelled and called me a crazy fucking bitch.

I must thank him for saving me but I can't stay with him. His entire family is crazy and the mafia. I can't be associated with criminal activities nor date a gangster. But wait, Demarco told me he could get my mom the help she needs and I would love to have my mom back and sober. Maybe I can play this out long enough to get my mom better than flee with her.

Yes, I was starting to fall for Demarco before I discovered he was a killer and no telling what else but now? I can't love someone like that. All I need to do is act like my old self and fake this relationship until my mom's good and escape.

I haven't seen Demarco since I stuck him with a fork so I assumed it was him when I heard the latch on the door pop. Waiting nervously for him to step in I was taken by surprise when I saw his mom poke her head in.

"It's just me. I mean you no harm, I just want to talk. I figured you could use someone to talk to".

"Come in" I said calmly.

Laney walked in carrying a basket of goodies. "Hope your hungry. I brought us some junk food".

I smiled and nodded as she took a seat. I noticed her arm was in a sling and I asked. "Did your husband do that to you?"

Laney laughed "Oh no, my London would never hurt me no matter how much I nag and drive him crazy. We are just having a tad family crisis right now and everything is like a circus".

"Oh" I mumbled.

Laney handed me a chocolate truffle and gave me a sympathetic look. "I know your scared and wondering what the hell is going on. Trust me, I've been exactly where you are before".

"You have?" I asked wide eyed.

"Yes" Laney slowly nodded. "I wasn't always like this. I lived a normal life free of chaos, then I met London".

"Why did you stay? Is he keeping you here as well?"

I watched as her beautiful laugh filled the room. Everything about this woman was beautiful. I could understand why any man would
hold her hostage.

"Lord no. London always let's me decide what I want. And I don't know what Dem has said to you, but he will not keep you here if that's what you wish. I will see to that. However, you will remain here until we are certain you won't open your mouth about us".

I nodded and asked "Why did you choose to stay?"

Laney smiled. "Because I love London and when you love someone deeply you can forgive them of their faults. Yes, I had times when I battled with myself over right and wrong when it came to London but I couldn't picture myself without him. Plus I know the real man behind the suit and mafia business and he has a heart of gold".

"Ha, I couldn't tell when he threatened to get rid of me".

"Oh honey that's just London. He would never harm a woman. It would have to be something major for him to do that. Don't fear him. He likes it when people fear him".

I remained silent so Laney continued.

"Dem told me what happened and about your abusive household. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Your safe here and I know you fear Dem right now but he acted out of protection. He wouldn't harm you. Now I don't know your feelings for my son and it's not my business but I can tell he cares for you. These mafia men have trouble expressing their feelings because the way they've been trained so please forgive him of that. However when it's time for you to go and you truly want to leave you have my word that you will be free".

"I do want to leave" I mumbled and she nodded her understanding.

We chatted a bit longer then she took her leave but promised to check on me daily.

Not long after Laney left the door came open again and Demarco stepped in and just stood there.

"I remember". I whispered. "You told me the truth and I stabbed you. I'm sorry and thank you for saving me".

Demarco remained quiet for a bit then spoke. "I'm sorry you had to see any of that and your in this situation.

I took the bull by the horns and asked. "Did you say you could help my mom?

"Yes if that's what you want. I can have her picked up and put in the best facility possible no charge to you or her".

"Yes, I would like that. Thank you". I took a deep breath and fought the tears in my voice. "She wasn't always like that. She was a good mom at one time but when my dad died she couldn't cope and turned to the bottle".

I didn't realize I was crying until Demarco sat beside me and took my hands in his. I don't know why but I wanted to tell him everything and I did through my tears.

"She went through several men and Craig was the one who stuck around the longest, him and his son. He beat us on a regular basis. I worked my ass off in high school to earn good grades just so I could get a scholarship far away from that hell. That's why I'm here. I had to bolt my door and shove a dresser in front of it to keep Owen out".

Demarco stopped me to ask. "He never did.."

Knowing what he was asking I shook my head no. "No but I've had to fight hard to keep it that way. They saw your picture on my phone so Craig started beating me. I was so distraught I forgot to lock myself in and you know the rest".

Demarco pulled me to him and whispered "no one will ever hurt you again. Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"I was ashamed. The entire town always looked down on us and just pitied me, but no one helped".

Hugging me tighter he said. "Never be ashamed. It wasn't your fault. I promise that you and your mother's life is going to drastically change. Neither of you will want for nothing".

I looked in Demarco's eye's and saw truth. The hardest part was knowing that I had to close my feelings for him down, get my mom better and disappear.

Leaning in I gave him a slow kiss to play my part.


Ok guy's let me know what you think so far and what you hope happens! As always thanks for reading, voting and commenting! Happy reading!!

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