Hell To Pay

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I couldn't begin to explain what was going through my mind at finding Laney enjoying a evening with another man. After she passed out I loaded her into the car and took her to one of my warehouses. I had her stashed away in a dark room while this fuck head of a guy was tied up elsewhere. I knew without a doubt I would be ending the waste of spaces life but what to do with Laney?

My eye's trained on the video of them dancing and Laney laughing for the thousandth time. This wasn't her usual polite conversation laugh, this was her true I'm enjoying myself laugh. I left Conner and all my top men out on this mission because they would protect Laney from me and interfere. Instead I brought my bottom of the bucket men. The one's who barely knew Laney so they wouldn't sympathize with her.

Was I going to kill her...I was mad enough to and it crossed my mind, but fuck my heart, it kept battling with my brain. Honestly I didn't know what to do. I was scared. She's the only person who has ever scared me. I can't lose her, I'd die without her. But she keeps talking all this madness about needing to get away for a bit and I'm so scared she wouldn't come back. I figure if I put her on lock down and keep her under my control, basically keep her against her will I can keep her by my side.

Yea, I know I swore I'd never keep a woman against her will like some of my men do but Laney should never had threatened to leave me. It's like a switch in my brain flipped when I heard those words, enough to make me lay my hand upon her. No, I want kill her but I am going to scare the life out of her. Break her so she will finally obey me for once. Now it's time to go wake the sleeping beauty.

I opened the door to the pitch dark room. A stream of light seeped through the opened door and I saw her form huddled in a corner. Walking over I stood in front of her and lit my cigar.

"Get up" I demanded.

"London let me...."

Cutting her off I seethed "I said get the fuck up".

Laney stood but returned her own scowl at me. Seems her nerves had built back up. "Where are we?" She asked.

"That's the least of your concerns right now babydoll".

"It's cold and I need to use the bathroom"

"Then I suggest you do some jumping jacks to warm up and piss in the corner".

"Fuck you London. I'm going home".

She went to pass me and I grabbed her arm in a death grip.

"Let me go this instant".

"Your getting to demanding for your own good. Do you know by now if you was married to any of my other men and acting this way they would find your body parts scattered across the state".

"Your not the boss of me London. Your my husband and will treat me as such".

"You mean like how you treated me. Off meeting with another man until midnight, drinking and dancing with him".

"There was nothing to it and you know it. It was a business meeting and I decided to stay longer, have some decent conversation and forget my worries. You've kept me closed up for weeks and I needed fresh air. It's not like you've been spending time with me. If anything you've been treating me like shit".

"Because you don't listen or obey me, but all that's getting ready to change even if I have to break you the hard way".

"You can't break me, I'm not a dog".

She stood there with her arms crossed defying me every step of the way. She gave me no choice. I knew exactly what to do to bring the fear of God to her. Babydoll has always had a apprehension to chains since she was held captive for days wrapped in them. She doesn't even like them in her sight or the rattling sound they admit. Chains is her one and only fear.

"See I know your weakness babydoll and I guarantee you'll be begging me for forgiveness very soon".

I walked out bolting the door. Several moments later I returned with chains and two men. I'm sure this would be a fight and I would need their assistance. I let the chains give a good jingle as I unlocked the door and stepped in. She took one look at them and instantly froze.

"Why do you have those".  She almost lost her voice.

"There for you babydoll".

"L-LONDON you know my deal with those things".

"Why yes I do love".

At the mention of that word I saw her face turn green from sickness. I watched as she grasped the yellow canary necklace. Fuck it was traced to alert my best men along with my son. All she had to do was say Dem and it would signal them and lead to her. Quickly I jerked it off. The diamonds scattered to the floor as she watched in horror as her cherished necklace broke.

Looking up at me with tears in her eye's over the destroyed necklace a indescribable look came across her face. She realized I wasn't playing any game. 

I signaled for my men to move in toward her with the chains. Laney backed away and I watched as her hand quickly pulled a knife from her inner thigh.

"Stop, let me get a good look at you" she yelled at my men. "I assure you that your death certificate has already been signed. Just because my husband is coward enough to let this happen my son won't be. He will kill each of you slowly"

They paused long enough to look at me questionably. Rolling my eye's i snatched the chains away from the twats. "Put the knife down babydoll".

"Over my dead body". She said and spit toward me.

She gave me a lopsided grin. "I'll kill myself before I allow those chains to come near me".

I watched as she placed the blade along her wrists and fear grasped my chest. I may have went to far. I took a step toward her to try to get the knife but she pressed the blade down and I saw a trickle of blood seep from her smooth, beautiful skin. Thinking fast I swung my leg out and kicked the knife from her hand then pummeled her to the ground. Taking the metal collar I clasped it around her neck and slid the chains in place against her attempts to fight.

Within a few minutes I had her shackled and stood her up. "What do you have to say now babydoll?"

Laney didn't respond. She stood there quietly staring straight ahead.

"Let's go" I said to my men and we ushered her out where Sawyer was tied up. When Laney saw him she gasped but remained silent.

I had already worked him over fairly well and I was getting ready to speak when Laney spoke.

"Let him go. He's innocent. I'll take his place".

Glaring at her I hissed "is that what you want?"

"Yes, i once knew a honorable man who did the same for me. I think I'll pay it forward now".

I knew she was referring to Alex how he defended her until his last breath.

"What do you want London. What do you want me to do in order to have this man set free?"

" You know what I want babydoll. I want your obedience, respect, no arguments, you to finally listen to me without questions".

"Fine" she gritted out. "I'll do it if it saves him. But I want his release videoed so I know he's alive"

I nodded my agreement then gave my men instructions to release him once he woke up. I then unchained Laney and led her to the car. Not once did she look at me or speak the entire ride home.

Once home I led her to the bedroom and started kissing her. She kissed me back but it was flat. It lacked the fever she usually kissed me with. Yes I did have sex with her but she lay motionless and those sweet sex noises I loved to hear never came. Even when I told her to say who owned her her words lacked the lust and love in her voice. It was monotone.

Afterwards instead of curling into me she rolled over and curled into herself. I broke her, how bad I didn't know yet.

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