Dancing And Romancing

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Holy shit balls. One moment I'm dancing and having a grand time, not a care in the world. Then the next I turn around and come face to face with my nightmare. That's right, London had found me, or had he? That question remains unanswered. Right now he seems to believe I'm Eliza Martinez so I'll keep this facade up, get home, pack up and fly away.

I can't say that I wasn't intrigued by his actions. If he truly believed that I was this Eliza and not Laney then that meant he was hitting on another woman while he was married to me. That pissed me off to no ends. He would cheat on me, even if technically  it was still me he was trying to swoon but he didn't know that. Against my better judgement I decided to hang around just to see what London Harper's intentions was with another woman.

I allowed him to lead me to a table where I was sure to keep a good distance in case he tried anything. You could never be to careful with these type of men. "What brings you here?" I asked curious as to what he'd say.

"Just needed a vacation so I'm doing a bit of traveling. I've had a rough few months after my wife left. My dear friend nearly lost his life and is still recovering and my kids are driving me crazy from being in love".

A sadness swept through me at the mention of my children. They was finally in love yet I had to idea and wasn't there for them. Also i was concerned about the friend he spoke of. Was it Conner and what happened? Yet I couldn't just come out and ask. Instead I asked "why did your wife leave?"

London stared into his drink before answering. "Me, she left because of me. I'm not the easiest man to love with my work and ways. I was scared she was going to leave me so I did unimaginable things to ensure she never left my side. In the end she left anyways, but she left thinking I no longer loved her. That's so far from the truth, I've never loved someone so much in my life. It's a hurt I live with everyday".

Blinking back my tears at his admission I quickly composed myself. "If you love your wife so why are you giving your time to me, another woman?"

"I look for my wife everyday but she seems to have vanished. Sent me divorce papers as well. I'll probably sign them and allow her the freedom she craves, but I would like a chance to earn her love back. Honestly I don't believe I'll find her so why should I keep being lonely".

"Yet you told me I was the most beautiful woman you'd ever seen". I sneered and swore I saw a glint of humor in his eye's.

"Laney, my wife, was beautiful as well. Her tits and ass alone was reason enough to marry her and pardon me for being so bold but knew exactly how to fuck me senseless. I sense that in you. I sense that you have the power to drive me crazy in bed as well. Judging from your hips and ass  I bet you could take a pounding".

No the fuck he just didn't. He did not say that to another woman. The bastard. I slammed my glass down harder than I intended. For the life of me I wanted to reach over and smack the smirk off his face.  "Then I suggest you look elsewhere because I don't sleep around, especially with men like you".

Arching his brows he repeated "men like me?"

"Yes, the ones who think their money and power gives them the right to bend people to their will, shape them to their liking, control them. I will never be controlled by anyone".

He laughed at my outburst then said "You know your impulsive behavior is really a huge turn on".

"Impulsive, impulsive?" I shrieked jumping up. "I'll show you impulsive asshole". And without thinking I knocked the stool he was sitting on out from under his ass sending him crashing to the floor. Something wasn't right though, instead of him getting angry he laid there laughing. This wasn't London. London would have been fighting mad if something like that happened.

"Are you drunk? Get up you hackling fool".

He laughed harder and stood up and said "give me more babydoll".

"Fuck you" I spat and strode away but he caught up in no time and drug me to the dance floor. Yes London could dance but rarely ever would he, especially salsa. He shocked me as he spun me around and before I knew it we was laughing and really enjoying ourselves. Soon our dance turned heated and it was almost like we was making love on the floor. I needed to get away or I would be under his spell once again. Breaking from his grasp I said "I must go now".

"Let me walk you"

"No, I'm okay"

"But I insist".

"And I insist you stay".

He grasped my wrist and pulled me for the door as my mind reeled. This was like the very first time I met him after I robbed him. He insisted on walking me out, grabbed my wrist and pulled me along. Except he grabbed my ass and whispered mine those long years ago. I gasped as I felt my ass being man handled and him whisper mine in my ear. What the fuck is he up to?

He walked me to my cottage and I turned to go in but he grabbed my arm. "Don't I get a goodnight kiss?"


"Please, I've been a good boy"

True I wanted to devour his lips but could I just stop there? Not listening to my gut I reached up and planted my lips to his. London jerked me closer to his body and bent me back kissing me with all he had. As we started to part from the kiss I felt a sting to my arm. Looking down I saw him holding a syringe. I looked up into his smiling face and screamed "You bastard".

Smiling he said "games over Laney, it's time you came home". Then he tugged my wig off letting my golden curls fall down as he growled.

I started hitting him trying to break free. "No London I want go".

"I love you babydoll. Things will be different".

I was getting weaker by the second but I realized he was carrying me inside. He sat down cradling me as if I was a baby and talking sweetly as he removed my contacts. "Please don't hate me anymore babydoll"

I didn't know if it was the drugs making me see things but London was crying like a baby as he spoke. Trying to keep my eye's open I gave one last attempt to escape. "Babydoll just rest now. Give in to it" he sobbed as I felt his tears splatter on my cheek.

I was loseing the battle quick and I mumbled out "Please London don't put me in chains".

"I'm sorry for everything that I did to us. I promise no more chains every. I should have never done that. Please forgive me. I'll quit the business if it means I can have you back". London sobbed as I drifted out into a deep sleep.

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