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Waking in the middle of the night I got up to take a piss then headed to the kitchen for some water. As I was guzzling my water down, I thought I heard a whimpering sound coming from the garage area. Drawing my brows together I reached in my waist band for my gun. "Fucking A" I mumbled realizing I left it back in my room. Mafia 101...never leave without your piece.

Grabbing a butcher knife from the wooden knife block I went to investigate. I may not be able to shoot a motherfucker but bet your sweet ass that I could slice and dice a bitch better than any pampered chef appliance. Yep, that's me, the one your parents warned you about. Future king to the Italian mafia. My Pape currently rules and right now I haven't shown enough responsibility to take over. My Pape's men say I'm a ticking time bomb. You'll never know what could set me off.

Pape tells me constantly that I need to get my temper in check if I ever plan to lead. Fuck that is what I say. I'm ruthless, I love feeling pain as much as I like dishing it out. My Pape introduced me to his lifestyle when I was 14. I had my first kill at 18. Pape and his men was beating one of our own. Frustrated at hearing him beg for his life, I grabbed my Pape' s gun, walked up to him and shot him through the eye. My Pape and his men looked at me shockingly. I just laughed and continued eating my sandwich. After that I killed on a normal basis. My mom isn't aware though. She doesn't want her children to know the horrors of this life. It is what it is.

Cole and I are boy's. Have been since birth, with him being 2 months older than me. However we are like night and day. I'm quick to start something where he is more laid back. I'm impulsive and spin out of control where he's calm and reserved. But don't kid yourself, Cole is a natural born killer as well. He can just conceal his emotions better. We chase skirts together and can smooth talk any chic into anything in less that five minutes. Trust and believe, women are aplenty for us. Never met a challenge yet.

For now I'm content with my life. No worries, no woman to answer to, no grueling job. I'm not ready to transition over just yet. All that can come later. Right now I just want to live.

Easing the garage door open, I peeked in and saw Miri on the floor weeping. Concerned for my lil' sis I rushed to her.

"What's wrong sis? Are you okay? Why are you out here?"

Her only answer was to throw her arms around me and cry harder.

"Sis you got to let me know what's up?"

"It's complicated Dem. Just another run in with Cole".

Taking a deep breath I pulled away from her. Yes, I knew Cole had it for Miri since we was 16. You'd have to be a fool not to see it. But Miri always led him on, teased him, and used him when it was convenient to her. Miri was the cat and he was the mouse. She'd catch him by the tail, swat him around then be done. Only to come back later and repeat. I hated being caught up in their love/hate relationship. Cole was my boy, but Mmeiri my blood. I'd never let harm come to her.

"Want to talk about it?"

She just shook her head no and that's when I saw it. A splash of something red on the blanket. Feeling my monster surface I demanded.

"What the fucks this? Did you sleep with him?"

Miri started heaving she was crying so hard. "Yes" she sobbed "then he leaves telling me he only did it because he could, not because he loved me and has no plan's in leaving Stacy".

"The fuck he did". I roared getting up.

"No Dem please. This is already humiliating enough. If you do anything to him the entire family will know including mom and Pape. Please let it be"

Trying to contain my anger and help my sis I said "why don't you get a shower, pack up and we'll cut out if here"

Miri nodded. "But can we please not go home. I can't deal with Pape and mom's questions right now".

"Deal Miri".

I watched my sis scamper away broken and my a piece of stone chipped away from my heart as gulit overtook me. How many girls had I done this to? How many girls had I used? It never bothered me before, but seeing my sis hurting from being done this way had me in my feelings. I've never had a steady girlfriend, a week's top is all I gave then was on to the next hot hoochie, not caring that I was breaking hearts or shattering women's trust.

Something changed in me right there and I made a vow to myself to be a better man toward the female species.

Glancing down at the soiled blanket I snatched it up and headed off to Cole's room. Busting through the door I tossed the blanket on top of his and Stacy's sleeping form. Cole bolted up from his sleep. Pointing my finger at him I seethed "You went to far this time. The only reason I'm not all over your ass is because Miri begged me to let this be and she's crushed and needs me. I am telling you now that I better never catch you near my sis again.  Pray my Pape doesn't find out how you treated her like a whore. I will forever keep Mirimosa away from you".

Without waiting for Cole's reply I stormed out, collected our belongings and loaded them into my car. As Miri and I got ready to leave I tossed a ball bat to her and nodded toward Cole's Mercedes. "Have at it baby sis".

"I can't Demarco".

"Sure you can. Stop being so nice and innocent. Let some rage out on that bitch".

Miri walked around the car hesitantly then gave a smirk that reminded me of Pape. She sent the bat sailing into a headlight then the drivers window. Next was the hood and finally the back glass. I was proud of my sis.

We had been on the road for 2 hours and Mir sat quietly staring out the window. I grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Miri gave me a half smile then started crying "It hurts Dem".

"I'm sorry sis"

She laid her head against my shoulder and drifted off. We ended up in Colorado  taking in the views, hiking and do whatever made us happy. My parent's called wanting to know why we was there. My only reply was "Sis and I are spending time together and doing some soul searching".

And yes I was searching for my lost soul.

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now