Shattered Moments

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What a shitty few days. I'm almost afraid to think what else could go wrong. We all rushed into the den where my mom got immediate medical attention as my Pape stood by her side squeezing her good hand and whispering loving words along with the promise to slowly kill the man responsible for harming her.

Pape made sure to scour the warehouse and the delight in his eye's upon discovering my mom's attacker still alive was incomparable. Naturally he was awaiting his fate in the pit but Pape wouldn't leave mom's side until she was cared for. Once my mom's arm was set and she had been medicated, Pape had her moved to their apartment upstairs. This would be their home once again now.

We lived in the pent house up until Miri was born. My Pape surprised my mom with our home as a early wedding gift and she loved it. We all did, but now it's just a smoldering pile of rubble. All the memories and love has gone to ashes. Mom still isn't aware it's gone per Pape's orders. I was worried about my mom. I know she has killed in the past for survival purposes only and they say she had a hard time coming to terms with it, even caused a lot of issues between her and Pape and blamed his lifestyle. Now she just killed three men and I could see the fear in my Pape's eye's. I've never seen this man show fear but I did now. We didn't know how she would cope this time.

Then there was the situation with Miri and Cole that was adding extra strain to all this chaos. No clue as to where he ran off with her and he enabled GPS so there was no way to track them. Honestly I didn't believe Cole would harm Miri, but considering his past behavior lately and the brutality he demonstrated on Eli had us all second guessing everything.

To top it off I still had to deal with Samantha who was sure to be awake by now. I didn't even know how to begin to explain this to my Pape due to all the stress he was under at the moment.

Biting the bullet I headed to the room I had her stashed in. I prayed this went well because right now I could really use a shoulder to lean on and maybe some comforting. Yes, I'm a man and a monster at that but I needed love to.


Hurriedly I sat up on the bed with my heart hammering inside my chest as I heard the lock on the door turn. Staring wide eyed at the door I waited to see who would enter and wondering what was in store for me. In a slow fluid motion the door opened wider and a shirtless Demarco stepped in.

He stood there for a moment taking me in before he spoke. "How you feeling?"

Really? He wiped out my family, drugs me then keeps me locked away and wants to know how I'm feeling? To afraid to voice what I thought about that I chose to remain quiet.

"Cupcake I know your confused..."

I cut him off by screaming. "I'm not your fucking cupcake. Don't ever call me that". My lip starts to tremble as my emotions get the best of me. "Where's my mom?" I sobbed.

A hard edge took over Demarco's features at my outburst. "She's fine. Still at home. No harm came to her".

"Let me out" I demanded.

"I can't do that right now".

"Why" my voice trembled as I spoke. "Why did you kill my family?"

Demarco spat in a hard tone. "Samantha that is not family. A brother does not attempt to rape his sister. A father figure doesn't beat on you".

"Rape?" I screeched in confusion.

A look of understanding came to Demarco's face as he realized I had blocked out my memory due to terror.

"Cupcake listen..".

"I said don't call me that" I hissed.

"Fucking fine then Samantha. I called you and you was upset. I was worried and decided to pay a visit. When I got there I found your step brother on top of you trying to rip your pants off so he could have his way with you. I eliminated the problem".

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