My Bleeding Heart

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Hello my readers!! I hope your liking the book so far, but sadly it's almost nearing the end😢 I do have plans for another book, however it won't be related to our beloved Harper's. If you would like to see more of the Harper's please let me know! Tell me what you think! Thanks for taking the time to read my work , vote and comment, let me know what you like or dislike!! I know I'm really rooting for London!! Do you think he'll finally put his gun down for his babydoll????



Babydoll was tucked sweetly in bed as I sat on the balcony awaiting for her to wake up. The ocean breeze wafted up as I sat before the breakfast trays. Finally I saw some movement coming from the blankets and crossed my fingers. Here goes nothing and may luck be on my side.

"Good morning sleepy head".

Laney jerked up and fixed her stare on me.

"Where are we now?"

"Look around babydoll. Don't you remember this hotel, this very room, this balcony where we shared our first breakfast as friends?"

Laney squinted at me "was we friends then?"

"I would have liked to think so, especially after we sat on the pier and you shared your secrets and fears with me. You was the first woman that made me feel wanted for me, needed, and I felt like I had found a new friend and I wanted to know who  Laney Valor was. Who was this woman that made me feel, made me realize I had a heart, made me question my family responsibility. I wanted  her to share the light in her eye's with me".

Laney rose and walked over to me taking a seat as I placed her favorite French toast in front of her. "What are you up to London?"

"I have a proposition for you. I want you to find her again".

"I'm still her".

"No babydoll. I want Laney Valor. The one who didn't fear anything, not even me. The one who you never knew what would come from between her lips or what predicament  she'd find herself in. Find that light again Laney, but find us again to. You have my word that at the end of this week if you still want the divorce and your freedom I will set you free".

She looked at me closely. "And you? You wasn't the mafia king when we was here. You was just a land investor from up north".

I stood up and turned around showing no signs of weapons on my body. "I have them put away. I'm just London this week".

Eyeing me skeptically she questioned "so your going to risk going out unarmed?"

"For you i will. I did it back then and I can do it now. So go get your bathing suit on and let's go play".

And I really wanted to just play with her and I mean that in a non sexual manner. I wanted us to have fun. She came out in a tiny bikini I packed for her and she still had the same effect she had on me the first time I seen her in one. Even more so as I spotted the small tattoo of my name that rested on her hip. Hitting the beach we laid our towels out then I drug her to the water. Picking her up I tossed her into a wave as she squealed. Coming up she jumped on my back trying to take me down. We splashed around and I caught a small glimpse of the old Laney. Not to mention the feel of our wet bodies sliding against each other was a turn on.

Eventually we made our way inside and she hit the shower as I prepared for the next step.


Okay, I'd be lieing if I said this wasn't interesting. London was going above and beyond to prove himself to me and we just had a amazing time today. Stepping from the shower I wrapped a towel around me and stepped into the room. There on the bed was a beautiful sun dress with a single yellow rose. "The blue in that dress reminded me of your eye's. I thought to myself this dress is made for Laney"

I turned to him standing behind me. "It's beautiful London. Thank you".

I walked toward him to give him a kiss but he stopped me. "Not yet babydoll. I have a certain place where we will share our recreated first kiss. Now get ready, we have dinner reservations".

Soon we were seated at the restaurant where we shared our first official date. We couldn't stop talking to each other, but as part of this pact we weren't allowed to discuss the kids, his business, or our problems. We really did just enjoy each other. Afterwards we took a walk on the beach.

We had been walking for a bit when London came to a stop. "Remember this spot babydoll".

Looking around I gasped. "Oh my God London. This is where we first had sex".

Smiling he laid his coat down on the sand an offered me a seat. We talked for a bit. "Do you remember how it started".

Deciding to be a tease I said "no, not really. You may need to show me to refresh my memory".

London gave his oh so sexy grin and placed his arm on the other side of me leaning over. "I leaned over like this and you told me I had a beautiful smile and laugh and you liked it. I told you this is what I like".

He slowly crept in toward my lips, our eye's never leaving each other. I could feel myself heating up in sexual anticipation. His lips finally found mine and I grasped his hair as the kiss deepened. Our hands roamed each other's bodies and his teeth raked up my neck causing a moan to escape my lips. London slid my strap from my shoulder and captured my nipple. I watched his lovely face as he pleasured me. "You sweet, beautiful man" I whispered.

Breaking away he said "and this is where you tell me that we should stop and I asked why. You say because someone could see us. I reply back that we are well hidden. Plus I didn't care if anyone could, I was going to have you. I start pulling your dress up around your hips just like this".

He bunched my dress up around my hips as I unzipped his pants reaching inside to grip my man tightly. "That's exactly what you did babydoll" he growled.

I heard and felt my panties being ripped off and tossed into the sea oats. Laughing I pulled him closer. Arching my neck because I knew what was coming next and I wanted to give him complete access to place his claiming bites. He smiled but just nuzzled my neck sweetly. What, where's my bites.

Pressing his face deeper into my neck I waited but nothing. "London".

"Not now babydoll"

"Yes now" I said pouting.

"Not this time".

I clamped my legs closed as to say if I don't get my bites he want get in. Smiling he finally gave in and nibbled away on my body. My legs opened of their on accord waiting for my core to be filled.

"Now London now please".

He slid his hardness in me watching my every move. "Don't take your eye's from mine babydoll. Your the light to my darkness"

London was moving achingly slow sending me over the edge. I wrapped my arms as tight as I could around him just holding him in my arms. My heart swelled with love for him and tears dropped from my eye's. London placed his forehead against mine and I was shocked to see tears rolling down his cheeks as well. I tenderly kissed his tears away as he said in a raspy voice. "I need you Laney. I need you in my life. I can't do it without you. I can't wake in the morning knowing your not there. I swear whatever you want I'll do".

Biting back my own sob I cradled his head in the crook of my neck as we continued our slow rock. Whispering in his ear I said "I am yours, I always will be, London Harper owns me and I love him more than anything"

London captured my mouth and as I came my moan released into the depths of his throat and it was like he fed off it. Maybe I was wrong all these years. London didn't feed off my fear, he fed off my love.

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