Sex Education

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Miri just scared the shit out of me last night. The mention of babies wigged me out especially right now. Call me selfish but I just wanted Miri to myself for now, no sharing. Of course down the road I want nothing more to see her belly round with my heir. As for now I still haven't got my shit together and she needs to finish school, speaking of I've got a busy day ahead for us.

I did intentionally turn the tv on  last night to tune her talk of babies out but when I seen her sleeping so sweetly I curled up to her and dozed off myself. Upon waking I showered and was just getting dressed when she woke.

"Good morning baby girl".

Gasping she covered her face up.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

"You can't see me like this Cole. My hair is that of a mad womans, I'm sporting last nights make-up and I'm sure my eyeliner is smeared, morning breath..."

Cutting her off I snatched the blankets off her. "Cole how dare you? Don't look at me".

Laughing I pried her hands from her face. "Baby girl I've never seen you look so beautiful. In fact I find your messy morning look a bit on the sexy side".

Grabbing her naked ass I said "even though this  along with your banging ass figure, suckable tits, and face from heaven is perfect I didn't fall in love with that. I fell in love with you, the person you are inside. Your the definition of true beauty. You could gain a hundred pounds and I'd still love you and find you irresistible. Now go wash that dried up drool off your face and get ready".

She gasped and fled to the bathroom. Once she was ready and looking flawless we headed to the kitchen and chatted over a bowl of super sugery ceareal. Neither of us could cook. Miri would try and I ate it smiling and told her it was fantastic but it was less than stellar. Me, I couldn't boil water so there's no way we was ready to be responsible for another life.

We placed our bowls into the sink and headed out the door. I took her to the den to the medical clinic. "Okay baby girl let's get you protected.

"Your coming in there with me right?"

"If you want me to I will".

She nodded her head eagerly. I sat in the room with her and and listened to everything the doctor said. I also asked questions that Miri may have.  When we left I took the pills and slid them in my pocket. "I'll keep up with these".


"I love you baby girl but I know how forgetful you can be. This way we make sure you don't miss any. I'm just being responsible for your health as well as mine. Being protected shouldn't just be the girls responsibility this way I can do my part. Now your going to enroll back at school"

"What the hell Cole. Why are you trying to control me?"

"I'm not Mirimosa. I'm simply looking out for you because I care. You need to finish your education. You can choose any school here, any major. I just want to see you get your education for yourself as well as our future"

"Fine Cole but promise after this we can go do something fun, not so adult".

Laughing I said "I promise baby girl".

Afterwards we went shopping and was fixing to stop at a restaurant when I heard a female call my name. Turning I saw this chic I fucked a few months ago. She ran up to me throwing her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my cheek. I could feel Miri's hand tightened on my arm. Moving back from the girl I said "Hi. Let me introduce you to my girl Miri".

"Oh, sure umm...nice to meet you Myra"

"It's Miri" Miri gritted out.

"Sure. So Cole how have you been. I haven't heard from since that night honey. We had so much fun".

I looked at Miri who was staring daggers at the both of us. "Excuse us but right now me and my girl gave got somewhere to be".

I pulled Miri along and left the girl standing. I took a sideways glance at Miri and I could tell I was in for it. Suddenly Miri jerked her hand from mine and started walking off. "Baby, baby girl what are you doing?"

"I'm going home. Don't follow me".

Catching up to her I stopped her. "Miri calm down".

"Me,  why don't you calm down your dick. Let me guess you fucked her?"

Clearly this wasn't a conversation for the sidewalk so I escorted her back to my car. "Baby girl it was months ago, before you. I can't even remember her name".

"So you did. You did fuck her. Gawd how many more of your fuck buddies are we going to run into. Running up screaming Cole, Cole, I'm a whore come and fuck me".

Despite my self I laughed at her mocking tone.

"Screw you Olive. Your nothing but a fuck boy".

I felt my temper rising. "Mirimosa that's enough. All that is in the past. There's only you now and that's how it will remain. And if you hadn't been so stubborn and dated me years ago when I begged you all the time I could have been fucking you all this time".

Miri crossed her arms and jutted her chin out. "I'm not sleeping with you anymore Olive".

"The fuck baby girl. I didn't do anything. I pulled her off me, introduced you and walked away. You can't withhold the pussy from me".

"I can do anything I want".

"Baby girl please don't be mad. I love you. Your my little snickerdoodle".

I saw that she was trying not to smile. "Is that a smile I see" I asked pinching her cheeks.

"Stop olive, just let me be mad okay"

"Nope" I said tickling her until she caved and busted out laughing trying to squirm away from me.

"You ass bag. I just wanted to be mad".

Leaning over I pulled her in for a kiss. As I pulled away I lifted her chin with my thumb. "Baby girl I love you".

"I love you to Olive".

"Now let's grab some lunch and then I'll take you to your favorite ice cream parlor for another brownie sundae".

Miri's eye's lit  up.  As we walked along she mumbled. "Maybe our waitress will be one of your old fuck buddies and will get a discount".

Turning to look at her smart ass smile and giggles I thumped her right in the forehead. "Owwww, Cole. What the hell".

"Keep it up baby girl".

I laughed as she sulked over her thumped forehead that was sporting a bright red spot.  My jealous baby girl whom I love more than I can explain. Stopping I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her tender forehead. And to think I once thought she'd never allow me to  wrap my arms around her, never hear her say she loved me. I would never do anything to jeopardize my relationship with my baby girl.

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now