A New Way

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Months had passed and the events of that night still haunted the deepest part of my mind. I didn't cry anymore though because I forced myself not to. I turned my once sensitive feelings into rage. I'm here to tell you that pain can change a person. In my case it opened the door up to my monster, set it free, unchained it from the deepest part of my once loving soul.

After my body healed I threw myself into the gym. All my spare time was spent training and going to school. I took a huge interest in the business and flanked my Pape's side to every meeting I could attend. Best part was that if I attended my Pape wouldn't let Cole join. Pape took every measure to ensure I never laid eye's on that sniveling bastard again.

There was times I would feel a ounce of joy and that's when I spotted a mother cradling her bity baby. A smile would touch my lips and I'd have to fight the urge to walk over and take the baby. I laid awake at night and wonder what my baby would have been, what they'd look like, what I would have named them. My favorite scent these days was baby powder.

My parent's anniversary was coming up so they had taken off for a weeks long vacation. Demarco said I could stay with him but I was looking forward to having this week alone. I was into my third night alone when something odd woke me. There was a scent in the air, a very familiar scent. A scent I wished to never smell again. Cole was in my home, I knew it.

Sitting up slowly I scanned my surroundings but didn't see anything. Sliding my knife from under my pillow I eased out of bed and tiptoed to my door. As I peeked out my door I saw him standing at the end of the hall. He took off running toward me and I jumped back slamming and locking my door which did no good. Cole kicked my door open with his foot causing the frame to splinter. He stood before me with his chest heaving from anger. In a malicious voice he spat. "You can't keep me away from you forever baby girl. The fuck you thinking?"

Careful not to show any fear I sneered back. "Get the hell out of my house and away from me".

A sadistic grin spread across his face. "Or what baby girl?" He took a few steps toward me. "Pape's not here to offer his protection now is he? You. Are. Mine. No one can change that or keep me from you".

"Cole I'm warning you". I glared.

Before I could react he jerked me to him. "I've always given in to my Mirimosa. Always let you make your own decisions. Never once did I force control over you. I let you come and do as you pleased. That's changed now. Your coming with me and your Pape will never find us. You are mine".

Scoffing at him I laughed out bitterly. "Your a fool if you think I'd ever have anymore to do with you especially after you've laid with another. You've cost me to much".

As I said that I glanced to my stomach indicating exactly what he cost me. "That was not my fault Miri. You should have told me".

"I couldn't Cole. You made it clear you wasn't ready for a baby. I had just found out myself".

"Fuck that bullshit of a excuse. Had I known I would have been responsible. I would never walk away from my child or you for that matter".

"You walked away from me the night you fucked that whore" I spat.

"I fucked up Miri and I regret it every fucking minute.  I wish I could undo it but I can't. I was drunk, mad, and pissed at you and just wanted to get back at you. I was wrong. Please just forgive me and let's try again".

"I sooner burn in hell before I ever gave you another chance. Go back to your whore fuckboy".

A growl erupted from Cole's chest and he tossed me on the bed. Before I could move he was on top of me with his tounge down my throat. I clinched down on his lip with my teeth biting hard. Cole pulled away and placed his hand around my throat and hissed. "I will always be a part of you".

I felt my panties being ripped off. "I'm going to cum into you so deep and hard, put another baby back in that beautiful belly. We will always be a part of each other rather you want it or not".

The look in his eye's sent a shiver throughout my body and I knew he wasn't going to stop. Hearing his belt buckle come undone I went into panic mode. Using my training I flipped him over onto his back and grabbing my knife I placed it to his throat. He knew one wrong move would mean his life. Giving a evil little snicker I hissed. "I'm no longer the weak little Mirimosa you knew. I will kill you and enjoy every fucking second of it". I saw a trickle of blood dribble from the pressure of my blade against his throat. Taking my finger I swiped it up and trailed it across my heart. "Seeing your blood warms my heart. I've dreamt many times of spilling it. I even thought of hunting the little slut you fucked down and leaving her dead carcass on your doorstep. Then I thought it's not her fault that you cheated. It's not her fault that your a weak man that thinks with his dick. Why punish her when she was just being used like I was".

"Mirimosa I didn't use you. I love you. Now please baby girl put the knife down".

"You mean this knife". I said adding more pressure.

"Mirimosa you need to stop. You've went crazy".

Throwing my head back I let out a cackle. "Crazy. You think I'm crazy? My dear fuckboy have you forgotten who my Pape is? I'm not crazy Cole, I'm just the person I've always been but everyone wanted to pamper me and expect me to always be the damsel in distress. Now who's the damsel that needs rescuing Cole?"

"Miri you need to remove the knife immediately".

"That's where your wrong Cole. Why so you can have the upper hand again thinking your going to ram your dick in me in hopes of getting me pregnant. I'll. Never. Carry. Your. Child." I gritted out.

"The fucks going on?" I heard Demarco yell as my room light was flicked on.

"Demarco get your sister. She's lost her mind".

Demarco jerked me off Cole then glared. "Miri you go to my apartment now and there you will stay until our parents return. And Cole my Pape would slit your nut sac if he caught you near Miri. Get the fuck outta here. Shit I just came to swipe the ice cream and judging by the cut on your neck it's a good thing I did".

"Just let me finish him off Dem. I promise it will be fun".

"Miri now".

"Fine. I'll go but let me tell you Cole if you ever try to bother me again I'll slit you from your navel to your throat".

I backed from my room but never took my eye's from him, promising everything I had said.

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