Tick Tock

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This did it. This recent stunt of Laney's has sealed her fate. She's become a problem, now it's time to eliminate the problem.

After my men and I dealt with the freak show that busted up our dinner I turned to find Laney missing. The building and grounds was immediately searched but no clue. All my men were covering the city, airports, you name it we was on it. I was driving my own car in hopes of spotting her myself. Even had my gloves on for this mission. Laney Valor Harper would be dealt with.

She just made a fool of me tonight. She's done to much this time. Now I know for sure she is responsible for killing my men. That would be considered a inside job and frowned upon. There's no way she acted alone though. First I will find out who worked with her and end them. I should have pushed the issue more, should've investigated her strange behavior tonight. She's been cold and distant the past few weeks, then tonight she devoured me in the bedroom before the dinner. That tear she let fall and squeezing my hand, that was her way of telling me goodbye I just didn't know it at the time. She planned this all out.

Three in the morning now and the search still continues. I came back home to search through her things to find answers but nothing. Her laptop had soda poured on it so it was fried. Nothing was missing or unusual. As I was searching her vanity I saw something that stopped me in my tracks. There laying on her dresser was her wedding ring. My chest started heaving and I think I was hyperventilating for the first time in my life. A note was laid under her rings. With trembling hands I read it


Just know that I do and will always love you. It's always been you. Things are different now. I can't get the image's of you putting chains on me out of my mind. You was the one person I trusted more than anything yet you shattered it. The hurt is just to much and I can't live under your iron fist anymore. I wish I knew what I did to make you stop loving me and treat me this way. If you would have told me I would've done everything to try to regain your love back. I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong and I'll forever keep you in my heart.

I clinched the note to my chest. I never realized that my actions made her think I didn't love her. In fact that was the farthest from the truth. I did all that because I loved her to damn much and feared she was going to leave me. I placed her rings on my necklace. When I found her she would put them back on, I would let her know that I loved her, then I would kill her.

A week has past and still no Laney, not even a indication of her whereabouts. My heart hurt, my mind was only on her. I even hated seeing Miri. Yes, Miri looked liked me but she had laney's eye's and hair. It was a constant reminder that my babydoll was gone. Both if our children were hurting as well. Miri moped while Dem remained quiet but would eye me suspiciously. We was in the living room, Miri tucked up against my side on the couch and Dem sitting across from me.

"Pape, did you do something to my mom?" Demarco asked.

Miri looked up at me with her big, blue, Laney eye's waiting for my answer. I couldn't tell him what I did because Dem was a mama's boy and he would fight me over her.

"Stop looking at me Mirimosa". I grunted.

"No, Demarco I didn't. She did this the last time she was captured as well. It's her way of coping and the men are still searching".

Before he could reply, Miri's phone beeped. "Holy shit Pape, mom just sent me a text".

"Miri baby I just wanted to let you know I'm okay and miss you so so much. Don't worry everything will be fine. I will be contacting often but always with a different number. Also keep a eye on the mail, I'll be sending you things. I love you baby.

Miri started sniffling. "I want my mom".

"I just got the same text from her" Dem added.

I took Miri's phone and dialed the number Laney used but got nothing. I didn't want to show it but I was worried this time. Looking at the two humans we made I vowed to myself that I would bring her home no matter what. Then I'd kill her.

Later that evening information led us to a small boutique that Laney loved. I often bought her gifts from there. I decided to make a personal visit to this shop.

Upon entering I was greeted warmly. "Hello Sir. May I help you".

"Yes my wife shop's here often, Laney Harper?"

"Of course Sir, she's such a joy and a valued customer".

I'm sure she is I thought. The lady interrupted my thoughts by pointing to a display case. "If your looking to surprise her she was very find of that canary diamond necklace. Almost came to tears over it. Said she use to have a similar one but lost it. She went on and on over her lost necklace. Said it was one of her most prized possessions next to her husband and kids. I had to offer her a tissue".

And fuck me up the ass. This lady doesn't know what she just did to me. Laney's broken face slammed into my mind at me breaking her necklace. Laney would have the original one back, I'd see to it as well as this one.

"I'll take it. However when was the last time my wife came by?"

"I believe about a week ago. She requested a private visit after hours. Said there was a late night costume party she had to attend. We placed a wig on her and dressed her up".

Fuck my ass again. Smart babydoll, smart. "Thanks for your help".

I took my package and stopped by the warehouse I had taken Laney. Walking into the room I had stashed her I collected the broken necklace off the floor. Seeing one of the chains I used on my babydoll I picked it up and started pounding it against the wall. How could I have been so stupid knowing the damage these chains would have caused her. I promise once she's home I'll kill anyone who even mentions chains in front of her. Now my babydoll is out here somewhere in this world thinking I don't love her. Sliding down the wall I sat in the very same corner Laney had and I broke down.

Me, the mafia king was nothing without his queen. 

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