The King Falls

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Three days had passed and I missed London like the moon. He was my moon, my stars, my sky. Staring out the viewing window from my lounge I knew it was time to go to him. His last words was you know where to find me. No he wasn't talking about Alabama. I knew exactly where he was talking about.  Our bench on the pier. The place we began to fall in love.

Not bothering to wake the kids I just left Miri a note and sent word to have the jet prepared immediately. Packing light I ran out the door. I could be there in less than two hours.

Once landing I got a rental car and drove like mad to the pier. Please let my gut instinct be right and this the place  London was referring to. Parking the car I walked toward the pier as I neared the bench I saw a dark lonesome figure. I knew immediately that it was him. As I got closer he turned and I stopped. We both remained still just looking at each other. Then London arched those wonderful brows at me as if asking what are you waiting for. My heart skipped several beats as tears started streaming down my face. London stood and held his arms open. I needed to further invitation as I raced off and basically rammed my body into him. Grasping on as if he disappeared I sobbed into his neck as my tears soaked him. "I love you London and you couldn't get rid of me  for nothing. I don't care how we have to live as long as I'm with you. Your all that matters. Well you and our bratty ass kids"

Pulling away he looked into my eye's with his chocolate brown orbs as if he could see my soul. "My babydoll".

That's all he said before he kissed me senseless. Placing me on the bench he got on his knees in front of me. Reaching in his pocket he pulled my wedding ring out and slid it back to it's rightful resting place. Next he clasped my cherished canary diamond necklace around my neck while I blubbered like a baby.

"Babydoll I've got some news for you".

Trying to read his eye's I nodded my head to tell him to continue. "When we go back I'm going to start the transition proceedings. I'm passing it on to Demarco"

I placed my hand over my mouth in shock. I know what I heard but I couldn't believe it. "Why-what. Are you sure? Don't do it for me, do it because you want it. I'll stick with you either way. Just be sure it's what you want".

"It is babydoll. So how does a year in Italy sound?"

Smiling I hugged him tighter. He stood up and and pulled me to him. As we was lost in each other a loud pop sounded out and I felt London jerk. Looking up into his face I saw a horrid expression as the color drained out. Before I could register what was happening another loud bang rang out and London fell limp in my arms.

"Nooo" I screamed out as London crumbled to the wooden planks. I immediately crawled on top of him to shield him from anymore shots. "No babydoll. Move, run, get yourself out of here".

"Never London. You go, I go. Just stay with me baby, stay with me".

Another shot rang out and I felt a sting in my calf. I winced as London begged me to leave him and get myself to safety. Reaching behind his back I found his gun. I fired off in the direction of the shots. I heard a guffaw and someone fall. I continued to fire off rounds. Looking back at London I saw his lips turning blue.

"No baby. Stay with me. You can't leave me. I shot the bastard. I'm going to get help here".

Judging by the amount of blood he was pouring I knew I needed to call the local paramedics and not his men yet. London needed help pronto and every second counted. I saw his eye's starting to flutter.

"Baby focus on me"I said through tears. "I love you and I need you. I'm not me without you. Fight this baby please fight this".

I got on my knees and applied pressure to the wounds. By now I was hysterical and could barely speak into my phone to the dispatcher. "Their coming baby. Hang tight. I love you so much". I laid my head on his chest sobbing. "Please London don't leave me. I'm begging you don't leave me. If you go I go. I can't go on without you. I need you so so bad".

Looking at his barely open eye's he whispered in a horse voice. "You got this babydoll".

"No, no London. Don't you dare say that. Don't you dare leave me".

"Shhhh babydoll. You've made me the happiest man alive. You brought joy to my world. You'll always be the light in my darkness. The day I met you I said she's the one and you was. Just spin babydoll just spin and I'll be there".

"Look at me London. I'm not going to let you go. I want. I refuse to. You showed me what love was. You taught me so much. I'm who I am because of you. You made me whole please don't take that away. You can fight this, I know you can. Remember we've got to go to Italy, see the kids get married, play with our grand babies".

London arched his brows at me and gave me his devastating smile. "Your even beautiful when you cry, but don't cry for me Laney. I want you to live babydoll in the impulsive, crazy way of yours. Remember babydoll I love you".

I watched helplessly as his eye's closed. Screaming into the night in my now raw voice "noooo, noooo, London wake up. Please wake up. You can't do this. You can't."

I heard the ambulance finally and tossed all our weapons off the pier and took London's wallet so
they couldn't find out anything about him. No more than they needed to know anyways. The paramedics pried me from him and put me in the ambulance as well. I had a flesh wound on my calf but I didn't even feel it or realize they was treating me because my focus was on London. I watched as they started running tubes, IV's, and all sorts of procedures.

Once at the hospital they took him into surgery right away and a doctor took me aside. "Mrs. Harper. I must be honest. His chances of making it is slim"

"No your wrong. You don't know London Harper".

He gave me a sympathetic look and joined the other doctors. As I stood there covered in London's blood I felt like the room was closing in on me. The men. Must call the men. I dialed Conner. I couldn't break this to the kids.


"Help".  Was all I managed to eeekkk out.

"Laney what's wrong"

"The King is down".

"The fuck. Tell me it's not so".

"Shot twice back". Was all I could say.

"Where are you. Is he alive?"

"Doctor says he's not going to make it" I cried.

"My babies Conner. My babies".

"Don't worry  baby. I'll take care of everything and I'm on the way with the men. We need to get him security until we get him home"

Nodding as if he could see me I hung up and slid down the wall. Placing my head on my knees I cried and vowed that I would personally kill the piece of shit responsible for this. Hell  have no furry like a mad mafia queen who's kings life has been threatened.

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