Suck It Up Buttercup

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It's been three long, hard days since I've seen or spoke to my babydoll. Mostly due to my own fault, but she really almost sent my temper over the edge the other day. It was either avoid her or lash out at her. The stress of the current events along with the thought of Laney leaving me was to much to deal with.

Right now, in the state of mind I was in, I could seriously damage someone, and I didn't want Laney to be that someone. However, I did eavesdrop in on her conversation with Sam. My heart swelled with hearing the sweet words she said about me, but I could detect the sadness behind her words.

Sadness of living a chaotic life. Sadness of always being super careful of your surroundings. Sadness of the constant worry. Losing the ability to just up and go when and where ever you wish without being surrounded by security. I stole that life from her. I am solely responsible for laney's unhappiness. Yes, she tells me she's happy and satisfied with her life but babydoll can't fool me.

I can see it in her eye's. The light I so admired has burned out. I doused the light in her eye's. Laney was never one to be controlled, she was a free spirit. I would tell her not to do something and like a toddler, she would look at me as she deliberately did it. I've come to notice that side of her dwindle over the past few years. Seeing the problem brewing, I chose to ignore it.

Laney no longer argued or questioned my decisions like she always have. She'd just shrugg and go along. I vowed that once this mess I'm in is settled I'll get us back on track. As for now I'm going to deliver these yellow roses and try to see where her mind is at.

Walking into our apartment I found her on the chase lounge she still had after all these years. A book was laid open across her lap as she stared out the viewing window. I walked over and placed the roses on her lap as a apology. Laney smiled and lifted the pedals to her nose. "Yellow". She mumured.

"What are you staring at babydoll?" I indicated by nodding toward the window.

"Just watching the rain pelt the glass. It's relaxing in it's on way". She looked up at me. "How are you?"

Grinning I sat at the edge of the chase and took her bare foot in my hand rubbing my thumb along her arch. "I could be better. I've uncovered some new info on this Eli".

"How bad is it?"

"Hard to say right now but I have my men scoping it out. Let's just say he has a home base in Russia. I'm not sure how many men he has there but I'm sure up on hearing of his death they'll be ready to avenge it"

Laney blew her breath out causing the hair around her face to flutter. "So  this means you'll be gearing up for battle and pull the reigns tighter?"

"I have no choice if I'm to keep everyone safe".

Laney tilted her head. "You know ELa told me that Conner has agreed to retire after this is over".

I knew exactly what Laney was hinting at. "Yes, Conner told me. I assume ELa is happy".

"Ecstatic" Laney replied dryly. "What about you London?"

"I don't know babydoll. I'm not sure what shape the business will be in after this thing with the Russians is handled. I can't hand it over to Dem in shambles, besides I don't think Dem is competent enough to take over yet".

Laney rolled her eye's and turned away from me. "You'll never let it go" she mumbled. "Once my arm is healed I'm still going away for a bit"

Biting my tounge I swallowed my anger. "I didn't come here to argue babydoll. Remember I have the last say so in everything".

She crossed her arms over her chest and I really wanted to hold her and my body needed release. I lifted her foot to my mouth and trailed my tounge up her arch the brought her toe into my mouth. Laney squealed and laughed. She loved this but it tickled her senseless. Refusing to let her pull her foot away I continued my ticklish assault as Laney had fits of giggles.

Music to my ears it was. Releasing her foot, I latched onto her legs sliding her to me. I leaned over and captured her mouth, careful not to bump her injured arm. I slid my oversized sweater from her body which left her only in panties. Sitting back on my knees I took her all in. I was a lucky man to own this rare treasure. She was just as perfect now as she was the day I met her. Wherever we went she still turned heads, even those of young men. Yes I thought, if she tryed to leave me I would absolutely kill her.

Popping her ass, I pulled her panties away and ran a finger up her slit. In return I recivied a beautiful moan. I dipped my finger into her smooth snatch and watched as she arched to meet my finger. I collected as much juice on my finger as I could and slid it into her mouth watching as she lapped away like a kitten.

Standing I loosened my belt and while I was undoing my tie I felt Laney's scorching breath blow on my manhood. As my shaft pulsated a tad of pre cum bubbled up. With the tip of her tounge she dabbed it off then devoured my cock. I released a long groan when she nibbled at those bunch of nerve endings right under the head of my dick. Not only that, she knew the right amount of pressure to place on my taint area, that sweet spot on males nestled behind the nuts.

Groaning I pryed her away before I filled her mouth with my jizz and I wasn't ready to explode just yet. I may just give her a broke hip along with her arm.

Lifting her as gently as I could I carried her to the kitchen where I placed her on the island counter. Once I had her situated just right I entered her forcefully and kept at it. I knew I was being a bit brutal but I had a lot of pent up aggression to work out. I grunted with each pounding thrust until Laney had to push against my shoulders to let me know I was being to rough. "I'm sorry babydoll" I said on a puff of breath.

I took on a gentler pace but once I watched Laney soar I rammed her over and over, to the point of pinning her hips to the counter to keep her from sliding. I heard my name being called but I was lost. Flipping Laney onto her stomach I pushed back inside her with more force lifting her ass in the air for deeper access. Gripping her by the hair I rode her hard until I exploded deep in her walls.

I laid winded across her back stunned at what I'd just done, but I did feel better as far as stress being eased.

Shoving me from her she sat up. "What the fuck was that about?" She spat angrily.

"I'm sorry, I lost control. I didn't mean to be so rough".

Laney just snorted, hopped down and made her way to the bathroom. Judging from her awkward walk she was sporting a sore pussy. Smiling I thought "showed her who her boss is".

At the same time I was thinking what the hell is my deal? The thoughts of babydoll leaving me is seriously fucking with my head.

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