Dig The Hole Deeper

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My heart was bursting out of my chest. I thought I'd been mad before but when I turned that corner and seen Miri in some puss boy's arm, my anger reached a whole another level. I could feel the blood racing through my veins. Scary part was that not only did I hurt that fuck, I wanted to hurt her as well. I visioned cracking her neck, slitting her throat, I had to get away from her..

After shoving her out of my car I drove to my old stomping grounds, the boxing gym. I had a lot of anger to workout. Even after fighting until the skin on my knuckles was wore off I still was fueled with madness, so I hit one of my favorite clubs. By 11 that night I was hammered and on the verge of going and ripping her out of her bed. To hell with the king and what he thought. Just as I was paying my tab a fast ass girl tapped on my shoulder. Turning I sneered "the fuck you want?"

Smiling like the Cheshire cat she purred "You want some company sweet man?"

I pictured Miri in another's arms and thought fuck it. If she can, I can to. Thirty minutes later I found myself in a hotel room with her.


Sleep never would come no matter how hard I tried. The only thing that kept coming was tears. I was worried about Cole, worried about the life growing in me. Not being able to stand it any longer I tiptoed to Pape's office. Clicking the computer on I linked into the GPS and had Cole's location in no time.

Sliding into my shoes I swiped my mom's car keys and headed to this hotel. I feared the worse. Once there I sweet talked the counter attendant into giving me his room number. Hesitantly I knocked on the door not knowing what I was going to say.

Cole swung the door open grinning wearing only a towel around his waist. Recognizing it was me he snarled. "Get the fuck out of here".

"Please Olive let me explain. I'd never do that because I love you to much. I was upset because...because, I've got something major to tell you and he was just supporting me cause I was crying and scared. Cole I'm having your...."

I was cut off by a female's voice. "Hey Mr. Butino, you ready to go again?"

I locked my eye's on him as I felt what was left of my heart shatter. Catching a sob in my throat I wept out. "Cole, no. Please tell me you didn't..."

I couldn't force myself to actually say it. Pushing the door open further I saw a naked girl sprawled on the bed. My hands covered my mouth as a anguished weal left my body. Tears blinded my vision as I glanced to him and the girl shaking my head no. Cole took a few steps toward me. "Stop". I screamed backing away.


"No Cole, don't touch me, stay away from me".

"What's the problem Miri. You did the same thing to me with that fucker".

"No Cole and you know better than that but you can't see through your stubbornness and ego. I fucking loved you, and, and..... You did this to me".

I paused to point at the girl. "You slept with her. You chose not to believe and trust me. Well I hope it was worth it because you just lost me. Have fun with your whore".

"Wait Miri"  he said grabbing my arm.

Jerking my arm free I sailed my palm into his cheek smacking him hard enough to make his head snap to the side. "Never come near me again. I hate you. I. Fucking. Hate. You. Cole." I screamed through clinched teeth.

"Miri, baby please".

"Rot in hell Cole".  I said ramming my knee in his crotch then I ran out. As I was getting in the car I heard Cole yell wait but I floored it out of there. I could see him coming up behind me in my rearview mirror which urged me to go faster. Between tears blurring my vision, keeping my eye on the distance between I and Cole, I never seen the car coming until it was to late. Screaming I threw my hands up to shield my face as the car t-boned  right into the drivers side door. Everything after that was a blur.

I recall my car jolting and spinning, hearing glass and metal crush, feeling my body being tossed around and airbags popping out. Then it was blackness. Through the blackness I thought I heard Cole's voice but I wasn't sure. Everything was disoriented. My thoughts fuzzy. I heard the voice again and I felt myself being lifted as if I was floating. I felt wetness coming from my head and a thick liquid run into my eye's that later I would realize was blood. Then there was the voice again and it sounded frantic. "Baby girl I gotcha, I gotcha. Your going to be okay. The men are on the way. Your going to the medical facility back at the den".

"W-why" I stammered confused.

"You was in a wreck baby".

Then it hit me and I cried out clutching my stomach. "My baby, my baby. Please let my baby be okay".

"What are you talking about Miri?" The voice sounded scared.

"I'm pregnant by Cole. I've been trying to tell him all day but he wouldn't listen. He thinks I did something bad".

I stopped and started sobbing but was able to mumble. "I just found him with another woman".

I heard the voice cry "oh God Miri I'm so sorry. I love you so much".

The voice trailed off as the darkness came once again.

The next morning I woke up in the dens clinic with my parents and brother standing over me. Squinting my eye's against the pain in my head I reached for my Pape's hand but he leaned down hugging me instead.

"What happened".

My mom stroked my arm as she said "honey you was in a wreck. You've got a bump on your head and probably will feel rough for a few days".

I laid my head to the side wanting to ask about my baby but was scared they didn't know. Mom gave Pape a sad look then he spoke. "We know Mirimosa".

I started crying. "I'm so sorry Pape".

"Shhhh...babydoll. You have nothing to be sorry for".

"I-is my baby okay"? I whimpered.

The room remained quiet and that was my answer. Curling into myself sobs racked my body as my family cradled me. Even my normally asshole brother was squeezing me and whispering encouraging words. A few hours later after everything calmed down my mom asked. "You want to tell us all about it now?"

"I was scared to tell anyone even Cole. Anyways I had a breakdown at school yesterday and this guy was being a friend and hugged me. Cole happens by just then and practically killed him. He left mad and I hadn't heard from him so I tracked him. I was going to tell him but I walked in and..."

I was cut off by another round of tears. "He was in bed with someone".

My mom rubbed my back as a look of dread came to my Pape's and brothers eye's. Both turned to leave the room. "No" I cried.

"Please. Let it be. I need you both here with me more than anything right now".

Both men stopped. "Please promise me you want bother him. I understand your mad but this is between him and I. Promise me".

Both promised me they wouldn't get involved. Then I said "all I ask is that you keep him away from me. I never want to see him again. Please don't allow him here".

My Pape nodded and I knew he would see to my wishes. Later that day I was allowed to go home. Demarco and Sam hung out with me to try and cheer me up. Demarco even made me my favorite, brownie sundae. But deep down I knew the old Miri was forever gone. Gone was my babish ways, gone was sweet innocent ways, I was no longer the mafias princess but I was now the new to be queen. Darkness filled the hole that was put in my heart.

Love makes you weak and vulnerable so my Pape has said. Not me, love made me bitter and evil.

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