Cutting Loose

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Fuck Demarco Harper. Fuck him, just fuck him to a billion little pieces. He's   the equivalent of a boil on a monkey's ass. The little speck in chicken shit. And fuck me to while I'm at it because I still love the deranged bastard even though I would laugh if he got hit by a car, throw meat on him while he was being attacked by a pack of wolves. Even though I rearranged his apartment with my Louisville slugger I still wasn't satisfied. I was hurt that I trusted him, loved him and he would do something like that.

Yes he had tried several times to call me but I wouldn't answer, well I did one time just to scream into the phone "Eat shit you puddle of fungus". Then hang up. I came home from school to flowers all over my place. Grinning I filmed it as I came up with umpteen different ways to destroy them. Smiling I took shears to one bundle, set another on fire outside, stomped the color out of one, used the bat on the next, and took the last of them and laid them across the street for cars to smash. I laughed through the filming and of course I sent it to him. He replied back. "You are absolutely out of your mind. I want you. I need you. I love you cupcake".

Yes, I missed the egotistical baboon, but he was such a fuck face. My job at the coffee shop was going good and tips was better. I also found a new pad and loved it. It was a small studio apartment and cool. You pulled my bed from out of the wall and the bathroom was just separated by a wall of frosted glass. After I crammed all my belongings in there it looked even smaller but it was me. I hung beads up to separate the kitchen from the living room, which was my bedroom as well. I painted one wall bright orange and the other bright green. I stuck a rosey pink on the celing. I hung a few Bahamian tapestries on the wall. Yes, my very own hippy pad.

A week had passed and I was invited to go out with a new friend I made from work. Figuring I needed to let loose a bit I agreed. I put on one of my most chic outfits and caught the bus to this club. The drinks was flowing and I was having a grand time. Just good drunken fun, that was until I heard his voice. "Cupcake".

Yelling out in a bubbled slurr I said "Stay away from me Defucko".

He laughed at my slurred speech as I grabbed up a beer bottle and aimed at him. "You know I'll do it".

"Yes cupcake. I know my crazy little pumpkin will do it".

"Why are you here. Hunting down something easy?"

"Nope, I'm hunting you. We need to talk".

"The only thing I want to do is crack your skull, break your back, make you bleed".

He laughed again. "Okay cupcake. If I let you hit me one good time can we call a truce long enough to talk".

I thought for a second, getting to hit him thrilled me. "Twice, I want two hits".

"Fine cupcake. Take your best shot".

Smiling I stepped up to him and looked him over deciding where to strike first. Picking my spots I swung out and connected with his nose. As he grabbed his nose I punched his throat. He gasped and bent over a tad and I couldn't miss this opportunity. I added one more punch. I quickly uppercut him.

Groaning he mumbled "fuck cupcake. You hit like a girl".

"What" I screeched going after him again but he pulled me to him. I started laughing in my drunken state. I was really drunk. "He grinned down at me and mumbled "I'm definitely not going to get any conversation out of you tonight".

Leering I laughed "nope Demy. But you can but me another drink".

"I think you've had enough cupcake".

"Never. Now stop being my daddy and buy me a drink".

I took a step toward the bar and stumbled but Demarco caught me. "Whao there cupcake. Let's go get some coffee"

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