Into The Dark

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I can recall Conner and the men getting here, I can recall my children falling apart as I held them, I can recall their lovers offering support. What I can't recall is anything anyone said to me, what the doctor's were saying. What I can vividly recall is the feel of holding London in my arms as bullets ripped through his flesh. I'll never forget feeling him shudder in my arms. I can recall the look that filled his eye's as he looked into mine right before he crumbled. I can recall him begging me to run, leave him to the mercy of these shooters, get myself to safety. I was still covered in my lovers dried blood, yet it still felt wet and sticky clinging to me. Oddly enough it just didn't smell like blood but I could smell the very essence of London in it.

Someone came by and clasped my hands around a paper coffee cup and my thoughts came back to the present. Looking up at one of London's men he asked "You need anything boss?"

"Boss" I mumbled. I shook my head no as reality dawned on me. I was now the Italian mafia boss. London had it in writing sense the day he faked his death years ago. Those papers had never been altered since. Glancing around I saw his men standing idly, waiting for instructions. London wouldn't have this. London would push his emotions aside and handle business. I must serve him well.

As I rose to my feed everyone's attention turned to me. Holding my head high I commanded in my strongest voice. "Gather all the men and meet me in the private waiting room immediately. I will use it as a makeshift office for now".

"Mom, you don't need....."

I cut Demarco off by giving him a sharp eye "stand down Demarco" I ordered.

All the men piled into the room, including Miri and Samantha. I gave instructions for the door to be shut then I took my spot in front of them all. "First things first gentlemen, I shot one of the fuckers last night."

At the mention of that I saw my kids shockingly look at me but I continued. "I want a team of men to locate the body. There's a chance he might be alive so check hospitals as well. If not check the morgue. I want this bastard identified so I know who and where to start my hunt. Check any security cameras that may be at the pier as well".

The men stared at me intently taking in my instructions. "Soon as we get a update on London we will see how well his condition is. As soon as he's strong enough we will transport him to the medical facility back at the den. That's where he needs to be".

I dismissed the men but held Conner back. "I understand you have retired. I want you to know I don't expect you to join in this fight".

Looking at me warmly he gripped my shoulder "Laney I wouldn't miss out on this for the world. That's my brother having surgery right now. As for you, we don't expect you to handle this. Let Dem take over now. You need to rest and take care of that leg, get a shower and clean up".

I glanced down at my injured leg and saw blood seeping through the bandage.

Conner grinned. "If we let anything happen to you while he's under he'll have our heads. Please rest".

"I'll rest when I kill the bastard responsible for this".

Conner nodded and took his leave. Demarco spoke up. "He's right mom. You need to have your leg checked out".

Giving in I had my leg treated and took a shower, crying as London's blood washed off me and swirled down the drain. Miri lent me some of her clothes and as I walked back up a doctor approached me. "Mrs. Harper?"


He is out of surgery and in stable condition. He should be fine. It's a miracle he survived. Rightfully he shouldn't have".

"That's my London. He never quits. Some say he's to mean to die".

The doctor nodded his head and said we could see London now. Everyone stood aside clearing a path for me. The kids nodded letting me know to enter first.

I slowly opened the door and approached the bed.  He was laying so still as I took his hand. I was doing great holding back my tears until his chocolate orbs cracked open and he arched his eyebrows at me. "Babydoll" he croaked. "Are you okay?"

Nodding my head through tears I whispered "yes".

Suddenly London jerked me down to him and took my chin between his thumb and forefinger. I could see anger in his eye's. "That was a very stupid thing you did. When I tell you to run you obey. Never ever place your body in front of me to shield me. Am I understood?"

Then the anger in his eye's was replaced with love as he crushed his mouth to mine.  Pulling apart from him I smiled down. "Since I'm the boss right now you will obey me".

Realisation crossed his features. He remembered the papers he never altered. "You rest and heal. I've taken care of everything".

"Laney I'm commanding you to step aside. You are not allowed to fight this. I will handle it once I'm better".

"Sorry London. I'm the boss. I say what goes until your completely healed. There being searched for as we speak".

Before he could say more our kids finally stepped in. Miri ran to his other side as Dem stood above him. I curled up beside him with my head on his chest and fell into a relaxing sleep as I listened to his heartbeat.

The very heartbeat that kept my heart alive as well.

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