Road Trip

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Looking out my apartment window I saw Demarco just sitting in his car with his head against the steering wheel. Poor thing has endured a lot recently and he's worried about his mom. I do everything I can to console him but I understand how it feels to miss parent's.

He called me at six this morning and told me to get ready and wear something athletic. Pulling my hair up in a messy bun, I slid into a pair of workout leggings, and a oversized t-shirt that had "Coffee & Gangsta Rap Then I do the Things" printed boldly on it. Slipping into my sneakers I headed out the door. Demarco was out of the car waiting with a opened door, that's my gentlemen. Wearing his baller shorts and a tank top all his tattoos was on display but I no longer cared how other's saw him. I knew the person under the tats and thug appearance.

Leaning down he greeted me with a kiss and a coffee. Laughing he read my shirt aloud. "Well you have your coffee and I can arrange the gangsta rap then you can do the things".

Hopping in he put some rap on, grabbed my hand and took off. We stopped by a pastry shop for a quick sweet breakfast and as we were leaving  he got in on the passenger side.

"What are you doing Demarco?"

"Letting you drive".

"Oh no, no,no. Have you forgotten what happened last time I drove?"

"I'll never forget that train wreck cupcake, but you need to learn to drive. Don't worry, I gottcha".

Surrendering I climbed behind the wheel a bundles of nerves. Surprisingly Demarco was wonderful this time and within fifteen minutes I was doing fairly well with the gears. Demarco ked me to a deli where he ran in alone and came back out with a picnic basket.

Intrigued, I asked "so what's all this about. Calling me at sunrise, telling me to dress athletic?"

Demarco nudged me  from the drivers side and took back over. "I'm heading out of the city for today. When I was little my mom bought this spec of land in the country. It's about a hour out. She always wanted to build a home there but Pape said it was to inconvenient and to far from his men.  It's beautiful and mom took us there often. She's a country girl like you and wanted us to experience life away from the city. We'd go there to fish, explore the woods and just run wild".

I squeezed his hand. I knew he missed his mom. "I can't wait to see it, I'm sure it's beauitful".

Shortly we pulled onto a long dirt road. Demarco was very careful with his car and maneuvered around pot holes. When we cane to a stop the view was breathtaking. A field of green sprawled out before us, trees surrounded us. A pond was a bit farther down. Stepping out, Demarco grabbed the basket and a blanket. From his trunk he pulled fishing rods and a tackle box. Finding a spot near the pond, we spread the blanket out and relaxed. Demarco removed his gun from his waistband and laid it off to the side. I eyed it and Demarco arched a brow at me. "Something wrong?"

"No" I said shaking my head. Cautiously I slowly reached over to touch it. I was curious having never been around guns. As my hand was inches away Demarco let's a big "Pachoo" sound out. Screaming I jumped and jerked my hand away as he fell over in pails of laughter.

Smacking his arm I yelled. "That was such a douche bag move".

"Maybe so cupcake, but the look on your face was so worth it".

A few moments later he asked "have you ever shot a gun?"

"Nope. This is the closet I've ever been to one".

"Get up. You need to learn".

"Oh no".

"Yes, now cupcake".

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