Love Bug

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Pictured above is Samantha, better known as Sam. I will be introducing her very soon! Hope your enjoying the book so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you've liked what you've read!! Happy reading!!


Working at the bank was a drag but I was determined to give it a year then devote all my time to the family business. So far I was a month in and going insane from lack of excitement. Here it was the same ole thing over and over. How could anyone waste their life away behind a desk crunching numbers was beyond me, but I was awesome at it.

A few coworkers had been harping me to attend happy hour with them but so far I always shot them down. Working beside them from nine to five was enough for me. Eventually, I gave in so as not to seem like the asshole of the office. Before heading out to meet them I gave myself a pep talk in the mirror. "No losing control tonight, no fighting, no killing, must keep your temper wrapped up tight".

So far I had did a magnificent job at keeping myself controlled. The first two weeks I only hid in my car about six times a day, where I could go stir crazy yelling and punching the air. Now I was down to about two times a day. I was defiantly not a people person and working with the public made me want to go on a stabbing rampage.

Adjusting my tie and smoothing the wrinkles from my slacks I headed into this sports bar of sorts. Spotting my work crew I walked over and joined in the festivities.

After several drinks I was standing at the bar chatting when someone bumped into me. I turned with a glare and saw a green eyed, dirty blonde, natural beauty who's head barely came to my chest. She was very plain, no makeup, hair a tad untamed, a wore a simple flannel shirt, jeans, and western boots. She was a looker though.

Smiling up at me she said in a very southern accent. "I'm sorry sweetheart". Then she squinted. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

"I don't believe you do".

"No, I'm sure I do. Your names Chad, right?"

"Snorting I replied in my thick Italian accent. "Do I look like a Chad?"

Biting her lip she said "I guess not. Anyways I'm Samantha Townsend".

She held her hand out. "Demarco Harper".

Samantha stayed and chatted me up for about fifteen minutes or so then took her leave. All I could think was I'd knock a piece of that off if I hadn't made that stupid vow to myself. Fine time I chose to learn self restraint.

At the end of the night I handed the bar tender my credit card to pay my tab off. "That will be three hundred and twenty seven dollars Mr. Harper".

"The fuck" I said looking at him like he was daft. "My bill should be around fifty bucks".

"Um, no sir. The blonde with the cowgirl boots on  that you was with said you was taking care of her and her friends tab".

"The fuck I am" I yelled banging my fist on the bar. Looking around for her ass I noticed my coworkers gawking at me. Just dandy I thought to myself. Not wanting to blow my fuse in front of them I swallowed hard and mumbled through gritted teeth and a forced smile. "My bad, I must have forgotten. By all means charge it to my card".

I couldn't break out of there fast enough. Once in my car I pressed the pedal as far as it would go and zoomed in and out of traffic. I practically slid in sideways once I pulled into my parents drive. Getting out of my car, I slung my jacket off and started swinging it at my mom's potted plants. Petals and leaves were flying everywhere. Still not satisfied I ran around to the back yard and aimed my gun at the garden statues. Taking aim I blew one's head off then another's arm. Before I could do anymore damage my parent's came running out. My Pape had his guns on the ready. "What the hell Dem?" Pape yelled.

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