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My nerves was making my skin crawl and my stomach made all sorts of popping sounds. Our flight would be landing shortly and Eli would meet the family. Please let Grace be on my side and Pape have the boy's under control.

Pape had a car waiting for our arrival and as usual he went all out for me. Flowers, chocolates, and champagne awaited me inside.

"Wow, Miri" Eli exclaimed in wonder. "Life styles of the rich and famous huh?"

"Sorry Eli, my Pape can go a bit overboard when it comes to me".

"Hey your daddy's girl remember".

Smiling and nodding my head, I swore I caught a strange glimmer flash in Eli's eye's along with a sadistic smile. Probably just my imagination due to my unraveling nerves.

Eli shifted uncomfortably as we were led through the massive iron gates to my home. I imagined this would be stressful for someone not accustomed to this lifestyle. There was guards all over the premises with guns, not to mention my home resembles a fairytale fortress. Must be overwhelming for Eli.

Reaching over I gave Eli' s hand a squeeze. "Don't stress it. You'll do fine and my parent's are great people.  They'll like you".

Eli only nodded as the car came to a stop and our door was opened. As we got out I saw my parent's descending down the marble steps.

"Pape" I squealed jumping into his arms hugging him tight before moving to my mom.

Turning back to Eli I smiled. "I'd like for you to meet Eli Sumtner. Eli, this is my parent's".

I eyed Pape to gauge his reaction but he showed none. Pape gave me a wink then extended his hand to Eli.

"Nice to finally meet you Mr. Harper. Miri has told me a lot about you"

"Pleasure is all mine Eli".

Before anymore could be said Dem' s Mercedes came flying up the drive coming to a jerking stop in front of us.  Demarco stayed in his car staring at Eli through his windshield.

"That's my brother Demarco and just ignore him".

As I looked toward my Pape for help Demarco's face broke into a malicious grin as he stepped from the car.

Pape told Dem to behave in Italian as he approached us. "Hey sis". He said grabbing me up in a bear hug. "So who's this" he asked eyeing Eli?"

"Demarco this is Eli. Eli, my brother Demarco but we call him Dem".

The two shook hands then I asked Dem. "Where is this new girl of yours I've been hearing about?"

"You'll get to meet her tonight. She has to leave in the morning for Mississippi to spend the holidays with her family. So Pape agreed to have a small  holiday get together tonight so we all can meet her".

We finally all walked inside away from the cold and headed for the kitchen where mom had the traditional Italian antipasto sitting out. Eli watched us intently as we made our plates, talked, joked, and laughed.

"Come Eli, grab you a plate and join us". I encouraged him.

We sat around catching up and eating for awhile then Dem rose. "It's been fun but I need to get home and prepare for tonight". Dem hugged us each and headed out. Eli excused himself to the bathroom. I looked at my parent's hopeful. "Well what do you guys think of Eli".

"He's adorable Miri". Mom cooed.

"And you Pape?"

"Well he's not Italian".

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now