Family Torn

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I awoke the next morning to London peering down at me. "There's my babydoll"

Groaning I mumbled "coffee".

"Already got you some and if your in pain I've got some meds to".

"I'm good, just coffee for now".

I started to sit up but it was hard to with the use of only one arm. London scooted me out without missing a beat. I took a sip of my beloved coffee and looked at him. I could tell he hadn't showered or slept since we were rescued. I cupped his face with my good hand as tears welled in my eye's. Immediately he curled his body next to me hugging me tight.

"That was close London. Not only could I have lost you but the kids as well"

"It's over with now babydoll. We are all fine. Try not to dwell on it".

Nodding I asked "so tell me what's going on now".

"You should rest..."

Cutting him off I lashed out. "Fucking tell me London".

"The house is gone. Burnt up".

I shook my head as I cried and continued to listen.

"Miri has ran off with Cole and we have men searching for them".

"Why did that girl do that, especially at a time like this"I said mainly to myself.

"Demarco has  Sam locked in the room at the den.  Apparently her family was very abusive so he wiped them out".

"He what" I screeched.

"Yep, and she's scared shitless".

"Poor girl. I'll go talk to her later, maybe that will help".

"That's not a good idea. Your weak and have a useless arm, if she was to attack out of fear you may not be able to handle her. Plus if she hurts you I would have to kill her".

I held my hand up"could we please not use the word kill or anything remotely related to it". My lip trembled as I recalled the newest events. "Three. It was three this time".

"Babydoll you had no choice. You needed to survive and help save us".

"It doesn't matter why I did it, the point is I did it".

"Please babydoll don't freak out on me like you did years ago".

"I hate this, I hate all of this. I need a break London".

Suddenly anger was laced in London's words. "The fuck you need a break for. I can give you a break, I can give you plenty of breaks Laney".

"Don't threaten me London. I just need a break from this lifestyle. I need some normalcy".

"You should have thought about that before you said I do all those years ago. Now after two kids and all these years of marriage you want to throw the towel in".

"I didn't say that. I said a break. Some alone time to sort through my mind and detox".

London stood above heaving and growled out. "I got to go before I really lose my shit on you. I'll be in the den if  you need me".

I listened as London slammed out of the apartment and I did feel bad. He was stressed to the max and I just added more to it. No, I wouldn't leave London for the life of me, but sometimes a short break away from your partner during hard times is helpful and time alone can soothe the soul.

London has never been able to understand that about me. When I'm super stressed being alone helps me sort through my mind. Whereas he always wants to be around me to protect what's his.

Soon as Miri was brought back and Dem worked out things with his situation, I was taking off for a bit rather London liked it or not.


That bitch knows exactly how to push my buttons, always has. I love that woman more than life itself and now she wants to run. Let her try, I won't hesitate to kill her this time. She's a fool if she thinks for a second I'll ever let her go. Since the day I laid eye's upon her she was branded mine. I haven't looked at another woman since and don't even want to.

I vow I will lock her away this time. What the fuck, I can't even breath right now she has me so riled. I should just go break her other arm and legs as well.

My phone buzzed interrupting my thoughts. "What now" I answered.

"Boss we need to talk"

"Okay talk Conner".

"Ela is traumatised drastically from all this. She's threatening to leave me if I don't give it up. I have been thinking lately that I'm getting older and it's time to live safer plus I can't lose ELa. She can't keep going through this. Once we have everything settled I'm going to retire. Sorry boss but it's time I put her needs first".

"I understand Conner".

I hung up and added that to the list of my woes. Walking into the den I headed to the pit where I had the fucker responsible for laney's arm chained. I had a lot of aggression to work out and I almost felt sorry for him.

Turning the corner I collided with Dem who I noticed had a fork sticking from out of his arm. "What the fuck happened to you".

I could tell he was killing mad as he spat. "That crazy bitch stabbed me".

I grinned " here's some advice son. Kill her now because if you don't you'll spend the rest of your life wishing you had".

"Oh I take it you and mom are fussing".

Ignoring his question I yanked the fork from his arm as he released a yelp. "Toughen up son, you are my new right hand man. Conner has retired".

"What?" Dem asked dumbfounded.

I left him there as I entered the pit ready to feed my monster. It was either this poor sucker or Laney.

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