I Declare War

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Waking up still planted beside London I slowly sat up as not to disrupt anyone. Miri was curled into his other side while Demarco rested in a chair by the bed. Placing a sweet kiss to his cheek I crept out into the hall. My men rushed up to me. "We have him boss"

"Well fellas let me hear it".

"A Mr. Manuel Gorzagas. Location Dominican Republic".

Fuck my ducks. Why would that bastard come after London. My only answer was that he wanted me. Well Mr. Fuck head your getting ready to get me. I hope you like what you get.

"His men are responsible for shooting".

"Yes, I know all about him. Seems he wants to be a mob boss but doesn't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot. Basically all he has under his belt is the fear of the town. He want be hard to handle. Maybe had less than twenty men working for him and as you can see their not accurate shooters. If they were London and I both would be dead".

Knowing what I had to do I slipped off to the bathroom and had London's belongings from the hotel sent to me. Taking his black bag I checked the contents. Guns, ammo, knives, syringes, everything I'd need. Slipping out I made my way to the Dominican Republic.

Prancing around town once I got there just to let him know I was here, the plan was have him come to me. I went back to my cottage to prepare my surroundings for I was sure he would come and more than likely with only a few men. I would be ready.


I woke up and noticed Laney missing. Miri and Demarco both sat up at my movement. "Where's your mother?"

Both shrugged 'we all been sleeping Pape" Miri yawned out as she snuggled back down beside me. Demarco stood. "I'll go fetch her".

Ten minutes later Demarco came back looking frantic. "Pape she's gone. The men found who shot you and she hasn't been seen since. They say it was a man from the Dominican Republic. Manuel".

Sitting up I started ripping the tubes and needles from my body. Through clinched teeth I growled. "That crazy impulsive bitch. She's going to get herself killed. Get me my suit and my black bag".

"Ummm...pape I can get you the suit but seems she took your bag".

"The fuck she thinking. Just fuck her. Get my suit and the men now".

Within a few minutes I was dressed and pushed the soreness my body was feeling out of my mind. I gave instructions for a few men to escort Miri and Samantha back to New York then took my leave. As I strode out I noticed Conner and Marcus on each side of me, my right hand men. Demarco and Cole was right behind us protecting my back. We was ready for war.


Putting a silencer on my gun I found a spot by the window and waited. Just as I suspected I saw four of his men emerge from the shadows. Taking aim I took one of them out. Naturally they returned fire back but I skirted to the loft of my cottage. From my balcony window I took out two more. Finally out my bathroom window I got the last man, but where the hell was Manuel?

Just then I heard a noise coming from my kitchen. Reloading as quietly as possible I crept out sticking to the walls. The kitchen was clear so I stood still listening intently for the smallest sound. Nothing.

A shadow from the hall caught my eye. Creeping forward I kept my gun trained. Suddenly the shadow turned as if coming toward me. I quickly backed into a opened closet and my breath hitched as I felt my back connect with a hard chest. Before I could react a strong hand clamped over my mouth. Getting ready to go into fight mode I heard. "Shhhhh.....babydoll".

Going limp at London's voice I nodded my head down the hall at the shadow. He maneuvered me behind him as to shield me. "No"  I whispered hissed. "This is my kill".

Winking at me he grinned. "Good work babydoll on the four dead men outside. Now all that aside I know a certain lady who's going to get a good spanking for taking matters into her own hands".

"I'm the boss right now London, not you. I call the shots. This fucker is mine. He shot my leg".

I felt London's body go tense. "The fuck he did. You told me you wasn't hurt. I'll fucking kill him ten fold".

"He's mine London".

"Tell you what babydoll, why don't we do it together".

"Sounds good to me". London placed the gun in my hands then laid his large hands over mine. Together we both aimed the gun on the ready. "I have a better Idea London. Why don't we just wound him then play with him for a bit. He deserves to die slow".

Grinning London licked up my ear. "That's my babydoll. You've got me so turned on right now".

We busted our whispering as the shadow got closer. Together we pulled the trigger and sailed a bullet into Manuel' s leg then quickly shot the gun from his hand. London grabbed him up and tied him to a chair as our men entered letting us know the house and grounds was clear. Nodding London said. "Stand gaurd. Me and my babydoll has some work to do on Manuel".

Demarco and Cole looked at me shocked. "Mom" Demarco mumbled. London grinned and said "remember I always warned you that your mom was a killer".

"Yea, but...".

Demarco just gave up and joined the others outside. I picked up London's bag. "Okay, what do you want first?"

"Lady's choice" he said smiling at me. I chose the wire cutters that was great for clipping fingers and other small body parts off. I've always heard that London drug pain out to a entire different level during these situations. Tonight I would have a front row seat at seeing his monster work. I'd never seen this side to him everyone talked about through all our years. He's even told me that he never wanted me to see this side, but I felt giddy inside.

"Is the monster here baby?"

Taking the cutters from my hand he kissed me and his eye's grew dark. "The monster is unleashed babydoll".

I watched as he slowly snipped Manuel' s fingertips off. "Take his tounge London so he'll stop all that crying shit". I said encouraging him and handed him a razor blade.

London sliced his tounge off as I got salt from my kitchen. Popping the top off I walked over and poured salt into his bleeding mouth. London smiled and said "do you want to take over"?

Glancing down at my bandaged leg London followed my gaze. "Come here babydoll".

London handed me a pair of black gloves and motioned me to squat down. Squatting himself he cut Manuel' s pants leg off exposing his leg. Placing my hand around the knife he guided my hand with his and cut a huge chunk of flesh from Manuel' s leg. Raising both of us up together he then took our hands that was wrapped around the knife together and ran the blade slowly over our victims throat. We watched as he bleed out and took his last gurgling breath.

Leaning down he kissed me. "I love you babydoll"

"I love you more". I called the men in. "Clean this up and dump his body in the center of town. That's what he likes to do to his victims to make a statement. Let the town know their free at last".

The men looked at London for reassurance. Giving them a stren look he replied "You heard the boss. Get to it".

Pulling London to me I said "now the boss wants a moonlit walk on the beach and maybe that spanking you promised me".

London laughed "as you wish boss".

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