Sibling Fued

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Conner was doing exceptionally well so I was finally meeting up with Cole tonight for some long overdue alone time. I totally understand him being with his parents during this time, that's where he needed to be. I was checking myself out in the mirror making sure I looked perfect for Cole when I heard Dem' s voice carry down the hall.

Apparently he was having a important conversation on the phone and I've never been one to pry into his business but this didn't sound good. Straining my ears I heard him say. "Yes, that's right. I want you to fire her"

Please tell me he's not discussing Sam. No, he can't do that.

"I don't give a fuck what reason you give her for letting her go, just do it"

Demarco went quiet so I assumed he was listening to whomever was on the other end. Then Demarco gave his don't fuck with me laugh.

"Your out your fucking mind. Ten thousand dollars is the highest I'll go to have this done. I would take that before I change my mind and just burn the place down and put you out of a job as well. Remember I am a Harper. Son of London Harper. "

Hearing him hangup I started to walk in but he made another phone call that shocked me even more.

"Hello dear land lady. This is Demarco Harper, London Harper's son"

What is he doing now I thought?

"No maim, you haven't done anything wrong yet. As a matter of fact I need you to help me. Can you recall your tenant Samantha Peter's?"

"Yes, that's the one. I need her evicted by the end of the week. I'm willing to offer you five grand to make this happen, of course don't mention me though".

"Do whatever. Tell her there's been complaints, rules broken, I don't give a shit just do it"

"What do you mean you can't? you make a living off those shabby apartments? I assume you do so it would be a shame If my family took them over for our own needs...and I do mean take.

"Wonderful. I'll expect her out within a week and you'll receive your payment. Good day".

Now I barged in "Dem you can not do this to Sam".

"Chill sis, this isn't your business".

"Yes it is. She's my friend and what your doing is just wrong. You need to think about this. Look where things like that got Pape. Alone, chasing mom down".

"Says the one who is pissed at mom" he spat at me.

"I'm mad at her for leaving during a bad time, and not at least giving me a call. I don't blame her for leaving a controlling man. If Cole did that to me it would be over".

"Then it's a good thing Cole let's you boss him around".

"I do not boss him. We talk and find a solution together, the way it should be. I guarantee if you do this Sam will never forgive you. Think Demarco, she came here to escape a controlling situation, she's not about to fall back into another one"

"Miri let it go. This is my business and doesn't concern you. Also you better not say anything to Sam".

"Fine, but don't say i didn't tell you so".

Cole walked in interrupting our argument. Skipping over to him I wrapped my arms around him and mumbled let's go as I gave Dem a snotty look. Cole opened the car door for me and tucked me in. After he snapped my seatbelt in place, I gently pulled his face down to me and gave him a sweet kiss. "I've missed my Olive".

"I missed you to baby girl". He said before getting in the car.

As we rode off I explained what I overheard Dem planning.

"Baby girl I know Samantha is your friend but your loyalty lies with your brother. No, he shouldn't do that but it's their relationship and best to keep out of it".

'Ugh...i know but I don't want to see Sam leave Dem and that's what will happen. Promise me Olive that you will never do things like that to me".

"I promise, unless it compromises your health or safety then I Will step in. Go, do as you please just always let me know your whereabouts. Can you agree to that?"

Kissing his cheeks I smiled. "Yes daddy".

He shot me his mischievous grin then asked if I'd heard from my Pape. "No, not yet. I hope all is okay".

"I'm sure it is baby girl. Your mom is probably putting up a fight".

"That's her" I said rolling my eye's".

"Come on Mirimosa, don't be so hard on her. I'm sure she had her reasons. You heard yourself what your Pape did".

"True, but I just want to be mad".

Cole snickered and pulled up to my favorite ice cream parlor. Bouncing up and down like a giddy child I squealed "You read my mind Olive".

We shared a brownie sundae and I watched as others stared at us as Cole spoon fed me. There was a table of girls our age that kept glaring at me and checking him out. I never have been one for confrontations so I did my best to ignore them. Cole also knew I was the shy type and never really stood up for myself...remember the Stacy drama. I also worried if Cole was enjoying the attention they was sending his way but he never glanced in their direction. As he spooned the last bite of ice cream into my mouth be grasped my chin pulling me toward him and kissed me gently and slowly. His tounge trailed my lips soaking up any leftover ice cream. Standing me up he placed his hand firmly on my behind and gave it a tight squeeze. A statement that clearly meant I was his and he mine. As we left he glanced at the snobbish girls. "My baby girl is beautiful isn't she? I noticed you couldn't remove your eye's from her. I'm lucky to have this beauty, no one can compare".

Pushing him out the door my cheeks was on fire. "Cole why did you do that?"

"It's simple Miri, no one will disrespect you ever. You should really take up for yourself. If you'd like we can go back in and I'll hold them down so you can beat the tits off them".

I busted out laughing. "No thanks Cole. I don't think I'm up to beat the tits off anyone today".

"You know you could though. You've been trained just as well as the rest of us."

"Yea but that's not for me. I enjoy being nice"

Cole took us back to his home. His parents were still at the hospital so we were alone. Soon as we entered his room he tossed me onto the bed and dove on top of me. Within in moments we was naked and going at it. I was so wrapped up in the moment that I squeezed my legs tight around him not allowing him to pull away. I moaned as I felt his warm nectar fill me up.

Cole sat up and stared down at me. "We go first thing in the morning to get you on birth control".

Jokingly I said "does Olive not want to be a Pape yet?"

His reply kind of hurt my feelings. "Hell no Mirimosa. Not any time soon. We need time to build our relationship first".

"But you said you dreamed of our kids?"

"True but years from now".

He ended the discussion by flicking the tv on as my mind raced. What would Cole do if I ended up pregnant after tonight. Fear seeped into my bones.

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