Stranger Danger

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Women just need love, not to be understood.....

That's a all time favorite quote of mine and rings so true these days. Almost a month has went by since our empire was shaken. I won't say it was brought down, but it was shaken. Just like a earthquake we were still having aftershocks.

My arm has healed beautifully and I feel stronger. However my concerns lie with my husband, London has been withdrawn since our last argument. Yes it was a rather nasty one.

Yes London I am going to take some time off to heal emotionally. This has nothing to do with you. I love you I just need some alone time. Can't you understand that?

Babydoll your not leaving my sight ever. You are mine and I say what happens.

Your not being fair London.

My job is not to be fair.

No your job is to be my husband not my keeper, yet your keeping me caged up like a animal, like I'm one of your men to control. I screamed.

Babydoll you are mine to control. I don't care if you like it or not.

Filled with rage I spoke before I thought. I'm not happy anymore London. Had I'd known you would turn into this man that you are now I would've never married you.

The fuck you say London hissed as he approached me. Towering over me he glared down at my short self. I had to tilt my head back until I felt my shoulder blades to look into his eye's.

The. Fuck. You. Say. London gritted out again.

I opened my mouth to apologize and explain that I spoke out of anger and didn't mean a word I'd said, but before I could get the first word out I got the shock of my life. London reared his hand back and smacked me good. In all our years he'd never placed a finger on me out of anger. His hand was big enough to cover my entire cheek and the force behind the smack was enough to send me to the floor. I brought my hand up to my tender cheek in disbelief as I rubbed the sting that was left behind. Tears immediately tumbled from my eye's as London's 6'5 frame stood above me.

Finally he bent down trying to soothe me. Babydoll I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me.

He tryed pulling me in but I pushed away and gritted from clinched teeth. Get out London, just go. Get out. And he did. He walked out.

I haven't seen him much since and when I do there's not much conversation. We basically just pass each other like ghosts. The argument hasn't been brought up again along with him hitting me. I did remind him that I had a major business meeting coming up concerning my resort's. It's been planned for several months but his only reply was "you'll need to cancel".

Like hell I'll cancel I thought, but knew better to argue with him and possibly suffer another hit or worse. He had single handily turned me into one those traditional mafia wives. Only to be seen, not heard. Don't question their decisions or rules. Obey and respect.

London Harper must have forgotten who Laney Valor is but I'm about to remind him. I would be attending my meeting regardless of his orders. Pulling on some mid thigh hose, I connected them to my garter belt, matching thong and corset. Finally I slipped into my fuck me heels and opened the apartment door where his men stood on alert.

I knew just how to pose and look sultry from my day's as a stripper. My inner vixen smiled as I saw their jaw dropping expression at seeing the queens goodies on display. "Excuse me boy's, I just wanted to let you know I'll be going to the den for lunch".

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