Roll Tide Roll

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Pictured above is Eli. You'll get to know him very soon!! As always vote and comment if your enjoying the story!! Thanks!


Sweet home Alabama, isn't that how the saying goes? You guessed it, my wonderful Pape agreed to let me go to college there. I arrived a few weeks before school started and my parents stayed the first week to help me settle in. My mom was overly enthused that I chose to attend her college, but Pape was still skeptical. Naturally he laid out a list of rules for me to follow.

No parties at the house, no more than two drinks if I go out, always inform the three men he left behind where and with whom I was going with . My phone and car was rigged with GPS and being the over protective Pape he is, he bought me a beautiful silver cuff bracelet that was tracked as well. I was never allowed to remove it.

Yes,I still thought of Cole and I had mainly pushed the bad memories to the furthest corner of my mind. With this move though, I had promised myself that I would start living now. I don't mean going out getting buck wild, but making friends, doing things I've never been allowed to do, even start dating maybe.

Oh sweet freedom. No mafia, no killings, just me and this new road ahead.

Classes eventually started and I made friends fast. The guys here were way different from the ones in New York. They didn't mind getting dirty, most were very respectful. It was just a entire different way of living.

I started attending a lot of field parties but I rarely drank or did anything to risky. I was standing with a group of girl's when this handsome fellow approached me.

"Pardon me angel face, but I've been looking at you a lot tonight and well, I just couldn't leave here without telling you now extraordinary beautiful you are".

My friends stifled their giggles as I smiled goofily with my cheeks ablaze. Not that I've never heard this before, but the way he said it in that slow southern drawl was new. Extended my hand I introduced myself. "Hi I'm Miri".

He took man hand and repeated my name back. "Miri, I like that. I'm Eli. Want to go mudding with me?"

"Excuse me" I said offended, not knowing exactly what mudding was and thinking he was being dirty.

My friends quickly informed me that he meant take a ride through huge mud puddles in his truck splashing around. Laughing at myself I said that I'd love to.

I followed him to this monster of a truck and he helped me scoot inside. Once he was in the engine roared to life and we was off. I've never had so much fun. Eli slung me all around in the inside of his truck as we slipped and dug our way through the mud. I laughed the entire time as mud flung up all around us.

"You think that's funny you should see this". Eli rolled my window down as I squealed "nooo". But it was to late. Mud covered my face, hair, and my upper body. Stunned at first because I had never been so dirty in my life I busted out laughing. I laughed until tears poured from my eye's.

"Dang girl, you okay?"

Still laughing, I nodded my head and yelled "more, do it again".

By the end of the night I looked like the creature from swamp thing. Still laughing I had my friends snap a picture of Eli and I in front of his truck covered in mud. I couldn't help myself and I forwarded the picture to mom.

Laney recivied Miri' s photo and gasped. "Oh my goodness London". Passing the picture to him she laughed. "I know exactly where she's at".

"I wonder who the boy is?" London questioned.

"Oh come on London. Look at her. I haven't seen her look that happy in a long time. Just let her live alittle".

After that night I started spending right much time with Eli. He was a local here and didn't attend college. Eli worked at a garage painting cars. My Pape is going to love this, but I didn't care. Eli was the sweetest thing ever. He didn't pressure me into doing anything I didn't feel comfortable with.

I did tell him a little white lie though, I told him I was still a virgin. I just didn't won't to think of Cole at all or how my first sexual experience was. Eli seemed okay with that and admired me for holding out until I was ready. However we did fool around by kissing and his tounge was magic.

I wanted to repay him the favor but I was to scared. I'd never blown a guy and didn't want to look like a complete idiot if I tried.

We was at his place watching movies one night and having a heated make out session when I worked the courage up to try it. I slid his zipper down and reached inside grasping him. Eli let a hiss escape his lips at my touch. He was seated on the couch so I  crouched down to my knees. Pulling his manhood from out of his pants, I noticed he wasn't endowed like Cole but he was still a nice size. Sticking my tounge out I rolled it around his tip a few times and eventually slid him into my mouth.

"Shit Miri" Eli groaned out which encouraged me further. Picking up my speed I put more strength to my suction. Eli pulled my hair up and held it as he watched me suck him off. Whispering all forms of exciting words.

'Thats it baby, take it all. Ummm... I love how your tounge swirls around my cock. Yea, that's right, graze me with your teeth".

Finally Eli was ready to cum so I pulled away and finished him off with my hand. I hate to admit it but after that night my feelings started to grow for Eli. He made me happy and made me feel wanted and needed.

Yes, my self esteem had suffered a blow by the words Cole slung at me. He made me feel so used and degraded that night. Eli was slowly healing all my open wounds. I felt so wanted. I'm not going to use the word loved at this point but this relationship feels amazing.

I enjoy his good morning texts and silly stunts he pulls off just to make me laugh. He even took me fishing and I'd never done that in my life. If course I had to send a picture of that to my mom.

Pape asked me about Eli occasionally and I told him that he was great but we are on more friendly terms than anything.

Moving here was the best decision I'd made so far. School was going great. I had real friends for the first time in my life and I met Eli. What could possibly go wrong  right?

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