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As I pulled up into the kings drive I knew immediately something was amiss. For one the gates were open and there never open. Driving on through I saw smoke coming from the house and London's security men on the ground in puddles of blood.

Getting out, I raised my gun and stepped inside. The house was a wreck. Bullet holes everywhere, smashed furniture and more dead bodies. I scoured the entire house and grounds and came up empty handed. Demarco had been impossible to reach so far but as I was ending my search my phone buzzed.

"Where the fuck you been"? I growled angry about the entire situation.

"Look Cole I gotta a lot of shit popping right now".

"Well forget that Dem. The family is under attack. Your parents home is ruined and my parent's along with yours and Miri is missing".

"The fuck you telling me. Motherfucker this best not be no prank".

"It was Eli Dem". I quickly filled him in in my findings.

"He's dead" Dem growled. "Meet me at the den pronto".

"Already on my way".


And the hits keep on coming. I felt sick on my stomach but I wouldn't allow the fear of my family missing interfere with what I needed to do. Lifting Sam off the jet, I slid her in my car and peeled off.

It's here. The stuff I've trained my entire life for. The things my Pape wanted to protect us from. With my Pape missing that automatically makes me the king until his return.

My time is here. My Pape trained me well and I vowed to make him proud. I will not loose my family. Reaching the den I strode in with Sam on my shoulder and secured her in my Pape's private room. I left instructions for Sam to be taken care of but not released.  I would deal with her after my family is safe and Eli' s blood is shed.

As I made my way to my Pape's office all hundred plus men stepped in line behind me. Like me, they was ready for war. I stepped into the office where Cole and Marcus awaited me. For the first time ever I took a seat in my Pape's chair behind his desk and tried not to get sentimental. I will bring him home along with the rest.

Clearing my throat I spoke. "Tell me everything Cole".

"Eli was the Russian kings son. He witnessed your Pape kill his as a child. Eli wormed his way up to Miri as a way to get in and destroy the family. He has a small unit of men, seventy at the most and they are trying to rebuild the Russian empire. But first he wants the one's responsible for his family's death dealt with".

"Do you know his whereabouts are where he may have them stashed?"

"Not exactly. My hopes are that Miri is wearing the locket I gave her. I tracked it".

"Well what are you waiting for, let's find them".

Cole got busy tracing the necklace and within ten minutes they had a location.

"Now it's time to come up with a course of action. The sooner we move in the better".


After a good night's sleep I entered the room where my captives awaited their destiny. I saw Miri huddle closer to her father as I entered. Pointing to her I said sweetly. "Come here baby".

Shaking her head vigorously she sobbed. "Oh, what's wrong dear? I know your not scared of me are you?" I laughed.

"I mean you should be grateful that I'm going to allow you to live after your lies. But only you will live and our marriage papers are being drawn up as we speak".

"I won't marry you" Miri screamed as London gave her a remain quiet look.

Eli averted his gaze to London. "How well do you know your little girl? Did you know that she's been fucking Cole while she makes everyone believe she's a innocent virgin. Yes, that's why Cole attacked me the other night, seems he wants to remain Miri's only lover but that's all about to change as soon as I was her. That's right Miri, you will remain by my side and do whatever I want you to do until I'm done with you".

It was taking all London had to remain calm over the vile things that was spewing from Eli's mouth about his daughter. London also knew if any of them showed anger or fear it would feed this asshole.

Miri rose to her feet and her crying had stopped. This surprised everyone even more so when she laughed at Eli.

"Your a fool Eli for even thinking you will get away with any of this. I mean really, did you not meet Cole and Demarco? There probably on their way here as we speak if not already here targeting your ass.  Not to mention my Pape has hundreds of men compared to your nursery school of men. Very incompetent much?"

"Shut up bitch before I shut you up".

The other's could tell Miri was working on Eli and making him unravel a bit. That was good to get shook up. London was proud of his little girl for taking a stance.

"They will never find any of you" Eli seethed.

Miri laughed. "Do you honestly believe that? Come on, even I'm not that ignorant". She gave her locket a small touch letting the other's know she had a tracker in it. London breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh and I can't wait until they arrive. Dem and Cole are going to have so much fun with you. But let me warn you they are rough playmates. Would you like to hear some of their stories?"

"I said shut the fuck up you whore". Eli screamed and came toward Miri. He tryed to sweep her feet but Miri jumped making him miss his target.

"Honestly you tried that? Really? You know growing up the only girl with Dem and Cole made me the butt of most their pranks. Do you know how many times they swept my legs just for the hell of it, well until I learned that anyways. I hope you've got more than that when they arrive. Cole will probably cut your dick off and feed it to your men. Your out of your league Eli. Run why you still can".

Miri sat back down beside her Pape with a satisfied grin. Eli stormed from the room frustrated and with a hint of fear.

"Good job love bug" London smiled over to her.

"Thanks Pape. Cole should be here soon. He did track my locket".

"I assumed that".

Leaning closer to London Miri's eye's watered. "Pape I'm sorry for the Cole and I thing. I know your probably pissed at both of us but it just happened".

Laney leaned up in pain "are we really having this conversation right now during a time like this. Miri you are a grown woman now. It's no big deal who you sleep with".

"The fuck it is". London hissed.

Conner let out a snorty laugh and sang. "I told you my son would be banging your daughter one day".

"Ughhh...shutup". Everyone said together as London sent a fuck you glare to Conner.

A few hours passed and Eli returned. "It's time Miri for our wedding".

"Oh no it's not". Miri hissed.

Eli jerked her up by her hair and started dragging her out but then they heard a faint noise. Everyone became still and listened.  There it went again. Miri immediately recognized it. It was the beat that her, Dem, and Cole always used for secret code. Miri's face lit up as she pounded it back out on a wooden table that was there. She pounded it once more and recivied the beat back.

"Stop that" Eli hissed

Miri just continued to beat it out over and over. Each time she got a reply beat back. "Drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot. Dem and Cole are going to drop you like it's hot".

Miri skipped back over to her family singing "someone's going to get it". She resumed beating the code out on the wall.

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now