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Not long after Cole showed his ass I left to take Sam home. I wasn't sure how to explain the incident to her so I kept racking my brain. Finally I just came out with it. "I'm sorry you had to witness that tonight".

Samantha grinned and laid her hand on my thigh as I drove along. "Don't sweat it. Trust me I've seen worse. My family isn't angels by no means. But I am curious as to why Cole reacted like he did?"

"Long story there. Cole has always had it for Miri but it's never worked out for them. I guess seeing Miri with another man got the best of him".

"You don't say" Sam snorted. "I felt so bad for her. I really like your sister. She was so sweet to me and I can't believe she gave me a hundred dollar bottle of perfume. I feel so bad because I didn't have a gift for anyone".

Kissing her hand I replied. "Don't be. Trust me no one cared. They like you".

Smiling Samantha beamed "I'm glad. Your mom is absolutely stunning and super nice. And your dad is one hot man".

"What" I screeched.

Samantha giggled. "It's true Demarco. If he wasn't married...." I let my words linger on purpose.

"Great. Now I'll have to keep you away from my Pape".

"Oh please. Your dad is totally smitten with your mom. I noticed them sneaking little love glances and touches constantly. I could only wish for a relationship so full of love and happiness like they have".

Smiling at her I said. "Maybe you will have that".

"I hope so. I was amazed at how down to earth and friendly they were. I assumed they'd be snotty and uptight like most wealthy people are".

"Well cupcake my mom is from a small southern town like yourself and didn't have much growing up. In fact when Pape met her she was stripping her way through college".

"No way" Sam gasped.

"Yep. And what's even more outstanding is how they met. My mom robbed my Pape".

"Now I know your lieing Demarco".

"Fine. Just ask my Pape next time" I added laughing.

We finally arrived to her apartment and I was surprised when she invited me up. We usually hung at my place but Sam had a early flight to Mississippi in the morning. Samantha grabbed a few drinks and we hunkered down in her room. As she pulled her pajamas on I stripped down to my boxers. I laid my gun and knife on her night table.

"Demarco why do you always carry weapons".

Taken by surprise I didn't know exactly what to say. "I don't know cupcake, I just like to have them nearby just in case. Does it bother you?"

"No, not really. I was just wondering.

When Sam pulled back her side of the blanket she saw the small gift laying on the bed.

"What's this?"

"Open it cupcake".

I watched as she pulled out the charm bracelet with a smile.

"This is our memory bracelet. I've placed a few charms on it myself and you can add them as our relationship grows. See here" I said pointing out each individual charm.

"This is my car when you tried to drive it. This here is the bottle of wine we shared on our first date. Naturally the hotdog represents your tattoo and this small bottle represents the pepper spray you blinded me with".

Samantha giggled then pounced on me. "I love it Demarco. Thank you".

I was on the verge of admitting my feelings for her when she grinned and said. "I have a present for you as well".

"Sam you shouldn't had".

Smiling she trailed her tounge down my belly and removed my boxers. We have yet to have sex or anything major so when her tounge grazed the tip of my cock I was shocked. Even more so when Sam's mouth wrapped around my erection and started working magic.

Gripping her hair as she pleasured me I whispered "cupcake your driving me crazy. Your mouth is so hot sucking me off".

She took her free hand and tugged on my balls as I sucked in a deep breath. Samantha worked my cock over and then some until I was ready to explode. She didn't pull back either, instead she drained every bit of juice I had to give.

Laying there fully satisfied I pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "Samantha I know it may be to soon but I want to let you know that I'm falling for you".

Snuggling closer to me she whispered. "I feel the same way Demarco".

We fell asleep in each others arms. I hated knowing that she would be leaving in the morning.


My mind was reeling from the stunt Cole pulled tonight and how he was trying to put claim on Miri. I headed to my home office and asked Miri to meet me there.

She came in and plopped down. "Miri I need you to explain the situation between you and Cole".

"Pape there isn't any situation".

"Miri his plan was to drag you off and hold you against your will. Why would he do that?"

Looking at her folded hands she spoke softly. "Cole has been trying to date me since we were teens. That week at the beach we had a major falling out and haven't spoke until tonight. I think he was outraged over Eli. Cole has been telling me for over a year that I was his and he going to snatch me off one day".

"Miri why haven't you told me this sooner".

"Come on Pape. You know Cole doesn't mean any of that".

"He very well may. I saw nothing but determination in his eye's tonight. Anyways how is Eli doing?"

"Resting right now and has a nasty looking bruise forming on his neck".

I'm going to have a chat with Cole tomorrow but rest assured that he won't be allowed here while your home".

"Thanks Pape".

As Miri left I pondered my head about Cole and how to properly deal with this situation.

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now