Green Eyed Monster

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Cole and I couldn't get enough of each other. We was together every available moment we had. We went to sleep together and woke together. Kinda had our own routine. Now that his parents were finally back and home and Conner was doing amazing we no longer stayed there. Demarco had moved down the hall into the other pent house apartment so Cole stayed with me.

We got up in the morning and he headed off to the den and I just hung out at home until he came home. Usually we would go out and mess around but tonight was different. I started back to school in the morning and I changed my major to fashion. It made more sense because I adored clothes and loved make-up and hair. They always said do what you love right?

So anyways we were going to stay in tonight and I planned a great dinner for us. I was busy putting the final touches to the salad when Cole came in. Striding over to me he pulled me up in a tight hug lifting my feet off the floor. I breathed in his scent and kissed him good. Setting down to eat I asked "how was your day Olive?"

"It was good baby girl but I missed you".

Smiling I asked "so did you have to kill anyone today?" Yea I know most would think this was odd table talk but it's what our world consists of. I've even heard mom ask that to Pape several times.

"No, not today. Seems things are calm".

As we sat eating I noticed Cole having trouble swallowing and pushing his food around. "You okay".

Smiling brightly he said "yea. The foods great baby girl".

Feeling pleased I thanked him. Right as we was finishing up Dem walked in with a chip on his shoulder. "What's up?" I asked.

He relayed what had happened between him and Sam.

"I told you so Dem. You can't do things like that. You shouldn't have now you screwed your relationship up".

"Miri why don't you shut up and worry about your own relationship".

"My relationship happens to be fine Dem".

"Yea you would think that living in your little princess bubble. Ask Cole why he was scarfing as much food as he could down today at the den"

I looked at Cole questionably. "Cole?"

"Oh I was hungry that's all". He stuttered sending a dark scowl at Dem.

Dem laughed. "Oh really, cause I recall you telling me that Miri insisted on cooking tonight and you needed to eat as much as you could so you didn't starve".

"Why would he starve Dem. I made alot".

"Because your food tastes like ass Miri" Demarco yelled

I recalled the way Cole acted while eating. "Is that true Cole?"

"Baby girl you know I love you. It's not that bad".

I teared up and ran off locking myself in my room. I could hear the boy's fussing with each other.

"What the fuck Dem. You know how sensitive she is ".

Demarco laughed. "What the princess can't take hearing the truth. I did you a favor. If not for me telling her that ants wouldn't even eat her food you'd still be forcing it down your throat and smiling like a jackass".

"Fuck off Dem. The only thing you did was give me a headache. Maybe if you was more considerate of Sam's feelings she wouldn't be gone".

"Screw that. That crazy psycho bitch broke my finger, smashed up my pad, and stabbed me with a fork before. Maybe if Miri wasn't such a spoiled, whiney, baby she would be giving you a piece of her mind instead of crying in her room".

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