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To say the least I was a bit confused at London's actions. We had spent a wonderful week together and he even managed to squelch my fear of chains. Every time I think of chains now I picture our steamy encounter and feel myself getting heated. Now he sends me back home while he stays back. Says he wants me to really think about what I really want. If I choose to come back he wants me to have no doubts.

Is he crazy? For year's all I have done is live, breath, and eat London Harper. True I needed my break and asked for a divorce but that was because I thought he hated me, not that I didn't love him.  Once again he is offering my freedom and a chance for a normal life. The question is, is having a normal life worth letting London go?

But right now I needed to focus on Miri. Her and Cole just busted in like hurricane and it was obvious how in love they was. He could barely contain himself and keep his hands off her. But when her eye's met mine I saw nothing but contempt. Thankfully Cole knew to excuse himself to let us talk. Smiling at her I said.

"Hey baby".

She just stared blankly, no expression, just like London, unreadable.

"Miri I understand your mad at me and I don't blame..."

She cut me off and demanded. "Where's my Pape?"

"He stayed back in Alabama".

"Why? Did you make him? Are you leaving him? He's been so down since you left and been through alot. We all have, yet you wasn't here when we needed you. Conner almost died and it hurt us all and ELa could have used you and Pape. He needs you. He can't function without you. Then Dem and Pape pulled guns on each other".

"What?" I screeched

"Yes, mom. We found out what Pape did to you and Demarco lost his shit on him. I had to threaten to kill myself just to stop it all".

I covered my face as tears fell. "I'm so sorry for leaving all of you, but had I stayed there's no telling what kind of shape me or your Pape would be in or if I'd even be alive. I know you don't understand but this break is what saved our marriage".

"If it saved your marriage then why isn't Pape here?"

"Because your Pape is the most stubborn, hard headed man on the planet. He wants me to make sure that I'm positive about coming back to him".

"Well are you?"

Laughing I said "Mirimosa what do you think? Of course I am. I wouldn't leave him if he made me. Pape just needed a wake up call so I gave it to him".

"That was mean mom".

"Maybe so, but remember your Pape isn't your normal man. We are okay now".

Miri's stared me down then ran and jumped in my arms. "I missed you mom".

"I missed you to my baby".

"I have so much to tell you".

"I'm sure you do. First what's up with you and Cole."

Miri grinned. "I love him so much. He's perfect in every single way."

I saw that dreamy look in her eye's as she spoke of Cole. "Uh-oh Miri. May I ask if your ummm. Well you know".

She smiled and blushed. " Miri are you using protection?"

"Yes mom. Cole take cares of all that".

Arching my brows I asked "What do you mean takes care of it? He's not controlling you is he?"

"Oh no mom. He just wants to be responsible for us to. He's great to me. He even made me go back to school".

"Okay but remember what I've always told you. Never let any man control you. Be independent and smart. See I just let Pape assume that he controls me, but in the end I have the last say".

Miri laughed. "That's because Pape is wrapped around your finger".

I stared at a picture of Miri and I that was hanging on the wall. It was taken when she was a child and I couldn't believe that she was so grown now. She gave me a worried look. "Mom I can't cook. Cole and Demarco says my food tastes like ass".

I laughed. "Heres a little secret Miri. I don't cook that well either. If not for Pape we would have starved many nights. Do you honestly think I cook all that food when Pape has his business men over for dinner or the holidays?"

"Well yea, I've seen you."

"No my dear. I have Calmatia from the  den cook for me. I sneak it in and place it in our dishes and take the credit. But also learn a few recipes and practice them until their perfect just in case you need to cook in a emergency".

"Mom" Miri laughed. "But I've seen you cook".

"No honey it was just a illusion. I'll have your Pape join me in the kitchen and being the take charge man he is he'll start taking over while I perch on the counter drinking my wine. Now where is your brother?"

"Probably out begging Sam for forgiveness".

Miri filled me in on what Demarco did. "I need to have a chat with him.

By that night everything seemed back to normal with me and Miri but as I looked out the viewing window I missed London.

Yes this chapter was kinda blah but better is coming!! Thanks for reading!

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now