Smoking Gun

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That phone call was strangely odd and out of character for Samantha. I tried to reach her a few more times but I only got her voicemail. Nope, I didn't like this one bit. Placing a call to Pape, I explained the situation and asked to borrow the jet. Naturally he allowed me but warned me not to get into any trouble or cause any harm.

Thankfully I had placed a GPS chip in the key charm I gave to Sam so it wouldn't be hard to find her once I landed. I rented a car once I arrived and within a hour I was parked outside a run down shack of a house. This house looked like something from a horror film.

Everything was pitch dark except for the soft glow of a t.v. shinning through a window. Taking my gun off safety, I stepped up onto the sagging porch. The rotted wood creaked and groaned beneath my weight. Carefully I opened the screen door as not to make a sound.  Standing there I strained my ears to see if I could detect any sounds from inside the home.

Satisfied, I brought my hand up getting ready to knock when I heard a muffled cry followed by  someone yell no. I knew that voice. That voice belonged to my cupcake and it sounded terrified. Not waiting another second, I hurriedly picked the lock, grabbed my gun and stepped in.

Taking in my surroundings I saw a woman sitting up on the couch passed out with tons of beer cans around her. Knowing she was harmless I moved down the hall slowly. I heard Samantha cry out again and headed toward the door the sound was coming from. Quietly I opened the door and my blood exploded through my veins. I thought I'd been mad before but no, this was the devil himself rising from my soul. I saw this lard ass of a man holding my cupcake down trying to wrestle her out of her pants as she feebly tried to fight him off.

Without asking any questions I calmly walked over and placed my gun to his temple. Without a word I blew his head off his shoulders. I watched as the other side of his head splashed onto the wall. Jerking him off Sam I tossed his sorry ass to the floor. Looking down at Sam I could tell she was trying to scream but the fear of what she has went through and what she just saw choked her voice off. Her mouth was open but nothing was coming out. Sitting down beside her I noticed her face bruised. I stroked her hair as I she laid there in a daze, completely shut down from the terror.

Before I could speak a older man barged in. "What the hell was that noise girl?" He then saw the other guy laying dead on the floor and guffawed before he noticed me. I rose to my full height. "Who the hell are you and what did you do to my son?"

Grinning I said meanicily "I'm your nightmare. You should've taught your son how to treat a lady".

The man backed out of the doorway and ran down the hall. I followed him with a slow stride while laughing. "Go ahead grab a gun, knife, call 911. It's to late and you don't know what your dealing with".

Cornering him in his room I asked "Who are you to my Samantha?"

"I ain't shit to her. I just married her drunk of a mother".

"So that's her mom passed out on the couch?"


"Tell me how many time's you put your hands on my cupcake?"

"She deserved every beating I gave her".

"Wrong answer". Not wanting to hear anymore this sack of shit had to say, I sent a bullet speeding for his forehead. The last look he gave was that of pure horror as he realized his life just ended. Smiling I went back to Sam. She was still in the same position I'd left her and clearly traumatized. Setting back down I took her hand.

"Cupcake look at me?"

With trembling jerks she turned toward me. "Sam I'm here now a no one will ever put you through this again. I know your scared but you have no reason to fear me. I'll keep you safe".

Then her mind finally came back and she lurched away from me and let out a ear splitting scream.

Fuck my ducks. What to do now? She was hysterical and scared of me. I had a lot of clean up to take care of  and decisions to make. Lifting her over my shoulder I saw a hallway closet and locked her in. I retrieved my special black bag from the car and came back in. I got a syringe ready so I could put her under. There was no way I could deal with cleaning and her at the same time. Pulling a fighting Sam from the closet I held her down on the floor and she finally spoke through sobs.

"Demarco pl-please d-on't k-kill meee. I won't t-talk to n-nobody"

Pulling her onto my lap I tried to soothe her. "Cupcake I would never do that.  I made them pay for harming you. I've got to take care of some issues then we are going home. For now I need you to rest though".

I poked the needle into her arm and she let out another scream. "This won't hurt you. It will just make you take alittle nap. When you wake up you'll be in New York".

I watched as Sam tried to fight it and once she lost the battle and sleep overtook her I nestled her onto the couch with her mom. Finally I was able to see the extinct of her injuries. Clearly there was some broken ribs. Once home I would have the family doctor tend to her. Speaking of home my Pape was going to shit a brick when he discovered that I just killed a few shit bags and exposed our lifestyle to Sam.

I had a lot of work ahead of me so I headed outside to hopefully find the tools I would need. Once I set up shop I heffted the stepdad up on my shoulder and went out back. Laying him on top of a old work table I grabbed some pliars and got busy yanking his teeth out. I placed each one in a bowl for later disposal. Next, I went to work on cutting the fingertips off so there would be no prints to identify him. Finally, I cranked the chainsaw up and got busy dismembering him. Starting a fire in a barrel I tossed his pieces over into the flames, then drug the son out and repeated the ritual. Once the bodies were blazing, I doused the the blood spots in the home with bleach and gave it a good scrubbing. Going back outside I hosed down my work area, slung the pliars out into the woods while I dismantled the chainsaw and scattered the parts in the woods. The fire had died out and a few bones remained. Spotting a old well, I scooped the bones out, placed them in a duffle bag and tossed the in the well.

The sun was just coming up as I finished up. I was beat and covered in blood. Grabbing a change of clothes from the car, I jumped in the shower then threw my soiled clothes into the barrel and  tossed a match in. My work here is done.

Walking back in I was greeted by Samantha's mom. She squinted her eye's and asked "Who are you?"

Clearly she was still drunk so I said "your dreaming, that's all. Lay back down and finish the dream. When you wake you'll discover that your husband and his son ran off never to return. They won the lottery and set sail for bluer oceans. That's right, close your eye's. It's only a dream".

I laughed as she nodded back off. Picking Sam up, I placed her in the car and sped back to the jet. Sleep, right now I craved sleep then I'll figure out how to mend things with Samantha.

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