Cherry Promises

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Hiya! Pictured above is Cole, or at least how I imagine him. Read on readers!!


Once home I sat in the kitchen while my parent's lit into me over running off like that. This time my mom actually agreed with my Pape and was madder than I'd ever seen her. I had heard that my short little mommy had actually been held captive for sometime and actually killed a man. Seeing how angry she was right now I could believe it.

Our discussion went fairly well considering all my recent shenanigans. My Pape did give me weeks worth of restrictions but agreed to loosen up his grip after my punishment was over. Oh, and I wasn't being shipped off to Italy either. Dodged that bullet.

Cole continuously phoned or texted me for several days but obviously he hadn't taken the hint yet. I was super pissed at him for turning me over to my parent's. It would be awhile if ever before I spoke to him.

The following day my Pape took me to school because I still had no car. As we pulled up, I just sat there not getting out. "Something wrong baby?"
My Pape asked when I hadn't budged.

"I haven't seen nor spoke to Stacy since I found out about her and Devin. I just don't know what to expect. Will she be upset over what Dem and Cole did to Devin or will she smile in my face trying to act like my friend?"

"You want me to make her disappear?"

Snapping my head up to look at Pape, I laughed. "Really Pape?"

"Truth is Miri that your mom would probably know what to tell you concerning all this girly drama better than me. However if Stacy tries anything beat her down. You've had defense training plus the boy's have always been tough on you. You got this".

I snorted. " I can just see the school contacting you if I got into a fight. You'd lose your mind again".

London laughed. "Not if your defending yourself I wouldn't. Now get going. Dem will be picking you up today".

"Thanks Pape" I said leaning over kissing his cheek then grabbing my backpack I got out. Pape sat there until I made it indoors. Before entering, I turned and gave him a wave. Even though I was eighteen now and had my issues with Pape recently, I was still daddy's girl.

Standing at my locker I heard when Stacy approached with her squeaky voice. "Miri where have you been? I've had to take care of Devin since your brother and his friend pounded him".

Whipping around I stated disinterested "I'm sure you have been taking care of him very well".

"What's that suppose to mean Miri?"

Turning back to unpacking my bag I simply shrugged " I'm sort of busy right now Stacy and don't have time to chat".

"What's up your ass Miri?"

"Look Stacy tell Devin I'm sorry for what happened but we're done. As for you, we are no longer friends. You two have fun together".

As I walked off Stacy hissed "I don't know who you think you are but you defiantly don't want to go there with me".

I stopped in my tracks and spun around. Narrowing my eye's to slits I gritted out. "No Stacy, I assure you that you don't want to go there with me".

I didn't wait for her reply, instead I headed on to my class. The day whizzed by without any more incidents. At the end up the day, I went outside to wait for Dem. I was super duper pissed when Cole's Mercedes flew in and lurched to a stop beside me. I stood crossing my arms as he leaned over to open my door. "Come on baby girl, don't be a ass".

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