Backtracking For Love

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Tonight was amazing. I loved seeing the jealously creep over laney's face at thinking I was flirting with another woman. Then we danced like we hadn't in years. The only downer was having to drug her in order to complete my plan. I hated doing that and it broke my heart to here the fear in her voice as she begged me not to place her in chain's. My babydoll was truly scared of me for the first time ever. I will change that and bring back the man she fell for.

Making sure her cottage was locked up securely I carried her to the car and nestled her in the backseat. She would wake to a whole new world. A place we haven't been but once. As I walked around to get in a figure caught my eye. Turning I saw the feared so called mafia leader here.

Showing no fear I called him out. "Don't be a coward, come out of the shadows and give me a name".

He lingered out with a sly smile. "I came to check on Eliza and the name's   Manuel".

"Well Manuel I am her husband and her true name is Laney Harper. I am London Harper". I said  meanicily.

"Ahhhh, your the great Italian mafia Lord correct. The one people claim has no soul, who's eye's are empty pools of insufferable torture".

"Yes, that's me. What is your interest in my wife? I asked icily.

"Ahhh...shes very lovely. Do you care to share?"

Pulling my suit jacket aside to reveal my guns I growled. "The only thing I share is bullets. My wife is off limits to any and every man. Never has a man survived that dare comes near her".

Manuel smiled his slimy smile "I see the lady is your weakness?"

"Never. She's my strength. I will no longer discuss my wife with a gutter rat, but take this as your first and only warning if you dare even think of my wife I will slit your gut open, rewire your intestines and have you shitting out the hole that your head use to be attached to. Now we will be on our way".

Pulling off I knew I would be back here to rid this city of it's tormentor.


Man why is my head hurting and my eye's refuse to obey the signal my brain is sending them. Taking a deep breath I forced them open. Once my vision cleared I looked at my surroundings and gasped. Where in the love of God was I.

A motel room I knew for sure, but it looked like one from a horror film, or a meth lab would be ran out of here. The smell of mold and stale cigarette smoke clung to the air making me gag. The blanket threw over me had seen better days and stunk as well. I swung it from my body and a plastic card flew into the air landing on the floor. Squinting down on the stained thread bare carpet I recognized  that it was my license. The hell, then it all came flooding back.

London got me and drug me. But where am I an where is he? Scooting off the saggy mattress I still had my salsa dress on and stilettos. I cracked the door open to blazing sun. Stepping out I almost fainted.  The fucking Angry Rooster bar stood across from me. The very place I robbed London when we met. I'm in Alabama but why and where is he?  Wait a minute, he wouldn't would he?

Dashing back into the room I searched like crazy for my bag, anything that was mine. The only thing I found besides my licence was London's black bag of tricks. Opening it up I saw guns, knives, gernades, Ammo. Enough to put me behind bars for awhile if I was caught with this. That bastard. He robbed me and left me like I did him years ago. I used the hotel phone to call a cab and take me to my home here.

I was humiliated getting into this cab, wearing what I had on, makeup from the night before, my hair looked as if I was caught up in a twister and I was leaving this grungy hotel. Yep, I bet the driver thought I was a hooker for sure. Tucking London's bag of death close to me I stepped in the car.

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