Chapter 1

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"Come on Logan, we're running late!" Demi yelled, loudly knocking on Logan's bedroom door. It was eight o'clock in the morning wich meant they had to be in the canteen in less than five minutes. Demi had overslept and it looked like Logan, her best friend along with Nick, had overslept too.

"Damn, Demi" Logan whined opening the door. He had a very tired expression on his face and he didn't seem like wanting to rush towards the canteen. "Logan! We're running late! Mrs. Thomson is gonna kill us. Hurry up!" The seventeen year old girl told him, grabbed his hand and dragged him to the canteen.

Logan and Demi were two of the hundreds of students of the boarding school. They all were there for several reasons. Demi, for example, was there because her parents died at a car accident. Her uncle owned her after the tragedy but, soon, he got tired of the girl and sent her to this school. Logan was there because he was kind of a problematic guy and his parents couldn't control him.

Mrs. Thomson was the principal of the school. She was a fifty year old woman that was kind of alone, she didn't have children or a husband. She wasn't very nice and she was very strict, that was why most of the students respected her and even were scared of her.

"Oh, this will be bad" Demi whispered while Logan gave her a nod, letting her know he agreed with her. The girl put her hand on the door handle and opened the two huge brown doors. All the students were sit around several tables. They all went quiet when the doors got open.

Mrs. Thomson got up from her seat and walked towards them. She didn't seem very happy, that made Demi feel the shivers down her spine. All the eyes of all the students were on them now, something that made Demi feel very uncomfortable. She wanted to yell at them, ask them what they where watching at but she soon stiffled that idea away, knowing she could get into more trouble than she already was.

"So, so, so. Look at who we have here; Miss Lovato and Mister Henderson" Logan and Demi locked eyes for like two seconds and then they went to look at the principal who was standing in front of them. "Why are you two late?" Mrs. Thomson asked. "We... We overslept... Mrs.Thomson" Demi stuttered, trying hard to stop her hands from trembling in the inside of her pockets. "Yes, that's completely true" Logan added to Demi's words. "I see" Thomson replied and laughed with sarcasm.

Demi bit on her lower lip. She was nervous, very nervous. How was Mrs. Thomson going punish them?

"You two are going to clean the dishes of the dinner at night, is that clear?" Demi and Logan noded energetically after Mrs. Thomson told them their punishment. "Yes, Mrs. Thomson" Logan and Demi said at the same time. "Alright then" The woman turned her body around and went back to her seat.

Logan and Demi quietly walked towards their table, where their friends were.

"Hey, guys" Selena said smiling at them. "Hey" They said, not in a happy tone. "It's sucks. I'm really sorry for you" Marissa added, getting Demi's weak smile. "Thanks Marissa." She said. "Want to know something?" Nick asked all of a sudden. "Yes" Logan replied. "There is a new teacher!" Nick exclaimed. "So what?" Joe, Nick's brother and Demi's boyfriend, asked without any type of interest. "Tell us about it, Nick" Demi said, ignoring her boyfriend. "Well, I don't know a lot about him. I only know he isn't very old, since I've seen him arrive in here yesterday and I know he is going to be our new spanish teacher" Nick told them.

The bell rang, wich meant they had to go to their classrooms. "Hey, babe, we should go to my bedroom and... Well, you know what I want." Joe whispered in Demi's ear while they walked towards the maths classroom. "When?" She wanted to know. "After class" He replied.

Demi didn't really want to go with Joe. She loved him but he only could think about sex and that was just something she didn't like at all.

"Um... I can't. I'm sorry, baby" And she quickly took a seat next to Marissa so Joe didn't have the chance to sit by Demi's side.

Soon, they had spanish and the new teacher entered the classroom. Demi couldn't believe what she was seeing. This new teacher was really hot.

"Hello, guys, I'm Wilmer Valderrama and I am your new spanish teacher" He introduced himself and wrote his name on the board. "You can call me Wilmer since I don't like how "Mr. Valderrama" sounds. It sounds so old and it makes me feel old too" Some giggles could be heard in the classroom but none of them was from Demi, she could only look at him and hear the sound of his smooth latin accent.

"So... I want to know all of you... Let's start with" Wilmer looked all around the classroom and his eyes stopped on Demi. "You, young lady" Demi looked at him. "Me?" Wilmer noded his head, smiling at her. "Oh, em..." She cleared her throath and started talking. "Well... My name is Demi... Demetria Devonne Lovato actually but please call me Demi" "Alright but only if you call me Wilmer" He said, making her smile. "Okay then, Wilmer" Demi said back, feeling pretty well by his side.

That night, everyone was sleeping or at least resting in their bedrooms while Logan and Demi were cleaning the dishes in the kitchen.

"Ugh, this sucks so fucking much" Logan complained but Demi wasn't really paying attention to her friend. She was cleaning the dishes but her minds where somewhere far away.

"So... And what do you think about Wilmer, the new teacher?" Logan asked suddenly, getting Demi's attention. "What? Why do you ask that?" She wanted to know, starting to feel nervous. "Because you were looking at him in awe... I guess you fell in love with him" Logan teased. "Oh, shut up, Logan. I wasn't looking at him in awe... I was just... Looking at him in a serious way..." Logan laughed at her response. "Okay then. Tell me what you think about him, Demetria" Demi sighed while her hands kept cleaning the dishes. "I think he is... I don't know, I think he is another teacher. Nothing else" Logan laughed again. "Yeah, of course Demi, whatever you say" He added. "You know what, Logan? Go fuck yourself and leave me alone" Demi replied laughing along with him. "I'm fucking dating Joe, why would I fall in love with a teacher?" Demi cleaned the last dish and gave it to Logan so he could put it in it's place. "What's going on between Joe and you?" Logan wanted to know while they both left the kitchen. "What do you mean?" Demi asked. "Um... Well... Nothing" Logan didn't know how to tell Demi it was really obvious they weren't in love anymore. "It's just that I feel like Joe only wants me to have sex, you know?" Logan noded his head. "That's sad" He told her. Demi sighed. "Whatever. I'm tired, I need some sleep" She let him know. "Okay then, goodnight, Dem" Demi kissed his cheek and he entered his bedroom wich he shared with Nick and Joe.

Demi was walking through the hallway when she bumped into someone and she almost fell on the ground but two strong arms catched her just in time.

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