Chapter 21

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Demi was still awake even though it was really late and Marissa and Selena were already sleeping in their beds.

She grunted, annoyed because she couldn't close her eyes.

Ugh, I miss him... That was all she knew and it was killing her inside.

Demi covered her face with the pillow.

"Ughhhhh" She grunted once again. She got out of the bed and started to walk around the room.

"Mm? Demi?" Selena's sleepy voice asked. "Yeah, it's me" Demi huffed and sat on the bed again, passing her fingers through her dark hair.

"Why are you awake?" Selena asked getting out of her bed and turning the light on. Then she sat by Demi's side. "I can't sleep" Demi told her. Selena sighed.

"What's wrong?" She asked in a very sweet way. Demi just sighed. "Nothing, Selly, everything's good" Demi lied and, suddenly she felt how Selena's arms wrapped around her.

"Okay... Good night then" Selena placed a kiss on Demi's cheek and went back to her bed since she was really tired. 

Demi smiled at her friend and then she got under her sheets again. She closed her eyes but she wasn't able to sleep. Wilmer immediately popped into her mind.

He was smiling and his arms were open for her. Demi walked to his arms and let herself fall in between them, feeling comfortable and safe there...


Wilmer couldn't sleep either. He felt like there was something missing... Immediately he knew he missed Demi.

I wish she was here... I would kiss her and hold her so tight... He said to himself as he tried to find the right position on the bed to fall asleep.

His hands rubbed his face as his lips let out a frustrated sigh. 

Demi. Demi. Demi. Demi. Demi that was all he could think about. He was tired, he wanted to sleep, to rest but it was impossible since he needed his girl in between his arms to fall asleep.


"Demi! Wake up! It's time to leave!" Marissa's voice said, moving Demi's body. Demi's brown eyes opened and looked at her best friend.

"Leave? Where?" She asked in a very sleepy voice. "To our old school!" Selena said and then Demi remembered it all.

The past few months had passed by. She didn't have a lot of time to be with Wilmer since there was always someone around. And now the school was ready for them.

Christmas had also passed by and, this time, her uncle wanted her to spend this holidays with him. She'd had the worst time ever since her uncle only wanted her to be like a maid.


Demi jumped out of the bed and quickly put her uniform on.

"I'm ready!" She was excited because she knew that, at the school, she was going to be able to spend more time with Wilmer.

The three girls walked out of the place and, soon, they were all in a bus. Demi looked around her, searching for Wilmer but her eye didn't catch him.

"He might be in the other bus" Marissa whispered in her ear. Demi gave her a smile. "Maybe..."

Marissa always knew what Demi was thinking about. It was like she could read her mind. Demi liked that at some point because so she didn't have to tell her some deep things. Marissa just guessed them and she used to be right.

When the buses arrived at the school Demi was one of the first ones to get out of them. Her eyes looked for him and she soon found him.

A smile appeared on her lips and she wanted to run uo to him, hug him and maybe kiss him... But she couldn't and that killed her inside.  Her chest hurted because she needed him... But she couldn't get him.

When she looked at him again, she noticed that he was looking at her too. He gave her a smile and waved to her. She waved back and went to grab her things.

"Ahh, I can't believe I've missed this place" Demi sighed as she entered her room followed by Marissa and Selena.

The room was kind of different now. There were new beds, new closets... The walls were now painted with pink paint, something that they appreciated it.

"To be honest, the fire only ameliorated things" Marissa said, giggling as she let herself fall on her new bed.

"Yeah" Demi added, thinking about the days she had spent at Wilmer's house. Then Ollie came into her mind and she realized how much he missed that little fluffy doggie.

"Were there any deaths?" Marissa asked. "Yes, the nurse died..." Selena told her. Demi's mouth opened as she remembered Jules...

"That's sad..." Marissa's smile immediately faded away. "Yeah... She got trapped in the sickbay" Selena made her know.

"Poor woman... She was so nice" Demi mumbled, feeling the sadness inside of her as she pictured the family of the nurse crying for her...

But Jules was in her mind too. That good looking nurse she had met at the hospital... She would work here now but that girl didn't give Demi a good feeling and that made her worry.

"Demz? Are you alright?" Marissa asked. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" Someone knocked on the door and Selena opened it.

There was Miley.

"Hello girls" She said with a huge smile on her lips. "Um, hi" Selena said.

Selena and Miley weren't very good friends because of silly things that had happened when they were just children.

"Demi, Wilmer is looking for you. He says he has something to tell you" Miley's words made Demi get up. "Where is he?" Demi asked. 

Miley giggled.

"He's at the library, where else would he be?" Marissa laughed, Miley was right; Wilmer used to spend a lot of time at the library.

Demi was about to leave the room but Miley stopped her.

"Don't get shocked, the library changed a lot" Demi gave Miley a nod and walked away.

What would Wilmer tell her?

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