Chapter 11

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She opened her chocolate eyes and rubbed them with the back of her hands. She grunted and sat up on the bed. Marissa and Selena were already there, looking at her with two huge smiles on their faces.

"Ahh!" Demi screamed as the girls had scared her. "Hey, Demz" Marissa laughed, followed by Selena. "Ugh, it´s not funny" Demi whined and got out of her bed. "Yes, it is" Selena added as Demi locked herself in the bathroom. "What time is it?" Demi yelled from the bathroom. "Seven!" Marissa yelled back.

Demi took a quick shower and got dressed with her uniform. She looked at the reflection of herself in the mirror. A smile appeared on her lips as she remembered what she and Wilmer did yesterday. She could still feel his touch, hear his sweet voice… Hear him calling her ´hermosa´.

Three knocks could be heard on the door.

"Come on, Demi!" It was Selena, she probably wanted to use the bathroom too so she walked out of it. Selena locked herself there too. Demi sat next to Marissa on the bed.

"How was your weekend?" Marissa asked. Demi smiled again.

Usually, she hated it when someone asked about her weekend but, this time, things were different because she´d had the best weekend of her whole life.

"Pretty good" She replied, still with that cheeky smile on her plump lips. "Mmm, Marissa wanna know" Marissa said, teasing her friend.

Damn, how much Demi wanted to tell Marissa about it but Wilmer´s words kept popping into her mind. She couldn´t tell her about it… Perhaps if she did that she could not go out with Wilmer again… And she really wanted to go out with him again.

"Nothing… I just had a good weekend" Demi said. Marissa raised her eyebrows. She didn´t believe Demi but she knew that Demi would not tell her about her weekend so she just kept quiet.

The day passed by and Demi didn´t see Joe. She was happy for that, she really didn´t want to see him.

"Demi!" She heard her name when she was walking through the hallway. She stopped walking at turned around. "Oh, hi Wilmer" She greeted him. Soon, he was in front of her, wearing a smile on his lips.

Demi couldn´t help but focus her gaze on his lips. Those lips looked so delicious; she wanted to kiss them… She bit on her lower lip.

"Hi, I need to ask you something." He said. She looked him into the eyes, trying not to get distracted by his lips.

"What?" She asked, smiling. "Did you have fun yesterday?" He questioned her. She smiled even huger.

"Yes, I had a lot of fun actually. What about you?" Wilmer smiled. "I had a very good time" He admitted. "So… We could do it again, right?" She suggested. He giggled. "Maybe… If we get the chance… Because… It´s not that easy, Demi. But you must know that I would love to take you out every day… I hope this doesn´t sound weird or something" Demi laughed at his words. "It´s not weird… It´s cute… It makes me feel so good… Thank you so much for making me smile" She couldn´t help but wrap her arms around him, hugging him tight. He hold her into his embrace and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"Hey! Keep your fucking hands off my girlfriend!" That was Joe´s voice. Wilmer and Demi immediately pulled away and looked at the guy who was running towards them and pushed Wilmer away.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to hug my girlfriend?" Joe angrily asked. "Joe! What the hell are you doing?" Demi asked, feeling the anger build up inside of her. "Being your boyfriend! Stupid bitch!" He yelled at Demi and punched Wilmer´s face, making him fall on the ground.

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