Chapter 31

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Marissa and Selena left their things in their  room. Demi wasn't there which was weird because she used to be there to greet them.

"Where's Demi?" Selena asked Marissa, who shrugged at her question. "I don't know" And she sat on the bed.

The door got open, revealing a messy haired Demi.

"Oh, hey girls" She said and tried to put a smile on her face but failed at it.

"Demi! What happened?" Marissa asked, getting up to hug Demi. But she got rid of Marissa's arms.

"Nothing. Everything's good" Demi said and faked another smile. "Are you sure?" Selena asked, raising her eyebrows at her.

"Yeah" Demi  fixed her hair and cleared her throath. "I'm completely sure" And she softly laughed.

"No, Demi..."  Marissa started but she git interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"Fuck..." Demi cursed. "Tell him I'm not here" She told her friends in whispers and locked herself in the bathroom.

Marissa shrugged at Selena and went to open the door.

"Ruben? What... What... I... You... Are...?" Marissa's eyes locked with Ruben's and her cheeks immediately turned red.

"Hey..." He tried to remember her name but, somehow, he couldn't. "Um..." He kept thinking.

"It's Marissa" She said. Ruben nodded. "Yeah, I knew it" He giggled and Marissa tried to giggle too but she failed.

"So... Is Demi here?" He asked. Marissa shook her head. "Oh... And do you know where she is?" He asked then.

"N...No..." Marissa stuttered. Ruben grunted. "Okay. Thanks" And the guy walked away.

Marissa shut the door.

"Demi, he's away" She said and her voice didn't sound happy at all.

Demi got out of the bathroom.

"Are you alright?" Selena asked Marissa as she sat on the bed with a sad expression on her face.

"No..." She mumbled. Demi and Selena sat by her side.

"I'm really sorry, Marissa. He keeps talking to me and stuff but I promise I try to ignore him..." Demi said. Marissa sighed.

"And you know I love Wilmer so..." Selena's gasp didn't let Demi finish talking.

"You love who?" Selena's brown eyes became bigger.

"Fuck" Demi grunted.

"Now you have to tell her" Marissa said.

Demi looked at Selena and sighed.

"Wilmer and I are dating" Demi simply said. "But no one can know about it, okay? So don't tell anyone" Selena nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asked, the disappointment was clear in her voice.

"I couldn't, Selly. Please understand me" Demi said. Selena sighed.

"Okay..." She mumbled and Demi decided to hug her. "I really do love him and he loves me too... It's pretty hard for us and if Mrs. Thomson gets to know this she will do something bad. We all know she hates me." Demi spoke.

"I will keep my mouth shut" Selena promised with a soft smile on her face.

"Thanks" Demi gave her a smilr back and then looked at Marissa again.

"Marissa, we have to do something so Ruben can notice you" Demi said. "I've got an idea" Selena added.


"Are you sure this is going to help?" Marissa asked.

The girls where in the middle of the basketball playground and Marissa was wearing basketball clothes and her hair was in a pony tail.

"Yeah" Selena said, grabbed Demi's hand and dragged her towards the ladies bathroom, where they hid.

"Such a weird plan" Demi mumbled, sitting on a bench that was there so people could change their clothes after basketball.

"It's not a weird plan. It's a master plan" Selena sat by Demi's side. "So... I wanna know more about your thing with Wilmer" Selena said.

Demi let out a sigh.

"It's not just a thing. It's real love. I've never felt like this before, you know? When he comes around I just... Feel millions of butterflies flying around my stomach and when he talks to me... Oh, Gosh I just... I love him, Sel"

Selena nodded her head, letting Demi know she understood her.

"Have you ever been in love?" Demi asked Selena. "Yeah... Once" She let her know. "And did it feel like everything was right. That no one matters. Just you and him" Demi felt a smile appearing on her lips as Wilmer's face popped into her mind.

"Hey, let's see how things are going with Rissa" Selena said and Demi could feel she was nervous.

They both walked towards the door and slowly opened it a little bit.

"You're so funny" Marissa said and Ruben seemed to be smiling at the blue eyed girl.

Demi winked at Selena.

"It seems to go cool" Demi said and quietly giggled

"Yeah" Selena replied.

"I didn't know you liked playing basketball" Ruben said as he handed Marissa the orange ball.

"Yes, I really like basketball" Marissa said, catching the ball. "I... I play it a lot" She added and formed a smile on her lips.

"Well, that's awesome. Let's play a bit" He said and Marissa nodded. "Okay"

Selena and Demi entered the bathroom again.

"Your plan has succeeded" Demi told Selena who laughed. "I know, I'm the best" Selena replied and they both giggled.

"But the plan hasn't finished yet" Selena added. "No?" Demi asked, rising her eyebrows.

"Nope, just wait" Selena giggled once more and Demi could see in her brown eyes thag it was going to be an amazing plan.


Wilmer walked out of the library and started walking towards his bedroom but someone stopped him.

"Hey, Wilmer" Jules' voice greeted him with a seductive smile on her red lips.

"Hello, Jules" He replied and continued walking but she followed him until they reached his bedroom.

"Bye" Wilmer said and entered his room.

When he was inside he sighed but suddenly, the door flew open and Jules appeared there.

"You think you'll get rid of me that fast?" She asked and let out a laugh.

"Jules, please, leave my room" Wilmer said in a serious way. "Why?" She pouted and started getting closer to him.

"Jules..." He started and her hand reached his arm. She made her hand travell up his arm and then to his chest.

"Stop" He said, grabbing ber by her wrists. Another smile was shown on Jules' lips.

"I know you want to have some fun, babe. That baby of yours cannot give you sex... But I can" She winked at him.

Wilmer swallowed.

"I..." He started but Jules tried to kiss him.

He quickly avoided her lips.

"I don't need sex, Jules. I love Demi and I love her for who she is. Not for sex" Wilmer spoke.

"Please, leave" Wilmer said. Jules sighed and turned around.

"Okay" And she left.

Wilmer sat on the bed and let out a long sigh.

He found Jules attractive and stuff but he loved Demi so much.

She was the light in his world and he didn't care about the sex part.

Thinking about her brought a smile to his lips and made his heart miss her. He wondered where she was...

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