Chapter 58

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“So… You´re Wilmer´s lawyer, right?” Demi asked him as she closed the door.

“Yes, I am. My name is Eddie De La Garza. You can call me Eddie if you want to” He gave her smile which she gave him back.

There was just something about this girl that made him feel like home. It was like he had seen her before.

“I am Demi” She said.

“I need to ask you some questions”

“Okay” She said and sat down on her bed, ready to answer all his questions.

Eddie sat down in front of her on a stool and looked into her hazel eyes.

“Okay so… First of all, did he rape you?”

“Hell, no!” Demi explained.

“Okay but…. You guys were something… Like… You two were in a romantic relationship. Is that right?”

Demi nodded her head.

“Yes. From the very first time I saw him, I felt something. We are meant to be, you know?” Demi explained.

Eddie was recording the entire conversation.

“Okay, Demi… I think it´s pretty obvious that he didn´t rape you. Did you guys have sex?”

Demi shook her head.

“I gotta admit that, sometimes, I wanted to but Wilmer always stopped me. He said we could not do it yet. He was right. We have to wait until I am 18.”

Eddie nodded.

“That´s another thing we can add in our helping list. I think It´ll be really easy to win this battle” He send a smile towards her.

“That´s good to hear”


It was night when Joe exited the club. He was drunk and high on drugs.

He walked towards his friend´s house, where he was staying at. But his friend was not home. He was probably with his girlfriend which meant he was home alone.

-Better- he thought and locked himself in a room.

He sat on the ground, his back against the cold wall.

He felt like shit. He felt bad.

Joe still loved Demi. He knew he wouldn’t be able to forget her. And he started crying. Every tear that hit the ground was for Demi. He knew that he had done it all wrong.

Maybe if he had not been an idiot, the first time they dated, maybe his relationship with Demi had gone much better. Maybe.

But now he was alone and sad and so was Demi. But she could have been happy right now and it was his fault that she was devastated.

He hated Jules. It was all her fault.

His phone started ringing. He answered it without even looking who it was.

“What?” He said with a hoarse voice

“Hello there. It´s Jules”

“Fuck you” He mumbled.

“No, I call you to fuck you, my dear. Remember our treat” She giggled.

“Forget it. Forget everything, even me” He said and ended the phone call.

Joe smashed the phone against the walls, causing it to break into pieces. But he didn´t care anymore.

He had a new plan. Joe was going to tell the police the truth because he couldn´t handle it anymore.


Demi was trying to sleep when she heard her name being called outside.

She frowned and turned on the lights before heading towards the window.

“Demi! Demi!” Marissa was calling her. Demi opened the window.

“What are you doing here?”

“I need to give you something… And your fucking uncle doesn´t let me enter the house. He´s such an asshole”

Demi giggled. How she loved her best friend.

“Okay, I´ll open the door for you” Demi rolled her eyes and closed the window.

“Okay, girl, listen” Marissa said once she and Demi were in Demi´s bedroom all alone.

“I went to visit Wilmer and he gave me this for you” Marissa handed her a piece of paper. Demi smiled big.

“I promise I didn´t read it” Marissa told her just in case.

Demi started laughing.

“Thank you, girl” She thanked as she started reading.

“Hello there, Hermosa.

I read your letter and let me thank you because you actually made me feel so much better.

And yes, babe, it is really scary. I just want to be out of here to hold you in my arms forever. I love you so much.

You´re so right, Hermosa, we need to keep fighting with faith. Our love is so worth it.

I already have a lawyer; I guess you know him already. He´s going to help us for sure.

Nena, I miss you so, so much. I can´t wait till I see your smile again. I know it´s impossible for you to come and visit me because of your uncle.

One day, I´ll be out of here again and we´ll be together. Together forever, babe. Just you and me.

They´re calling me. It´s lunch time or something like that.

I miss and love you so much, princesa.



Demi smiled big as she bring the letter close to her chest, feeling so happy.

“I guess it was a nice letter?” Marissa laughed. Demi gave her a death glare but then smiled.

“Yes, yes it was! I love him so much, Marissa…” Demi sighed as she let herself lay on the bed. Her eyes staring at the ceiling while she imagined his voice telling her how much he loved her.

“Can I sleep here?” Marissa asked. Demi laughed again. “Of course”


The next day, Joe woke up, took a shower and left the house, ready to go to the prison where Wilmer was.

“What the actual fuck are you doing here?” Wilmer asked once he saw Demi´s ex-boyfriend.

“Calm down, bro… I came to talk. I am really sorry for what I did and I know I don´t deserve your or Demi´s forgiveness but I have to tell the truth.”

For Wilmer and Joe´s good luck, Mr. De La Garza was there too so he joined the two men.

“Okay… Um… It was the day of the ball… And I was a little bit drunk… Jules talked to me and she talked me into doing that. She said that if Wilmer was not for her, neither he would be for Demi… So… Well, she wanted me to rape her and I did so… I didn´t really understand what was going on… But then the blame was on Wilmer and….” Joe looked at Wilmer. “Well, suddenly, you were stuck in here…”

Wilmer grunted.

“Idiot” He mumbled.

Joe nodded.

“You´re right. I am an idiot”

De La Garza had recorded it.

“Are you aware of the fact that it´s possible that you´ll end up in jail?” He asked the youngest guy.

“Yes. I don´t care. I love Demi so much… I just want her to be happy”

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