Chapter 44

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Paul and the blonde guy, who was called John, were talking to the students, letting them know what today's activity was going to be.

"I don't get it" Demi said into Marissa's ear. "It's like an expedition" Marissa replied. "Oh..." Demi mumbled.

They all grabbed their bags and started their way into the huge forest.

Wilmer was there too, near Jules, talking to her in a peaceful tone.

Demi felt confused and felt like he was avoiding her. She wondered why.

"Don't you think Wilmer is acting kinda weird?" Demi asked Selena. "I don't know. Why?" Selena looked at her friend who let out a sigh.

"It feels like he's trying to avoid me and... Look at him, he's talking to Jules..."

"So what?" Selena asked.

"He hardly ever talks to her... And if he does it's not like now..."

Selena and Demi looked at Wilmer and Jules who were now laughing.

"You see?"

"Yeah... Maybe... Maybe there's something going on" Selena said.

The girls got interrupted by an excited Marissa.

"Gosh, girls, you won't believe this but guess who wants me to be his expedition partner?" Marissa asked, squealing in excitement.

"Mmm... Ruben?" Demi tried. Marissa nodded her head energetically.

Selena and Demi laughed.

"That's amazing" They both said. Marissa gave them one last smile and left.

Demi sighed.

"You know? Sometimes I wish that Wilmer was my age..." Demi mumbled.

"Everything would be much easier to you two" Selena told her as they walked.

"I know..."

They kept walking for like 30 minutes, talking about silly things just to try to make Demi forget Wilmer for a while.

Again, someone interrupted them.

"Hello girls" An unfamiliar voice greeted them and, soon, there was a guy walking in between the two girls.

He was tall, his hair was black and kinda curly. He was pretty handsome.

"Um... hey?" Selena greeted back since Demi was not in the mood.

"What's your name, gorgeous?" He asked Selena.

Selena giggled.

"I'm Selena" She replied as her cheeks turned into a pink colour.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Derek" The guy said and started talking about something that Demi didn't listen anymore because she got lost in her own world.

Something was going too wrong.

She looked after her and saw that Wilmer was alone so she took her chance and ran up to him.

"Hey" She shily said. He gave her a smile. A fake one.

"Demi, hey" He replied and something in his voice let her know he felt nervous and maybe... guilty.

But why?

She did not have an answer.

"Wilmer? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Demi, please, back off. There's people here. They can see us" and after that, he walked away from her.

Demi felt the tears in her eyes but she held them in.

When she looked in front of her, she realized they had stopped to eat.

Great, she thought because she was really tired.

Demi looked for her friends.

Logan, Nick and Joe were laughing. Marissa was with Ruben, talking and Selena and Derek were... Kissing.

They were all too busy to notice her so she just sat on a stone.

A sigh escaped her lips and she could not stop the tears when she saw that Wilmer was laughing with Jules again.

She looked away, not wanting them to notice her tears.

She quickly wiped them away and stood up.

"Hey, Demi" Logan and Nick welcomed her. She smiled and sat down with them.

"Hey guys" she said and grabbed a sandwich while she kept gazing at her beloved teacher.

"So... Who's that guy that's enjoying Selena's lips?" Logan wanted to know in a funny tone of voice.

"I think his name is Derek" Demi replied. "You think?" Nick chuckled.

"Yeah, we've just met him" Demi said.

"Oh... weird" Logan added. "Yeah, I guess that Derek guy is a good seducer" Demi said and they laughed.

They started walking again and, suddenly, she found herself walking near Wilmer. And he was alone so she started talking to him.

"Wilmer, what the hell is wrong with you?" She directly asked him.

"Nothing" He harshly stated and, once again, avoided her eyes as they kept walking.

"You know what? I don't fucking believe you"

"I don't care if you believe me or not. Just leave me alone, yeah?"

As those words flew out of him, she couldn't help but stop him from walking as there was nobody behind them. They were all walking in front of Demi and Wilmer.

"What the heck are you doing?" He asked. Demi had grabbed him by his arm and didn't seem to want to let go of him anytime soon.

She wanted to talk to him.

"No, what the heck are YOU doing?" She asked back.

He looked away.

"Nothing" Once again, he said.

"Liar" She mumbled through her teeth.

"Come on, what is all this about?" He seemed confused but something told her that he knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I'm the one who needs to ask that. What is this about? Why are you avoiding me? Why do you talk to me like this?" She asked and let go of his arm.


He didn't say a word.

Wilmer just stayed quiet. Only some birds could be heard and the sound of a soft wind.

"Answer me" Demi demanded.

Again, silence.

"Answer me, Wilmer!" She yelled this time, getting on her nerves.

Wilmer avoided her eyes again, casuing her to take deep breaths to calm down.

"I just don't know what you're talking about." He said.

Demi swallowed, trying to fight her tears away.

"I don't understand you" She managed to whisper.

"I don't understand you either. You're getting very annoying and..."

He got cut off by Demi.

"Oh so now I'm annoying?"

"Yeah. Kinda" He replied.

Demi sighed as she didn't know what to do anymore...

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