Chapter 37

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"Demi! Demi! Wake up!" Marissa moved Demi's body.

Demi opened her eyes and found hersekf sweating and her heart was beating as crazy.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Selena asked her, giggling.

Demi didn't reply as she tried to calm her breathing down.

When Selena and Marissa saw how pale Demi was looking, they stopped giggling and sat by her side with a concerned look on their faces.

"Hey, Demz, are you alright?" Marissa asked while Selena rubbed her back.

Demi was still like in shock but, suddenly, she started crying.

"Hey, girl, what's wrong?" Selena asked, wrapping her arms around her trembling friend.

"I had... Had a... A..." Demi couldn't talk.

That nightmare seemed so real...

"A nightmare" She managed to say. Marissa joined the hug.

"They had put him in jail" Demi cried.

"Well, it was just a nightmare so there's nothing to worry about, baby girl. Wilmer is not in jail and he will never be" Marissa spoke and kissed Demi's wet cheek.

"And what if it happens?" Demi said. Selena wiped her tears away using the pads of her thumbs.

"It won't happen, Demi" Selena replied, giving her a comforting smile.

Someone entered the tent. It was a guy.

He was tall and thin. He was wearing green shorts and a white T-shirt. His hair was curly and brown.

"Good morning, girls" He said. Demi quickly wiped the rest of her tears away. "Hey" Marissa and Selena replied while Demi tried her voice to come out of her but it didn't.

"You have to be out of the tent in less than five minutes. Breakfast is served" The guy said and left them alone.

"Come on, Demz, get dressed and put a smile on that beautiful face of yours" Marissa said.

Demi got up and nodded her head.

"Just a nightmare" She mumbled to herself but her heart hurted when she pictures that awful nightmare in her mind again.

"Just a nightmare" She repeated.


Demi, Selena and Marissa entered a little wooden house where everybody was having breakfast.

Demi could feel how she calmed down when her eyes noticed Wilmer standing there. He looked as handsome as always with a kind smile on his lips. And he was talking to that guy who had entered her tent some minutes ago.

She let out a sigh of relief and sat on one of the chairs, next to her friends. In front of them were Nick, Logan and Ruben.

"Hello girls, had a good night?" Logan asked. "Yeah" the girls replied.

"Are you okay, Demz?" Ruben asked. "yeah, you look kinda pale" Nick added.

"Yes, I'm good. Thanks for asking though" She quickly replied and started eating.


"Demi!" Wilmer's voice caused her to turn around and look at him.

"Oh, hi Willy" She said, pulling a smile on her face.

"I just wanted to tell you that you look amazing" He told her.

"Aww, that's so cute" Demi said, feeling how her cheeks turned into a red colour.

"But I'm not wearing  anything special" She said and he caressed her arm, making sure that no one was looking at them.

"Those white shorts look beautiful on you" He told her.

She was about to reply but someone interrupted them. It was Jules.

"Hey, guys" She said and smiled. Demi tried to control herself and not slap her face.

"Wilmer, you have to come with me" Jules said and Demi couldn't help but send a death glare to Jules.

"Why?" Wilmer asked, kinda annoyed.

"Damian wants us to help him with something" She replied and sarcastically smiled at Demi who could feel the anger build itself in the inside of her heart.

"Oh... Okay" Wilmer mumbled. "Bye, Dem, see you later?" Demi gave him a silent nod and he walked away with Jules that immediately started talking about stupid things that made no sense to Wilmer.


Demi sighed and sat next to Marissa.

"Hey, Demz, wanna know something?" Marissa asked her. "Yeah" Demi replied.

"We're gonna ride some horses later today" Marissa said, excited.

"But I don't know how to ride a horse" Demi whined. "I'm sure Wilmer will help you so don't worry" Marissa said. Demi sighed again.

"Maybe..." And a smile popped on her lips when she imagined herself with Wilmer.

"I truly hate Jules" Demi said. Marissa laughed.

"Why?" She wanted to know.

"She's just so perfect and... She wants Wilmer... I don't understand why Wilmer is with me when he can be with someone like Jules" Demi spoke. Marissa got up and put herself in front of Demi.

"Shut up" Marissa said. "Shut the fuck up!" She added and slapped Demi's face.

"Auh" Demi whined as she put her hand on her hurted cheek.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Yes, Jules is gorgeous but he chose you and you are so beautiful! Don't you ever doubt about yourself. Wilmer loves you and not Jules. Do you hear me? NOT JULES. NOT THAT BITCH"

Marissa took a deep breath and sat kn the bench again.

"Do you feel better now?" Demi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, much better. What about you?" Marissa said.

Demk nodded her head.

"Yes, I feel better too" She mumbled.

"Good" Marissa added.

"Yeah, girl"

"We are weird" Marissa giggled. "I know. But it's a good thing" Demi giggled too.

"Dem?" Demi looked at her best friend. "What?"

"I love you, girlie" Marissa said.

Demi laughed and hugged her.

"I love you too, girlie" Demi said.

"Hey girls... What the fuck are you doing?" A confused Selena asked.

"Hugging" Demi replied as she parted her body from Marissa's.

"Yeah but why?" Selena wanted to know.

"Because... We love each other" Marissa said.

"Mm... Okay. Come on, we have to go" The girl added.

"Where?" Demi got up. "They're waiting for us, we're gonna ride some horses"

The three girls stsrted walking towards where the other students were.

As soon as Wilmer saw Demi, he smiled at her. Demi smiled back at him.

"Demi, why do you always smile at that teacher?" Ruben asked her.

Demi shook her head, getting rid of her inner thoughts.


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