Chapter 5

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"I can’t wait till tonight" Joe whispered in Demi’s ear while Wilmer was writing something on the board. Demi rolled her eyes but Joe didn’t notice it, he was focused on her lips. "Fine" She mumbled under her breath, not wanting to show Joe she didn’t want to be with him tonight.

"Oh, babe, come on, talk to me" said Joe, putting his big hand on hers but she quickly pulled her hand away from his touch. "Are you mad at me, Demi?" He asked, his voice wasn’t sweet or worried. It was kind of an angry voice. "You don’t have the right to be angry, girl, because I didn’t do anything wrong, okay?" Demi locked her eyes with his. "I’m not mad, Joe" She said and focused her gaze on Wilmer, who kept explaining and didn’t notice Demi and Joe’s little fight.

When the lesson was finished, Joe got up. “See you tonight and don’t you dare to forget it. You’re mine” He told Demi before leaving the classroom. Demi sighed and rubbed her face with her hands. She didn’t know this but Wilmer had heard Joe’s last words.

"Demi? Are you okay?" He asked her. She looked up at him and he could notice some tears in her eyes. "Yeah. I’m fine" She lied and gave him a fake smile. "I’m here if you need me, okay?" He told her. She nodded her head and Wilmer smiled at her before leaving the classroom.

The day quickly passed by and soon, Demi found herself in front of Joe’s bedroom. She was scared but she knew Joe would get angry if she didn’t go. And she didn’t want to know how an angry Joe was.

She took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Logan and Nick were already in her bedroom, laughing along with Marissa and Selena. She did not know how they were going to sleep because there weren’t enough beds.

"Oh, hi, babe… I was expecting you" Joe said and grabbed her hand softly to make her enter his bedroom. He closed the door behind Demi.

"So, how was your day?" He asked her, giving her a huge smile. It was a weird smile. "Fine. What about yours?" Joe laughed. "I couldn’t wait until now" He said, getting closer to her. Demi couldn’t help but walk away from him. "You know I love you, right?" He said when Demi’s back was against the cold wall. "I-I guess" She stuttered. Joe’s hands put themselves on her waist as his eyes looked her body.

"And… I love you too" She whispered, causing a smile on Joe’s lips. "Good" He said before attacking her lips with his.

Slowly, Joe pulled Demi to the bed, where they had sex.

[Next morning…]

Demi opened her eyes. She felt dizzy when she got up. Joe was by her side, naked and still sleeping. She felt so bad for having sex with him and she didn’t know why. He was her boyfriend, she shouldn’t feel bad at all. She got dressed with speed and left the room.

She ran towards her bedroom and enter it. It was very early in the morning, 6:00 AM.

Everyone was still asleep. Demi entered the bathroom and got rid of her clothes to then take a shower. She felt so dirty and, in the shower, her eyes let go silent tears. She cried because she didn’t want to have sex with her boyfriend. She wanted to make love for once but it never happened.

When she got out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her waist and put her body in front of the closet. She grabbed a clean uniform and put it on her trembling body.

She sat down on a chair and looked around her. Logan and Nick were both sleeping on her bed and she couldn’t help but giggle because they were pressed one against the other. She felt sorry for them.

She had nothing to do so she got bored. Demi decided to go for a walk through the gardens, wich were completely empty now but that was good since she wanted to be alone and think even though she thought a lot about Joe lately.

It was not very cold outside since it was only September. The sun was shining a little bit and some birds started singing their sweet melody. 

Demi kept walking, gazing to the ground.

"I must break up with him. He’s not doing anything good to me. On the contrary, he keeps stressing me and… I really need to break up with him… I just need to be brave and have the guts to tell him the truth, I can’t be with him anymore…" She told herself but, in the bottom of her heart, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to break up with him. She was too scared. Too scared and too insecure.

"Demi! What are you doing here?" Demi looked up and saw Wilmer walking up to her. Was he going for an early walk too?

"Oh, hi Wilmer… I’m just refreshing my mind before school begins. And you?" She started to find it really weird but amazing at the same time the fact that she always got to be alone with Wilmer.

"Same" Wilmer answered, smiling at her. "Wow, we are kind of alike" Demi joked, making Wilmer softly laugh. "I guess we are" He replied. "Well… I gotta go. See you later" He said. "See you later" Demi said back and he walked away, pulling up to the school.

Demi sighed, Wilmer was such a nice guy and such a good teacher. She wished she could hug him again and she wished he could tell her what she could do to break up with Joe. But for that, she needed to tell him about Joe and she didn’t want to do that.

[Next day…]

“Demi!” A voice behind the girl made her turn her body around. She could see a guy running up to her. “Demi!” They guy repeated, standing in front of her. It was Logan and he was panting. “Hi, Logan” She softly greeted him. “Hey…” He managed to say as he tried to catch his breath. “Wilmer… Is… Looking…” He cleared his throath. “He’s looking for you” A smile appeared on her lips. “Really?” She asked happily. “Yeah… Why would I lie about that?” Logan asked laughing. “I don’t know” Demi giggled. “Whatever, he’s at the library” Logan made her know and ran away.

Demi rolled her eyes at Logan and rushed towards the library.

She smiled big as she realised Wilmer was completely alone there.

She didn’t know why, but she really liked it when she got to be alone with him.

"Hey, Wilmer, Logan told me you needed me" She said, walking up to her spanish teacher. "Yeah, Logan was right" Wilmer giggled, making her giggle too. "So… What do you need me for?" She asked, showing him her glowing smile.

"Mm… I feel kinda embarrased by telling you this but I don’t have another option so… I just wanted to be with you" He admited, surprising her. "Aww, that’s cute, Mr. Valderrama" She said, taking a seat. Wilmer sat in front of her. "Yeah, I gotta do a lot of work and I hoped you could come and talk to me while I work." He told her, making her smile.

"Of course I can but… Don’t you have friends?" Demi asked. "No… I’m alone. You’re the only one who really talks to me" Wilmer admited. "Really?" Demi couldn’t believe him. He seemed to be that kind of guy who has lots of friends. "Really" Wilmer said, giggling at Demi’s reaction.

"Well… Then I am your new friend" Demi said. Wilmer smiled at the girl. "Thanks" He said, feeling pretty well with Demi being by his side, talking to him, making him laugh.

Actually, no one had been able to make him feel so happy like Demi. He guessed she was a special girl.

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