Chapter 4

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"Come on! Tell me about him! I’m curious, girl!" Demi smiled, ready to tell Miley everything she knew about the new teacher.

"So… He’s very handsome and nice… He… I don’t know, Miley! What do you want to know about him?" Demi intertwined her fingers and locked her brown eyes with the blue eyes of Miley. "Mm… Is he married?" Demi shook her head, making her know that Wilmer wasn’t married. "And he isn’t dating anyone. He doesn’t have children either" Demi let her know. "Oh, that’s good news" Miley commented. "Why?" Demi asked, surprised. "Because you like him" Miley winked at her and jumped off the bed.

"What? No, I don’t!" Demi replied. "We’ll see about that" And Miley entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her back.

"Ugh" Demi grunted and got out of her bed too to put her pajamas on.

"Like Wilmer… That’s ridiculous, isn’t it?" Demi asked herself. "He’s a teacher while I’m only a student. Why would I even think about liking him? Of course I don’t like him!" Demi kept talking to herself. "Besides, I’m dating Joe" .

Later that night…

Demi suddenly opened her eyes. It was dark in the room and she could hear the rain pouring on the roof of the school.

She gazed at the digital clock and realised it was 4:30 AM. She rubbed her face with both of her hands as she let out a quiet grunt. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips while she ran her fingers through her messy hair.

Demi sat up on the bed, she knew she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again.

Miley, sleeping on the bed that was next to Demi’s, didn’t notice she was awake. Demi looked at Miley, who had a smile on her lips. She was probably dreaming about something that made her happy.

Demi couldn’t help but think that Miley was dreaming about her boyfriend. Miley used to tell her about her beloved boyfriend; tell her how cute he always was, how caring he was when it was about Miley but all Demi could do when Miley told her all those things was feel jealous.

Damn, how much she wished that Joe was like that with her, that he would talk to her, get to know her darkest secrets, make her smile whenever she felt sad, make her believe she could go on fighting whenever she was about to give up. But Joe wasn’t like that and that made Demi want to cry. But she didn’t. She was just starting to hate him very badly.

She stood up and walked towards the window to look through it. Heavy water drops where pushed against the window by the restless wind. Demi hated this kind of nights, they reminded her about her parent’s death.

//11 years ago…//

It was raining cats and dogs outside, that’s why Demi’s parents decided to go by their own to the shops. Demi wanted to go with them but they refused by telling her she would get sick outside and that it was too cold and too wet so she stayed at home with Mrs. Ferrero, her neighbour.

The six year old girl had had a very strange feeling since her parents left home that evening. She told Mrs. Ferrero about this feeling but, obviously, the woman said it were just children fantasies and told Demi to stay at her room.

The girl went upstairs and entered her room. She sat on her bed, playing with her dolls until she fell asleep. When she woke up, she was not at her home anymore. She looked around her, feeling confused.

"Hey, Demetria" A voice said and when she turned around, her little brown eyes saw a man. "Uncle" She said with a quiet and soft voice. Somehow, she was a little bit scared of this situation. "Where am I? And where are mommy and daddy?" Little Demi wanted to know, holding her teddy bear in her arms. "They are away, little girl" Her uncle told her with a weird smile on his lips. "Where?" She tried again, feeling the tears fill up her eyes already. "Look, your parents had an accident and they’re dead now. You belong to me now, Demetria." The man speaked and hold her little and fragile hand in his big and strong hand.

Demi didn’t know how to react and neither didn’t she know how to feel or what to think. Now, her parents weren’t there with her anymore. She was alone.

"So, this will be your new room until I find a right place for you" Her uncle said, pushing her into the room. Demi remembered herself looking at the white walls, those walls weren’t her pink walls she had in her own room. Her princess posters, wich her dad had glued on the wall, weren’t there.

She let her tiny body hit the ground and, for the first time, she cried for her parents.

She cried even more when her uncle told her he had found a place for her and he let her know it wasn’t with him. That was when he brung her to this school where she still was now.


Demi shook her head, trying to get rid of those memories. She noticed that a tear had left her right eye and she immediatly wiped it away. She hated the fact that her parents had died and she didn’t even had the chance to see them before her uncle dragged her towards his home. She hadn’t even seen their funeral.

She wanted a hug so badly right now and, somehow, Wilmer’s face popped into her mind.

Demi imagined Wilmer’s strong arms wrapping around her body, holding her close to his body. If he did that, she would press her head against his chest and hear the rythm of his heart beat. She wanted to run out of her room to find Wilmer’s and get into his bed, sleep into his embrace. When she noticed what she was thinking about, she got angry with herself.

"He’s a teacher, remember Demi?" She asked herself, going back to her bed. "He’s a teacher. You’re a student. You can’t imagine things like that about him" Demi kept telling herself.


The alarm clock rang at 7:00 AM, it was too early but Demi wanted to be the first one to enter the Spanish classroom.

She made sure that Marissa and Selena didn’t wake up and took a very quick and silent shower. She got dressed and left the room.

Demi quickly had breakfast, at the canteen there wasn’t anyone but her and a guy who was studying while he drinked something that seemed to be milk or coffee.

She took her breakfast with speed, she didn’t eat a lot, and ran towards her Spanish classroom.

Wilmer wasn’t there yet, wich made Demi happy so she could surprise him when he arrived. She entered the classroom and sat herelf on her seat while she waited.

"Hi, Wilmer" She said with a huge smile on her lips when Wilmer entered the classroom. "Demi? What are you doing here? It’s too early" He said, putting his things on the table. "I woke up too early and couldn’t sleep again" She lied, not erasing the smile off her lips. "Um, okay, Demi" Wilmer said, smiling a little bit too.

"How did you sleep?" He asked her. "Pretty well" She replied. "What about you?" Wilmer nibbled on his lower lip. "I couldn’t sleep" He admited. "Oh… I couldn’t sleep on Saturday" Demi let him know. "It sucks when you’re tired but you can’t sleep… It’s kinda sarcastic too" Demi giggled, making Wilmer smile. "Yeah, you’re totally right, Demi"

Some guys entered the classroom then and one of those guys was Joe, who immediatly walked up to Demi and sat himself next to her.

"Hey, what are you doing? That’s Marissa’s place!" Demi whined but Joe gave her a gaze that told her to shut up. "I have the right to sit here if I want to" He said and noticed Wilmer was looking at him. "What?" Joe asked, looking at the older guy. "Nothing, Jonas" Wilmer rolled his eyes and sat on his chair, waiting for the other students to come.

"What about having sex tonight?" Joe whispered in her ear, making her feel uncomfortable. "Joe. No, I don’t want to." She mumbled, not wanting anyone to hear their conversation. "But you need to. I need you to give me sex, doll" Joe replied. "But…" Demi wanted to complain but Joe shut her up with a kiss.

It wasn’t a love kiss for sure, and Demi knew it. When Joe kissed her, she didn’t feel the butterflies flying all around her stomach at all. Instead, she felt kinda sick when Joe kissed her.

She pushed him away and realised Wilmer was gazing at her but he quickly obligued his eyes to focus on other things.

"At 9:00 PM in my room, yeah?" Joe said. Demi had no choice so she just nodded her head and kept silent till Marissa entered the classroom and looked surprised at her filled seat. "Joe…" She started but Joe didn’t pay attention to her so Marissa just sat by Selena’s side.

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