Chapter 1

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Hermione Granger woke up on a beautiful summer day thinking how wonderful her life is fantastic. She totally loves her friends and family and her relationship status is single.

If your wondering about Ron and Hermione relationship well here's what happened. Hermione found Ron cheating in Diagon Alley with the one and only Lavender fucking Brown. 

Hermione was so upset with Ron that she wouldn't talk to him for a month. Hermione told Ginny and Harry and took Hermione's side and came to her house and comforted her. 

Ginny told her mom Molly and let's just say Molly Weasley was beyond pissed at his own son would do that to Hermione. Hermione decided from that day on she would stay single until she is ready for another relationship.

Anyways Hermione went to bathroom and took a relaxing and refreshing shower. After Hermione's shower she went in her room and got dressed in a cute outfit then did her hair and finally did her makeup.

After Hermione finished doing her makeup and hair she went downstairs and had breakfast. She loved having breakfast with her family because they all talked about what they are doing or just have good old conversations.

During their family breakfast their was a knock on the door. "I wonder who that can be at the door?" Jean Granger said to her family. 

Hermione got out of her chair and said to her parents, "I'll go get it why you two continuing eating your breakfast."  Hermione opened the door and was so shocked to see at her front door. 

Right their at her own front door was the one and only potions master also known as Professor Severus Snape.  "Can I come in Miss. Granger?" Professor said to Hermione. Of course Hermione nodded her yes and let Snape inside.

Snape came inside and sat on the living room while Hermione shut the front door of the Granger household. "Is there that I can do Professor?" Hermione asked her Hogwarts professor.

"Yes of course can I ask you to get your parents so we can talk about something important." said Snape. Hermione nodded her head and went into dining room and got her parents.

A minute later Mrs. and Mr. Granger along with Hermione and came in the living sitting on some chairs. "Mr. and Mrs. Granger I was wondering if we should your 'daughter' something really important that might shock her?" Professor Snape said to Mr. and Mrs. Granger.

Paul and Jean Granger looked at their daughter with a worried look on their face hoping their 'daughter' doesn't get mad or worse yelled at them. Hermione cleared her throat and said clearing the awkward silence, "Mom dad what is the professor saying? Your scaring me."   

Jean felt sad when she say's a few words to her adoptive daughter, "Hermione I don't know how to put this, but your adopted." When Hermione's 'mom' said that to poor Hermione she was shocked.

Hermione was so shocked what her 'parents' said to her that she literally fainted on the cold hard floor. The last words she heard before she passed out was her name poor poor Hermione Granger.

A/N Hey everybody I hope you like this Dramione fan fiction. I dont know why, but after reading good fan fiction on google about Hermione being adopted and Snape being her daughter and I absolutely loved them. So I decided hey why not I write one. Anyways I hope You like this fan fiction and Please vote and comment on this chapter if you can.  

Also I don't own Harry Potter, but if I did I would of killed Umbridge I mean UmBitch in the 5th movie killed Pansy Parkinson and I would of put Draco and Hermione together.

Have a wonderful my wonderful readers xoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

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