Chapter 11

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A/N I do not own the wonderful Harry Potter Series I'm sorry. *Gets hit by food* Ow guys siruisly that fucking hurt. Okay who threw that *Everyone points to a random muggle.* Stupid muggles. Anyways Harry Potter is owned by She Who Must Not Be Named. Anyways enjoy the wonderful chapter.

It's September 1st and that means Hermione, Draco, Ginny, and Harry are going back to Hogwarts for their final year. Hermione put her head on Draco's lap because why the hell not people.

Anyways Harry brought up the topic of Gryffindor house. Hermione face went to a smile to a frown. "Hey 'Mione what's wrong?" Ginny asked her best friend. Hermione sat back up and held Draco's hand.

Hermione looked at her friends and said, "Oh I have to be resorted when we arrive at Hogwarts." That's when Ginny and Harry's face dropped with a sad smile. It was quiet for about 5 minutes and then Harry spoke up, "Hey Ginny and I will still be your friends no matter what Hogwarts House your in and that also includes Slytherin."

Hermione got off the seat that Draco and Hermione were sitting at and gave her friends Ginny and Harry a hug. She was beyond happy that her friends will be happy no matter what house she will be in. "See I told you babe you had nothing to worry about." Draco said to Hermione. Hermione just looked at him and just hit him playfully. Ginny and Harry were looking at the couple thinking how cute they are.

Anyways the Fierce Squad (A/N that's what I'm calling the group which Neville and Luna are a part of as well.) were talking about what they did over the summer and other stuff and then 15 minutes later a 2nd came in their cabin.

The 2nd year looked at Hermione and Draco stating that they have to go to the heads compartment. Hermione and Draco said thank you to the 2nd year and that they will go to the heads compartment in a minute. Draco and Hermione said good-bye to their friends and told them they will meet them at the carriages. Then they headed to the compartment.

When they arrived at the heads compartment and Headmistress McGonagall was not there. So they went inside anyways to wait for the headmistress. Hermione and Draco cuddled with each other and kissing each other every minute and a half.

As the lovely couple was cuddling with each other the compartment door opened. Their stood headmistress Professor McGonagall. The headmistress looked at the couple smiling and asked them, "So I'm guessing you two are a couple then?"

Hermione and Draco sat back up looked at her and then nodded to the headmistress. The couple then entwined their hands together. The professor then sat in front of them and started explaining what they need to do.

"So professor Dumbledore and I decided 3 years ago that you two will be heads when you guys take your final year." she started talking to the couple. "Anyways you guys will be in charge of organizing three different balls. A fall ball, a winter ball, and finally a spring ball. You are also allowed to take away house points and give them detention." She said as she was finishing talking.

The couple smiled and knew they were going to be an amazing heads this year. The professor looked at them and started talking again, "You will be sharing a common room this year as well which I see no problem seeing you as a couple." The couple was now more excited that they will share a common room.

The headmistress told Hermione that she will be resorted after the 1st years. Hermione said okay to the professor. After more explaining about what they needed to do the headmistress and left. Draco and Hermione laid down and started taking a nap on the whole train ride to Hogwarts.

Well Draco was still awake so he transfigured one of his parchment papers and turned it into a blanket. Draco put the blanket on Hermione so she wouldn't be cold. He started playing with her hair and then slowly started sleeping.

A/N  I hoped you enjoyed this wonderful chapter like I did. I hoped you liked my Siruis Black joke that I made before I started the chapter. Anyways I hope you have a good rest of the week and remember be amazing as ever. Hey Ron stop hogging all chicken. Okay I have to go I have to stop Ron from eating all the chicken.  Rememeber to vote and comment and have a good rest of the week.  Ron put that chicken down now. xoxoxo  ~Kyara A. 

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QOTD: What is your favorite food?

AOTD: Chicken Stir Fry or Chicken Tenders with Fries with a milkshake 

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