Chapter 10

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A/N I do not own Harry Potter sadly *cries while eating ice cream and listening to Adele and Sam Smith songs*  Anyways If I did the Malfoy's would be part of the Order of the Phoenix and Luicus would tell Draco to apolgize to the golden trio and tell Draco that he approves of him liking Hermione. #DRAMIONE4EVERBITCHES Anyways lets go on with the story shall we?


It's been two weeks since Hermione and Draco announced their relationship to their parents. Hermione also sent a letter to Ginny and Harry a picture of her true self and told them that she had news to tell them.

Anyways Draco and Hermione apparted to Diagon Alley to meet Ginny and Harry. Hermione would invite Ron, but that's okay they all hate Ron's guts anyways. Plus they started hating Ron when he cheated on poor Hermione Marie Elisabeth Snape.

Draco thought meeting Harry and Ginny at The Leaky Cauldron around noon. So when they arrived at The Leaky Cauldron they saw Harry and Ginny drinking a cold glass of butterbeer. So what Hermione did was she tapped Ginny on the shoulder to scare her and that's what Hermione did.

Ginny squealed for a second and then turned around and saw Hermione and Draco standing there. "OMG Hermione you look absolutely fantastic. Oh hello Malfoy." Ginny said to the pair. Hermione just smiled and hugged her best friends.

Harry looked at Hermione for a second and then said to her, "Not to be rude or anything, but why is Malfoy with you." Hermione was knew Harry was going to ask her this question, but she did however did answer it. "Oh um Ginny Harry he's just here with me as a friend." she said to her friends.

Ginny knew she was lying, because Hermione's nose was scrunching up, but decided to leave it behind. Anyways Draco explained everything why he was mean and everything and did say sorry to Ginny and Harry. Harry and Ginny did accept the apology and gave Draco a hug well Ginny did. Harry however shook hands with Draco and then gave each other a man hug or muggles call it a bro hug.

Harry also decided to end the Slytherin VS Gryffindor feud for good so the can form house unity. Ginny and Hermione were really excited when Harry declared that. The four left Leaky Cauldron and started their shopping for their Hogwarts supplies.

When they went Flourish and Blotts Ginny decided it was best to ask Hermione what is really going on between her and Draco. "Hey Hermione what is going on between you Draco if you don't me asking." Ginny asked her best friend. That's when Hermione Marie Elisabeth Snape started blushing madly.

"Oh well Draco and I are a couple." Hermione said to Ginny. Ginny started jumping up and down while squealing. She was hoping one day Draco and Hermione together which came true, and also she knew that her best friend Hermione and her former enemy Draco would be a cute ass couple.

After Flourish and Blotts the two couples continued walking around Diagon Alley and got to their rest of their school supplies. 45 minutes later they all went to get a bite to eat and a glass of refreshing butterbeer. "So Hermione do you know who is head boy and girl this year?" Harry asked Hermione.

Hermione smiled at Harry and said to him, "Yea I made Head girl this year, I don't know who is Head boy is." Draco was smiling like an idiot and started laughing and that caught everybody's full attention. "Why are you laughing Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy?" Hermione said to her boyfriend.

Draco held her hand and replied back, "You do know that I am Head boy this year right Mia?" Hermione was now and I quote beyond happy that her boyfriend was Head boy and that she is not sharing it with random stranger. "Are you beyond serious right now babe?" Hermione asked her boyfriend.

Draco nodded his head yes and smiled. Hermione got up and hugged and kissed him because now today is the best day of her entire life. Ginny and Harry congratulated them gave each other hugs and handshakes.

After eating their meal they all thought that it was best that it was time to leave. So they left the restaurant and said their goodbyes to each other. "Ready to go home sweetheart?" Draco asked Hermione. Hermione looked at him held his hand and nodded her yes to him. The apparted to Snape Manor so they can start packing for Hogwarts.

Severus Snape heard the kids in the living room giggling and laughing. "Hermione Draco are you home?" Snape asked his daughter and his godson. Hermione heard her dad asking if they are home so she answered, "Yea were upstairs packing for Hogwarts." Severus knew that he trusted his daughter and smiled.  

A/N Hey guys I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I am so happy that Ginny and Harry approve of Dramione like yas. Anyways like I always say remember to vote and comment and I would see you next week. xoxoxo ~Kyara A. 

Dramione picture/Gif of the day:

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QOTD: What is your favorite color(s)?

AOTD: Mine are pink, mint green, aqua, purple, green, and blue.

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