Chapter 4

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A/N I do not own the Harry Potter sorry. I'm just a 20 year old girl with no life and obsessed with many fandoms. Also I just ship Dramione and Feltson so much. See this  why I have no life. Anyways lets start the story shall we?

Previously on Snape's My Father?!?: 

  When Hermione came halfway downstairs and saw blonde. 'Crap' she thought to herself. 'That can only be narrow down to two people.' she thought. The Lovegoods or the....  


'Shit ' she thought to herself its the goddamn Malfoys. Hermione was beyond pissed when she saw the Malfoys. She can handle Narcissa Malfoy, but Lucius and Draco on the other hand that's a whole different story. 

Hermione didn't want to see these three until later in , but that plan failed. Hermione coughed and her father and the Malfoys looked at her. "Hello Granger what the hell are you doing here?" Draco asked her. 

'Okay what the fuck Draco.' she thought to herself. Then she said to that foul git, "I live here now you daft dimbo." Draco was thinking to himself 'yeah right.' Snape cleared his throat and said to Draco, "Draco if you let me explain I will tell you." 

Draco nodded his head and let his godfather continue talking. " Draco this may come in a shock, but Hermione here is my daughter." Snape said to his godson. Draco's mouth dropped he was absolutely speechless. 

Hermione actually giggled at Draco's reaction/face and got angry at her father. Hermione looked at her father and said to him, "Why didn't you tell me that the Malfoys were coming over for dinner?"  

She was absolutely furious that her father didn't her this morning when she came home. Snape on the other hand felt bad he was going to tell her, but he wanted to let her get settled before he told her anything. 

"I am so sorry 'Mione I totally forgot to tell you. I just wanted totally forgot and I wanted to let you get settled before I tell you anything. Please forgive me daughter of mine?" Snape asked his daughter hoping for forgiveness. 

Hermione knew he was totally telling the truth so what she did was give him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. "I forgive you daddy you  were just excited that I was coming home with you." Hermione said to her father knowing she cant stay mad at her father forever.

Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy came over to Hermione can forgive them. Severus whispered in her ear and said, "Narcissa and Lucius are your godparents so try to forgive them for me." Hermione looked at her godparents and then her father and nodded her head at her father.

"Hermione would you do us the greatest honor and forgive my wife and I? I can't speak for Draco, but what you didn't know about us is that we were part of the Order. No one knew that expect your father. So can you find it in your heart that you can forgive us?" Lucius said to Hermione.

Hermione was speechless, but was still confused why the Malfoys were treating her like utter shit. Hermione spoke and said, "I forgive you, but I just have one question why did you guys treat me like utter shit half of my life?" Narcissa smile and said, " We knew about you, but your father here told us that we had to act like we had to hate you. In reality we didn't it broke our hearts when we called you that nasty word."  

Hermione started crying and ran to her godparents. Narcissa and her husband hugged her back and cooed her saying everything will be okay. Hermione looked at her godparents thinking now her life is almost perfect. 

Hermione hoping that her crush Draco Malfoy would grow a pair and say sorry to her. Yes it is true Hermione has a crush on her hopefully former enemy.  Lets just say she had a crush on him since she punched Draco right in the nose in their 3rd year.

Draco thought to himself  'Okay Draco be a man and say sorry to her.'  He knew a perfect time to say sorry to her was right now. He also knew that if he says sorry to his long time crush she would accept it.  'Why is saying sorry to my crush since first year so hard ? I should of said sorry to her back in 2nd year,'  He thought to himself. 

Thanks for reading my fellow readers. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I do and I write this damn shit. This chapter in my opinion is shitty. If your thinking Kyara your work is amazing.  Everybody is entitled to their own opinion just saying. Anyways remember to vote and comment. Have a wonderful rest of the week. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A 

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now