Chapter 37

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A/N: Hey my favorite followers and my favorite how are you all doing today?!? I am doing good if your wondering. If wondering I'm not happy, its because I do not own the Harry Potter series.  I however own the plot of the series and that is it sadly. Anyways lets continue this story shall we?!?

Song Of The Chapter: So Bad by Alexander Jean

Its been two months since Lyra was born and both Hermione and Draco just realized that they have to go back to classes in two months time. The couple isn't happy about it, but they are happy that they finish classes in 3 months. 

Draco thought it was good enough to purpose to Hermione tonight. He got permission from his godfather aka Severus Snape also known as Hermione's father. Draco also got permission from Jean and Paul Granger, Hermione's adoptive parents. 

Anyways the couple was in the head dorms doing their homework, while Lyra Elisabeth Rose was in her play pin taking a nap.  "Hey my favorite family what's up?!?" Harry asked his friends as he came into the heads dorm. 

Hermione just smiled and said back to her friend, "Nothing really just doing homework want to join us?" Harry nodded his head yes and sat down on the other couch and started doing his homework with the couple. 

Fifteen minutes later Lyra woke up crying and Hermione being the good mother she is, she stopped doing her homework and got up to get her crying daughter. That's when Draco showed Harry the engagement ring while Hermione was feeding and changing her daughter.

"That's beautiful when are you going to purpose to her?" Harry asked his best friend. Draco just smiled as he put the ring away and said to his friend, "I'm going to purpose to her tonight during dinner in the great hall." That's when both friends hugged each other and continued their homework. 

35 minutes later Hermione came back to the common room with Lyra sleeping in her arms. Draco took this chance to take his daughter into his arms. Hermione took this chance to finish her homework. 

After Hermione finished her homework the couple plus Harry and Lyra went to the Great Hall for dinner. Lyra was sleeping in her father's arms on her arms as they were going the Great Hall. After 15 minutes of walking Harry and his friends and Lyra finally arrived to the Great Hall for dinner.

As the three best friends sat down with Lyra in Hermione's in Severus arms Draco thought it was best to purpose to Hermione now instead of later. So Draco got down on one knee in front of Hermione and said, "Hermione I have loved you since first year when I thought you were a Muggleborn and since to this day. We have an amazing beautiful daughter and cant wait have more in the future. What I'm trying to say is Will you marry me Hermione Marie Elisabeth Snape?" 

Hermione just started crying with so much tears of joy and said to Draco, "Yes Draco I will marry you." Draco put the ring on her finger and kissed her with love. Everybody in the great hall started clapping for the happy couple even the Slytherins. Hermione and Draco knew that they were going to have a happy future and couldn't wait. 

A/N: That my wonderful readers is the end of this chapter. Who else is happy for Draco and Hermione I know I am because I wrote it for you all. Anyways I hope you have wonderful day and amazing week. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A. 

Dramione Pic/GIF/Video of the Day: 

QOTD: Do you watch Dramione Edits?!?

AOTD: Yes I do its my favorite thing on YouTube. 

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now