Chapter 35

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A/N Hey my favorite readers that love my fan fiction. I have some news for you all. I don't own the amazing Harry Potter series nor franchise. Anyways lets continue this special chapter shall we?!?

It has been a long two months that have gone by for Hermione, which means Hermione is officially 9 months pregnant and due at anytime. Draco is officially excused from classes baby Lyra is around 4 months old.

Severus Snape is not teaching classes for awhile and the Minster of Magic and McGonagall were totally fine with that. The other reason why Draco and Severus took time off is so they can keep a close eye on Hermione with the help of Narcissa.

Hermione's adoptive parents Jean and Paul Granger were brought to Hogwarts two weeks ago by Lucius Malfoy who also stayed as well. The only downside of all this is Hermione missing her friends.

She wishes that her and Draco's friends were out of classes for a while, like her and Draco. That's when Draco got an idea and promised Hermione that he would send a Patronus to their friends when she has contractions.

It was 8am in the morning and Hermione woke up and started feeling pain in her stomach. She ignored it and went back to sleep. Thirty minutes Hermione woke up again and this time the pain in her stomach was worse.

Hermione woke up Draco and said to him, "Draco baby alert everyone I'm having bad contractions that hurt like a bitch." That's when Draco got of bed and started sending Patronus from left to right.

15 minutes later Severus, Harry, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Lucius, Narcissa, Madam Promfrey, McGonagall, and of course the Grangers came into Draco's room and saw Hermione crying in pain and Draco doing his best to calm Hermione down.

Severus Jean and Narcissa went over to Hermione encouraging her that everything is going to be okay. Madam Promfrey went over to Hermione to see if she actually having contractions. "Well Miss. Snape you are in fact having contractions just walk around the common room until your water breaks." Madam Promfrey said to Hermione.

Hermione nodded her head and carefully got of the bed with the help of Draco and went to the common room. Hermione started walking around and said hi to everyone and continued walking.

Three hours later Hermione's water finally broke and started screaming in pain. Draco escorted Hermione to the head's bathroom and gently put in her the warm water. "Draco baby please get my father, Narcissa, and Jean please." Hermione said to her boyfriend.

Draco nodded his head and got his uncle Severus, his mother and Jean and told them to come in the bathroom and they did. Three minutes later they all came into the bathroom supporting Hermione.

Madam Promfrey got everything ready for when Lyra comes into the world. Draco got in the tub and sat behind Hermione holding one of her hands. Severus took Hermione's other hand and kissed her forehead.

Madam Promfrey checked Hermione to see if Lyra is ready to see the world. "Well it looks like baby Malfoy is ready to see her parents." Madam Promfrey said. Everyone got excited especially Hermione and Draco.

Its been ten long hours and Hermione has one last push left, but doesn't have enough strength to push anymore. "Draco I can't do this anymore it hurts I just want her here already." Hermione said to Draco.

Draco frowned at this at what Hermione said, "Hermione don't you dare say that you can do this I know you can. I also want Lyra here as well, but your going to have push really hard if you want Lyra in your arms."

Hermione nodded her head and pushed all her might to see her little girl. After 11 hours of labor, pushing, and screaming Lyra Elisabeth Rose Malfoy finally came to the world. "Its a girl." Madam Promfrey said to Hermione.

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now