Chapter 43 {The Actual Wedding}

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A/N: Hey my wonderful readers It's KyaraTheDisneyQueen aka Kyara and here's the chapter your all waiting for the wedding of Draco and Hermione aka Dramione. Anyways as you all know I do not own the Harry Potter Series. I however own the plot of this book. Anyways lets continue this book shall we?!?

Song Of The Chapter: You Are My Life by Michael Jackson

Now it is time for the wedding to begin, and Hermione and Draco are now freaking out, but happy their finally getting married. Hermione's father came inside to Hermione's room on the North side of the Malfoy Manor.

"Wow you look absolutely beautiful darling." Severus said to his daughter. Hermione just smiled and hugged her father. Hermione's bridesmaids are on the downstairs stairs with the groomsmen waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Hermione Marie Elisabeth Snape was with her father who was helping her daughter taking her final breath before the music started. Meanwhile with Draco he was outside on the gazebo outside in the garden with the Minister of Magic, his parents, and Hermione's adoptive parents waiting for the music to start.

Three minutes later the music was starting and that meant the wedding has begun. Out came the groomsmen and bridesmaids walking out to the garden going to the gazebo. Next came out little Lyra being the cutest the little flower girl ever. She did however had help down the aisle with the help of Neville Longbottom.

Finally the moment that Draco has been waiting for, seeing his true love walking the aisle with her father. When Hermione faced Draco she smiled at him and they whispered their 'I love you' to each other making them smile.

Kingsley the minister of magic started the wedding like any other wedding until he got to the vows part. He asked Draco and Hermione to start saying their vows to each other which they started getting nervous , but fine.

Draco cleared his throat and started saying his vows to Hermione, "Hermione when I first met you at Hogwarts at the age of eleven I thought you were this bookworm beaver, but as we got older I fell in love with you more and more. The day you punched me in the face in 3rd year was the year I finally respected you. When we were about to start our final year at Hogwarts I found out that you were my godfathers daughter I knew that was the day I had to ask you out. I just have to say thank you for giving a wonderful princess that is our daughter. I love you so much Hermione."

Hermione started crying with tears of joy she didn't care that her makeup was running down her face at all. Draco used one of his hands and started wiping her tears away, which made Hermione love Draco even more.

Now it was Hermione's turn to say her vows to Draco, so she cleared her throat and said, "Draco the day I met you at Hogwarts I thought you were the cutest thing in earth, but when you started acted like a prick to Harry I said to myself he's an ignorant little prick. When third year came and wanted Buckbeak dead that was the day I punched you in straight in the nose which I am very sorry to this day. When I met you at my dads house I thought you were going to be this same old prick I grew up with, but lucky you weren't. That was the day I love you when you protect me when Ginny sent that letter. When we were at Hogwarts you became friends with Neville and Luna when I made friends with Pansy Blaise and Theo. The day we found out I was pregnant with Lyra was the happiest day in my life. She is our little angel and always will be I love you so much, and I cannot wait to have more kids with you and grow old with you."

Draco was now in tears as are everyone else which was tear feast. After the vows and everyone calmed down with tears Kingsley said the words to Draco the words he was waiting for you may kiss the bride.

That's when Draco grabbed Hermione dipped her and kissed her passionately. The crowd got out of their seats and started cheering and clapping for the happy newlywed couple. Draco and Hermione finished kissing and started walking down the aisle with Lyra.

A/N: That is where I am going to end this lovely chapter I hope you like this chapter as much I like writing this for you all. A little announcement for you all I decided to write 44 chapters and then make chapter 45 an epilogue because my creative juices are running low for this book since I have been working on this for over a year. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

Dramione Pic/GIF/Video of the day:

QOTD: Do you like Michael Jackson?!?

AOTD: HELL YEA I do he's the freaking King of Pop yo.

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