Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I I do not own the wonderful series of Harry Potter I just own the plot of this story of which I am proud of. Anyways let's get on with the story shall we.

Hermione and Draco walked into potions class and saw something very generous what their friends did for them. Harry, Ginny, Neville and Luna decided to be the nice friends they were and save them some seats for Draco and Hermione.

When the lovely couple Dramione that is and sat down by the people who saved them the seats. While they were waiting for Professor Snape the lovely fierce squad were talking about what they want to want to do after they graduate from Hogwarts.

Harry told the group that he wants to be an auror while Ginny wants be part of a famous quidditch team. Neville told the group that he wants to be a Herbology professor since he loves everything about the subject.

While Luna, Hermione, and Draco are literally undecided for what they want to do after Hogwarts. Right at that time professor Snape aka Hermione's father, came in and started talking to the class.

"Okay class today we are making a love potion also known as Amortentia you may pick your own partner for this lesson. The instructions are on page 394 you may begin." Snape said to his fellow students.

So Ginny and Harry paired up together, Neville and Luna paired up together and finally Hermione and Draco paired up together. So right after everyone got their partners they all started working on the potion.

Halfway through the class Hermione and Draco were the first ones to finished. Draco raised his hand and said to his godfather, "Professor Hermione and I have finished." So Snape walked over to his godson and his only daughter.

The professor looked at the potion and knew that have officially brew the potion correct. "Good job Hermione and Draco. Write down what you smell turn it in to me and then you can leave class." Severus Snape said to the couple.

So that's what Draco and Hermione did. Hermione wrote down what she smelt and that was apple shampoo, cologne, and spearmint toothpaste. Hermione had smelt her boyfriend Draco Lucius Malfoy.

While Draco on the other hand smelt his girlfriend Hermione Marie Elisabeth Snape. The things that he smelt in the potion was watermelon shampoo, fruity perfume, and roses. He actually liked how his girlfriend smelt.

Draco and Hermione had finished up writing what they had smelt. They then turned in their papers and then left the class. "So who did you smell?" Hermione asked her boyfriend. Draco looked at her and then said, "Oh I smelt you my wonderful girlfriend. What about you babe?"

Hermione looked down at her feet for a second and looked back up and then said, "I smelt you my amazing sexy boyfriend." That's when the couple realizes they were completely in love with each other all over again.

Hey my wonderful readers I hope you enjoy this wonderful chapter I am beyond excited that I am writing this for you. What did you think about the Amortentia potion that I wrote for this chapter? Anyways I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week and remember stay beautiful and awesome. Also remember to vote as well. xoxoxo ~Kyara A.

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Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now