Chapter 7

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A/N I do not own Harry Potter I just own this plot sadly. Anyways on with the story shall we? Also eat food like Ron Weasley while your reading this because why not.

Hermione was still crying in Draco's arms after she read the letter that Ginny sent her earlier. Draco was rubbing her back with one hand and the other hand was playing with her hair. Draco did feel really bad for his crush.

"It's okay Mione I won't let that stupid weasel near you or touch you I promise you." Draco whispered in her ear. Hermione stopped crying in his arms and wiped her tears and nodded her head agreeing to what Draco have just said.

On the other hand Hermione was confused why Draco was being nice to her although he did apologize to earlier today. "Hey Draco can I ask you something?" she asked Draco. Draco looked at her and nodded his head with approval.

Hermione continued talking and said to him, "I know you apologized to me earlier today, but why are you being nice to me?" This question shocked Draco, but he knew that he had to tell Hermione the truth.

"Do want to know why I am being nice to you?" Draco asked Hermione. Hermione nodded her head yes hoping for a reasonable answer. Draco spoke again and said, "This is why Hermione Marie Elisabeth Snape." that's when Draco Lucius Malfoy leaned in and kissed his crush Hermione Marie Elisabeth Snape.

Hermione was absolutely shocked that her crush Draco Malfoy kissed her. Of course she was confused for a few seconds, but she decided hey what the hell respond to damn kiss and that's exactly what she did.

Hermione put her arms around Draco's neck while Draco put his arms around her waist. Their kiss was full of passion and love obviously like duh people. After a heated three minute kiss they pulled back with no words to say to each other.

It was silent too silent like if your in the library kind of silent and to be honest they both hated silent. Draco cleared his throat and started talking to clear the awkward silence, "That was why Hermione. I had a crush on you since our first year and I still do to this day and was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend?" he obviously said pouring out his feeling's to her.

Hermione smiled and started kissing Draco on the lips again. He knew the answer, but just in case he's going to ask if that was her answer. "So is that a yes?" he asked her. She nodded her head and then said, " It is a yes Draco I had a crush on you since our 3rd year I would love to be your girlfriend."

Draco was beyond happy no scratch that he was beyond excited that is crush Hermione Marie Elisabeth Snape said yes to him and agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend which made him more excited. He and Hermione were cuddling with each other and holding each other's hand which is so adorable.

Hermione was thinking now how her life is now perfect. She is now living with her real father who also known as Severus Snape the Potion's Master. Her Godparents Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy never actually hated her and were spies for the Order of the Phoenix. Finally she is in a relationship with her former bully, but secretly her crush.

Hermione was smiling at her boyfriend while remembering in their 3rd year while Draco was playing with her hair. Draco looked at her and then asked her, "What are you smiling about Missy?" Hermione looked at him and said, "Oh I was remembering when I punched you in the nose in 3rd."

Draco shivered at that memory when he thought of it. "That bloody hurt by the way 'Mione, but I totally deserved it when I was a total jackass to you." Draco said to his wonderful girlfriend. She did however feel bad about now whenever she looks at him.

"I truly sorry about it now, but liked you said you did deserved it back then." Hermione said to him. Draco hugged his girlfriend tightly not wanting to let go of her then kissed her forehead. "Its okay baby girl I totally forgive it's in the past and let's leave it in the past okay." Draco said to her.

Hermione nodded her head snuggled her head in his chest. Draco thought to himself 'How the hell did I get so damn lucky to date her?" He put his head on Hermione's head for a few minutes. He then lifted her chin so she can look at him and that's what she did.

Draco put his lips on hers and started kissing her. Hermione responded to kiss and thinking how Draco was a better kisser than Ron not that she comparing them or anything. Their kiss is like this first they feel fireworks and then they feel like they are the only two people on the world.

OMFG THEY FINALLY KISSED AND OFFICIALLY AN ITEM!!!!!!! I am truly sorry for making you wait this long to have Draco asked out Hermione out. *Runs for cover* Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter like I do. Remember to vote and comment as always. Have a good rest of your day and enjoy this picture of Dramione below here. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

QOTD: Dramione or Drarry?

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QOTD: Dramione or Drarry?

AOTD: Dramione. I totally ship Drarry after Dramione.

P.S. That picture of Dramione is so DAMN CUTE. Although that gif above tho things are getting on fire. Okay okay I'm leaving dont throw any food at me Ron would be so mad at you just saying *ducks for cover.*

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